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15 Reasons To Not Be Ignoring Wall Mount Electric Fireplaces
Wall Mount Electric Fireplaces

Wall-mounted electric fireplaces provide a warm, welcoming ambience to your home without the hassles of cleaning chimneys, ash, or buying stacking, transporting, and storing coal or firewood. They also offer a safer alternative to conventional fireplaces and don't block the floor space or trip people up as they walk through the room.


If you like the look of a traditional fireplace but do not have room for a huge chimney and hearth, a wall mount electric fireplace is a chic alternative. These fireplaces free up floor space by mounting on a flat surface. They plug into an electrical outlet to allow for year-round use. The majority of models have a remote control that allows for simple switch-off and on. Some also feature decorative embers and a flame display that's surprisingly realistic. You can find these models in a wide range of sizes and designs.

The majority of electric fireplaces mounted on walls are slim. However there are large linear options that span across the entire wall. These are great for rooms with low ceilings, and they can create a cozy focal piece that doesn't require much space.

Electric fireplaces can also be mounted on flat walls, just as a wood fire. They are available in frames in a variety of colors that range from black to stainless steel and mirrored glass. Choose a frame color that is compatible with your existing furniture or wall. Some models also include flat-screen televisions to make them an all-in-one entertainment system.

Many people prefer to place their television above their electric fireplace. This is a good option however, be aware of the rules for clearance between the TV and the electric fireplace. According to the most common clearance guidelines, all combustibles need to be kept at least three feet away from the fireplace.

Some of these units can be recessed into walls to create a bespoke fit. This kind of fireplace may not be as efficient as a straight-front wall mount but it is perfect for a custom-designed installation. There are also electric fireplaces that are designed to be mounted on the wall and then hung against the ceiling. These units are best for commercial spaces like restaurants or hotel lobbies.

A lot of these models come with different settings for heat output, which you can change according to the season. Some models can be turned off so that you can use them all year round without losing the appealing flame effect. Some have a no-heat setting that just warms the area surrounding it for extra comfort. These are great features for homes with pets and children, as the fireplace doesn't produce any heat.

Flame Effects

Electric fireplaces typically come with various flame effects that are designed to mimic real fire. These features are typically combined with an LED background to give a more realistic look that is easy to blend into various styles of interior decoration. You can also alter the intensity and color of the flame according to your mood or atmosphere of the room.

Another option for flame effects is to use a chemical effect that mimics the behavior of a natural gas flame. These units make use of the use of a chemical liquid that is heated within the unit to produce fire. These units can be messy and require lots of maintenance.

Plasma flame effects are a viable alternative to chemical flames. They are made up of small particles which glow and flicker, simulating the appearance of an actual flame. This type of simulated fire can look fake and not as appealing as other alternatives.

There are wall mounted electric fire places that feature a realistic log set and holographic flame projections that give a realistic appearance. They are typically finished in wood or rust that blends well with traditional interior designs. They can also be put in recesses for a more customized appearance that can blend into a variety of wall designs.

The size of your space and your personal preferences will determine the model you choose. For rooms that are larger, you'll want to choose a bigger model that will fill the space without making it appear empty. A compact or mini model is ideal for a smaller room. There is also a wide range of surround and frame options for these fireplaces to match your decor. For example the AL45CLX2-G wall-mount fireplace from Ambiance is available in a variety of finishes, including flat black metal, and standard black glass that fits into most 2 x 4 walls.


Wall mount electric fireplaces provide many styles and function without the difficulty of installing an actual fireplace. There is no need to engage an electrician or fret about running gas through your home. However there are a few things to consider when selecting a wall mounted electric fireplace.

The venting system is one the biggest differences between wall-mounted fireplaces as well as freestanding ones. Most wall-mounted units don't have a vent in the back. This is due to the fact that the majority of the heat gets from the top of the fireplace. It can be dangerous if a fireplace is not vented properly. It is essential to look up reviews before buying the unit.

Flame effects are another major difference between wall mounted and freestanding fireplaces. While freestanding fireplaces typically have LED screens and rotisserie style lights, wall-mounted units use mist and other modern technology to create the illusion of smoke and flames. Dimplex, for instance, has a line of fireplaces that utilize ultrasonics to create the illusion of fire.

Certain wall-mounted electric fireplaces can be recessed partially into the wall, and this permits them to be put in within tight areas where traditional fireplaces would not fit. This helps them blend into a wide variety of interior styles.

Some wall-mounted electric fire places feature multi-view, while others are only front-view. They are typically a bigger than the single-view versions and permit you to view the flames from two or more sides of the room.


As the name suggests the wall mount electric fireplaces are designed to be fixed on the wall, usually with a bracket for mounting. The method of installation differs between models, but is generally straightforward. Some are attached to the wall and screwed in, while others may require you to build an enclosure around them prior to installing them on the wall. In either situation, it's essential to carefully follow the instructions that come with the fire, making sure the framed opening is correctly sized and positioning the unit according to any safety guidelines.

The first step is to choose a suitable location for the fireplace, taking into consideration the design of the room and the furniture you have. It's also important to ensure that the location is close to a power source or that you're willing to let an electrician move a plug socket for you (if there's one there already).

Once you've found a good place to position the fireplace, prepare the space by clearing it, removing any existing furniture and then preparing the wall. This could involve taking away any decorations or wallpaper as well as finding and marking any studs with the help of a studfinder.

The brackets that are used for wall-mounted electric fireplaces come with a template to drill holes. You can use this template to mark the position on the wall where they will be installed. After you've marked the wall's locations and drilled the holes. Then install the rawl plugs. As a rule, the heater, which sits in front of the fireplace, and produces heat, should be at least 400mm away from any combustible materials, like fabric.

After drilling the holes, you'll need to attach the mounting bracket. Depending on the model, some will require that you attach the firebox to the bracket, while others will require you to install the entire fireplace onto the bracket prior to installing the screen. In either case, it's important to follow the installation instructions exactly to avoid damaging your new appliance. Once the fireplace is set, plug it in and test it to ensure it's working as intended.

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