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Road Trips, Getting Directions, and Goal Setting
uhr rolex

Setting goals is an important skill to have. If you can set high-quality, meaningful goals, you can take yourself anywhere you want in life. But, there’s a catch. If you set the wrong goals, they can lead you to failure. Luckily, you are reading this — an article all about setting goals. You will learn about the problem with not setting goals for yourself, what setting goals can do for you, and my three principles for setting high-quality goals. If you read this to the end and follow the steps I show you, you will be well on your way to success.
Imagine you are driving a car around a town you are unfamiliar with, and you want to go to the grocery store to get some food. The issue is, you don’t know where you are going. The roads in this town, unfortunately, are unmarked, you have no paper map or phone to show you around, and it’s late at night. No one is awake right now to tell you where to go. How long do you think it will take you to get to the grocery store without knowing how to get there? This is what it is like living your life without setting goals. You are traveling the roads, trying to get to your destination, without any real direction or knowledge on how to get there. This example illustrates this well and puts into perspective how important goal setting is.
Now imagine that there is someone awake in this town who gives you directions to the grocery store. Yes, they did give you directions on how to get there, but this person has a trick up their sleeve. They didn’t give you the fastest route to get to the store. Their route takes you all around town before you arrive at your destination. If your goal is low quality, something similar will happen to you. You will have directions to get to your destination, but your directions will be convoluted and inefficient. You will follow your goal and eventually meet it, but it will take you much longer than you would hope.
So, now you know what happens when you either don’t set goals, or set bad goals. Now, let me tell you how to set good ones.
Principle 1: Goals should be time-oriented.
If you were to leave on a road trip, you would want to know when you need to arrive, as well as how long it will take you to get there so you can leave on time. This is the same when setting goals. You need to define a specific start and end date for your goal, or else it will be left to your best guess. If you didn’t know that a road trip was going to take you two days, and you left two hours before you needed to be there, it would be a pretty bad situation. The same idea applies to goal setting. If a goal has to be completed in the next week, and you need two months to succeed, you won’t.
Principle 2: The success of your goal should be completely in your control.
You are back in the town you do not know, trying to get to the grocery store. But, something is different this time. Now, someone else who you don’t know is driving you. They could be taking you to the store, or they could be taking you to the next town over just to leave you on the side of the road. My point is that when you let the success of your goal be determined by other people, it may or may not end well for you. For example, if my goal was to get 10,000 followers on Instagram by the end of 2024, the success of this goal would be influenced by other people. This takes the success of my goal out of my control and puts it in the control of random Instagram users who may or may not reach my goal for me.
Principle 3: Goals should be BIG (but attainable)
How pointless would it be to make a meticulously planned route to go to the grocery store? It would be equally as ridiculous to use a similar route to drive across the Atlantic Ocean. A reasonable use of a route like this would be to go on a road trip a few states away and enjoy the time with whoever you bring along. Goal setting is just like this. You don’t want to set a super detailed goal just for something that you can easily accomplish. On the contrary, you also don’t want to set a super detailed goal for something that you will never accomplish. Both will leave you feeling frustrated. You should make your goals big, but you should also make them something that you could see yourself accomplishing, just like a big road trip. Small goals are also important but should be used as checkpoints instead of the main focus. Small goals are like rest stops along your road trip. Sure, taking a rest stop at mile marker 257 will help you get through the long drive, but taking a rest stop at mile marker 257 is not your end goal.
Now that you know my three principles for setting goals, I encourage you to plan a road trip of your own. Take these three rules, write them down, and make 3–5 goals that you can accomplish in the next year. It can be about literally anything, except for drugs. Don’t do drugs. Next, tape these goals up somewhere you will see them every single day. This is like putting your route into your car’s GPS. It ensures that you never lose focus on your destination.

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