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X-men Reading Order
* X-Men Season 1
* X-Men First Class S1
* X-Men First Class Special (2008)
* X-Men First Class S2
* Giant Size X-Men: First Class
* Emma Frost 1-18
* X-Men First Class: Finals 1-4
* Classic X-Men 1-44
* X-Men First Class Special (2009)
* Phoenix Saga
* X-Men S1 101-108
* X-Men S1 109
* Uncanny X-Men First Class 1-8
* Uncanny X-Men S1 110-122
* Uncanny X-Men S1 Annual 3
* Uncanny X-Men S1 123-128
* Dark Phoenix Saga
* Uncanny X-Men S1 129-138
* Uncanny X-Men S1 Annual 4
* Uncanny X-Men S1 139-140
* Days of Futures Past
* Uncanny X-Men S1 141-142
* Uncanny X-Men S1 143-150
* Uncanny X-Men S1 Annual 5
* Avengers Annual 10
* Uncanny X-Men S151-153
* Weapon X First Class 1-3
* Uncanny X-Men S1 154-160
* Magik S1 1-4
* Brood Saga
* Uncanny X-Men S1 161-166
* Uncanny X-Men S1 Annual 6
* Marvel Graphic Novel 4 The New Mutants
* Marvel Graphic Novel 5 God Loves, Man Kills
* New Mutants S1 1-7
* Uncanny X-Men S1 167-171
* Wolverine S1 1-4
* Uncanny X-Men S1 172-175
* Uncanny X-Men S1 Annual 7
* Uncanny X-Men S1 176-179
* Secret Wars
* New Mutants 16-17
* Uncanny X-Men S1 181-183
* Kitty Pryde and Wolverine 1-4
* Demon Bear Saga
* New Mutants 18-20
* Uncanny X-Men S1 184
* Uncanny X-Men S1 Annual 8
* Uncanny X-Men S1 185-194
* Alpha Flight/X-Men 1-4
* New Mutants 21
* New Mutants Annual 1
* New Mutants 22-29
* Nightcrawler 1-4
* Secret Wars II
* Uncanny X-Men S1 195-198
* New Mutants 30-34
* Longshot 1-4
* New Mutants Special Edition 1
* Uncanny X-Men S1 Annual 9
* Uncanny X-Men S1 199-209
* New Mutants 35-40
* Avengers 263
* Fantastic Four 286
* X-Factor S1 1-8
* New Mutants Annual 2
* Uncanny X-Men S1 Annual 10
* New Mutants 41-45
* Mutant Massacre*
* Uncanny X-Men S1 210
* X-Factor S1 9
* Uncanny X-Men S1 211
* New Mutants S1 46
* Thor S1 373
* Power Pack S1 27
* Uncanny X-Men S1 212
* Thor S1 374
* X-Factor S1 11
* Uncanny X-Men S1 213
* Daredevil S1 238
* Uncanny X-Men S1 214-219
* Uncanny X-Men S1 Annual 11
* X-Men vs Avengers S1 1-4
* Fantastic Four vs X-Men
* X-Factor Annual 1
* X-Factor 12-17
* Fall of the Mutants*
* X-Factor S1 18-25
* Power Pack S1 35
* Daredevil S1 252
* Captain America S1 339
* X-Factor S1 26
* Fantastic Four S1 312
* Uncanny X-Men S1 220-224
* Incredible Hulk S1 340
* Uncanny X-Men S1 225-227
* New Mutants S1 55-61
* Excalibur Special Edition 1 The Sword is Drawn
* Excalibur S1 1-5
* Marvel Comics Presents 1-10
* Wolverine S2 1-10
* Inferno Prologue
* X-Factor S1 27-29
* Uncanny X-Men S1 228-230
* New Mutants S1 62-66
* Uncanny X-Men S1 231- 234
* X-Factor S1 Annual 3
* X-Factor S1 16
* New Mutants S1 Annual 4
* Uncanny X-Men S1 Annual 12
* X-Factor S1 30-32
* Uncanny X-Men S1 235-238
* New Mutants S1 67-70
* Marvel Age Annual 4
* Inferno**
* Uncanny X-Men S1 239
* X-Factor 33-35
* X-Terminators #1-3 (1988)X-Factor #36
* Uncanny X-Men #240-241
* Fantastic Four #322
* Avengers #298
* Amazing Spider-Man #311
* Spectacular Spider-Man #146
* Web of Spider-Man #47
* Amazing Spider-Man #312
* Spectacular Spider-Man #147
* Web of Spider-Man #48
* Daredevil #262
* Power Pack #42-43
* Amazing Spider-Man #313
* Avengers #299-300
* Daredevil #263
* New Mutants #71
* X-Terminators #4
* New Mutants #72-73
* Fantastic Four #323
* Daredevil #265
* X-Factor #37
* Uncanny X-Men #242
* X-Factor #38
* Uncanny X-Men #243
* X-Factor #39
* Excalibur #6-7
* Cloak and Dagger Vol. 3 #4
* Spectacular Spider-Man #148
* Power Pack #44
* Damage Control #4
* 1989 The Asgardian Wars
* X-Men/Alpha Flight 1-2 (The Gift)
* New Mutants Special Edition 1
* X-Men S1 Annual 9
* Excalibur S1 8-10
* Uncanny X-Men S1 244-264
* Excalibur S1 20
* Uncanny X-Men S1 265-269
* 1990-91 X-Tinction Agenda
* Uncanny X-Men S1 270
* New Mutants S1 95
* X-Factor S1 60
* Uncanny X-Men S1 271
* New Mutants S1 96
* X-Factor S1 61
* Uncanny X-Men S1 272
* New Mutants S1 97
* X-Factor S1 62
* Uncanny X-Men S1 273-279
* Excalibur S1 11-19
* Excalibur S1 21-42
* X-Men S2 1-3
* Excalibur S1 43-70
* X-cutioner's Song
* X-Men S2 24
* Fatal Attractions
* Excalibur S1 72-81
* Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix
* Phalanx Covenant
* Excalibur S1 83-86
* Age of Apocalypse
* Excalibur S1 87-125
* Uncanny X-Men S1 365-375
* Mutant X 1-32
* Magik S2 1-4
* New X-Men 114-154
* Exiles S1 1-68
* NYX 1-7
* District X 1-14
* Astonishing X-Men S3 1-6
* X-Men: Colossus Bloodline 1-5
* Astonishing X-Men S3 7-12
* House of M
* Decimation
* Exiles S1 74-88
* X-Men S2 188-193
* Exiles S1 89-100
* Rise and Fall of the Shiar Empire
* Uncanny X-Men S1 475-486
* Astonishing X-Men S3 13-24
* Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men 1
* Messiah Complex

* 1992 Shattershot^
* 1992 X-Cutioner Song
* 1992 Operation: Galactic Storm*
* 1993 Fatal Attractions
* 1993 Bloodties*
* 1994 Child's Play*
* 1994 Phalanx Covenant
* 1994-95 Legion's Quest
* 1995 Age of Apocalypse
* 1996 Onslaught**
* 1997 Operation Zero Tolerance
* 1998 Evolutionary War**
* 1998 Live Kree or Die*
* 1998 The Siege of Wundagore*
* 1998-99 The Hunt for Xavier
* 1999 Magneto War*
* 1999 The Shattering*
* 2000 Apocalypse: The Twelve*
* 2000 Ages of Apocalypse*
* 2000-01 Maximum Security**
* 2001 Dream's End*
* 2001 Eve of Destruction*
* 2003 Riot at Xavier's
* 2003-04 Planet X
* 2004 House of M**
* 2004 Gifted
* 2004-05 District X
* 2005 Phoenix Endsong
* 2005-06 Deadly Genesis
* 2006-07 Rise and Fall of the Sh'iar Empire
* 2007 Endangered Species
* 2007-08 Emperor Vulcan
* 2007-08 Messiah Complex**
* 2008-09 Original Sin
* 2009 Messiah War**
* 2009 Utopia*
* 2009-10 Necrosha*
* 2010 Reckoning
* 2010 Second Coming**
* 2010-2011 Curse of the Mutants
* 2011 Age of X
* 2011 Dark Angel Saga
* 2011 Schism*
* 2011 Escape from the Negative Zone*
* 2011 Collision
* 2012 Final Execution
* 2012 Exiled*
* 2013 X-Termination
* 2013 Battle of the Atom
* 2014 Vendetta
* 2015 Black Vortex*
* 2016 Apocalypse Wars*
* 2016 Death of X**
* 2017-18 The Return of Charles Xavier
* 2017 Mojo Worldwide
* 2017-18 Phoenix Resurrection
* 2018 Hate Machine
* 2018 'Tis Death Do We Part
* 2018 Extermination
* 2018 Degeneration
* 2018-19 Sins of the Past
* 2018-19 X-Men Disassembled
* 2019 Age of X-Men**
* 2019 House of X/Powers of X
* 2020 X of Swords**
* 2021 Hellfire Gala
* 2021 The Trial of Magneto
* 2021-22 Inferno
* 2022 X Lives X Deaths of Wolverine
* 2022 Judgment Day**
* 2023 Sins of Sinister*
* 2023 Fall of X**
* 2024 Fall of the House of X/ Rise of the Powers of X

^Annual crossover
*Crossovers involving other titles
**Line Wide Crossovers
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