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Reading and Writing

Week 1-2: Patterns of Development
A paragraph is defined as “a group of sentences or
a single sentence that forms a unit” (Lunsford and
Connors 116). It is a unit that supports one main idea
considered as the “controlling idea” as it controls the
topic where a certain paragraph revolves.
Process to Develop a Paragraph
1. Decide on a controlling idea and create a
topic sentence- This sentence conveys what
the paragraph will be all about.
2. Elaborate on the controlling idea- Paragraph
development continues with an elaboration
of the controlling idea which can be
broaden in
different aspects through wide explanation,
implication, or simply its significance.
3. Give example(s)- Paragraph development
progresses with an example (or more) that
illustrates the claims made in the previous
4. Explain the example(s)- The explanation
should clearly demonstrate how significant
and relevant the examples to support the
major claim focused on the paragraph.
There should be NO example left
5. Complete the paragraph’s idea or transition
into the next paragraph- This is where the
relevance and significance of the
information to a larger paper can be
emphasized. It can also include either a
concluding point or a coherent transition to
the next paragraph.
➢ It is the logical arrangement of ideas.
➢ Helps to follow the idea easily and
understand a text better.

➢ Uses ‘signal words’ to determine the patterns
of development.
1. Definition- The writer’s goal is to help the
reader to understand new terms or concepts,

or to come to new understanding of terms
they may be familiar with.
Signal Words used in Definition:
defined as as defined
is known means
the term means to define
is stated as is defined as
is used to mean refers to
2. Exemplification - It provides a series of
examples — facts, specific cases, or instances
— turns a general idea into a concrete one;
this makes your argument both clearer and
more persuasive to a reader. Presents the
general statement and then provides
specific and concrete examples to expound
on the main idea.
Signal Words used in Exemplification:
as an example for instance
for example namely
specifically to illustrate
in particular consider the following
such as
3. Description- Rich descriptive words that put
picture of a person, place or an object in
reader's mind. When a person is writing a
specific piece, there should be very detailed
observations, write what you see in your mind,
all parts should be equal.
Sensory – ideas are arranged based on the
five senses.
Spatial – ideas are arranged by location or
physical space.
Signal Words used in Description:
Above behind here on
over across beside in
off under along
between inside outside to
around down into onto
4. Narration- It refers to telling a story or
recounting a series of events. It can be based
on personal experience or on knowledge
gained from reading or observation.
Forms of Narration
a. Chronology (Narration of Event) – It tells
about an event in time. It should include a
beginning, a middle, and an end. It should
have a setting and at least one character.
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