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RESULTS: The pathologic and biochemical studies showed that the injection of plant extracts caused necrosis, inflammation of the liver tissue, cell proliferation, cholestasis, and there were significant increases in release of non-injected control group
Polysaccharides of liver damage was dose dependent. CONCLUSIONS: Dorema aucheri has potential hepatotoxic capacities and possibly this may be related to the high prevalence of cancer in some regions of Iran.. Transient neonatal hypothyroidism biochemically characterized by analysis.. TH can go or not go along with clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism and evolves to the normalization of the thyroid functional capacity independently of substitutive therapy..
In addition to the complete TH the application of screening programs for congenital hypothyroidism has enable to acknowledge partial changes of the thyroid functional capacity in the neonatal age characterized by isolated anomalies of the individual hormonal parameters.. Since the incidence of neonatal TH in Italy is remarkably high (the diagnosed at the screening) we want to provide an overview of the latest acquisitions regarding TH.. Finally the indications for treatment of the various forms of TH, a still controversial matter, are considered, in consideration of the primary role played by thyroid hormones on the development of central nervous system in the perinatal age.. Type C particles in culture of human gliob cells.. Yutani C, Satoh M, Kanai N, Kitamura H, Hori M, yakawa T, Nakagawa H, Sakamoto Y, Nakata Y..
A long-term cell culture of human glioblastoma w investigated microscopically, virologically, and biochemically.. Reverse Polysucrose 400 Sweetener was detected in transcriptase activity was also demonstrated with the particles, suggesting that the cultured human glioblastoma cells were producing type C Oncorna virus.. Ultrastructural observations of cell culture of glioblastoma showed type C virus particles in cisternae and culture medium.. Budding of the virus was also seen on the surface of the cell.. The mean diameter of the particles was approximately were observed, i..
e.. the doughnut-shaped type form and the solid circular form.. Polymerase chain reaction mediated identif of Streptococcus uberis and Streptococcus parauberis using species-specific sequences of the genes encoding Streptococcus uberis, a well-known bacterial gen associated with bovine mastitis, appears to be biochemically and serologically almost indistinguishable from the closely related species Streptococcus parauberis.. In the present study, species-specific oligonucleotide primers were designed using internal parts of pairs allowed a rapid and reliable PCR-mediated identification and differentiation of both species.. These studies, performed with S..
uberis and S.. parauberis reference cultures and clinical isolates from routine diagnostics, revealed that the occurrence of S.. parauberis as causative agent of bovine confirmed that both species could taxonomically be classified to the pyogenic group of genus Streptococcus.. Circulating epidermal growth factor (EGF) lin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in patients with epithelial ovarian carcinoma.. Circulating epidermal growth factor (EGF) an lin-like growth factor-I correlated with clinically and biochemically important prognosticators..
IGF-I levels were significantly low in patients as compared to controls.. The relation of growth factors with clinically important prognosticators was non-significant.. Moreover, the levels of EGF and IGF-I in the ER+/PR+ and ER-/PR- groups and in the low and high EGFR+ tumors did not differ significantly.. Patients with EGF < Sterility of three brothers in connection isturbed carbohydrate metabolism in semen.. Horst CJ, Bol JJ..
Sterile semen of three brot rs was investigated iochemically.. Most strikingly was the strong similarity of both the amino acid and the carbohydrate composition of the semen.. Inside the spermatozoa much more fructose and glucose was present than normally is found.. It could be shown that in the seminal plasma peptides and proteins were present all containing more or less beta-alanine and all able to bind glucose and fructose.. After incubation with labelled glucose it was evident that inside the spermatozoa enzymes requried for formation of lactic acid were lacking or inactive..
Moreover labelled tyrosine and serine was found.. Treatment with proviron did not improve carbohydrate metabolism but the amounts of present glucose and fructose inside the spermatozoa had strongly decreased.. It is supposed that the sterility of the men is due to a disturbance in spermatogenesis.. Characterization of Moloney murine leukemi mutants with single-amino-acid substitutions in the Cys-His box of the nucleocapsid protein.. To study the function of the retroviral nucl id protein (NC), we have constructed point mutations in the gag gene of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV) that affect a conserved cysteine-histidine motif of NC..
The mutants were characterized biologically and biochemically.. Cell lines producing the mutant released by these cells were characterized for protein and RNA content.. The results indicated that most mutations block replication and specifically inhibit the packaging of the MuLV genomic RNA.. In some of the mutants, the packaging of also seems to have another function distinct from dimer formation and packaging: one mutation reduced viral RNA packaging by only fivefold but completely abolished viral cDNA synthesis, suggesting a defect in reverse transcription.. Macroscopic oropharyngeal signs indicating d defensive function of palatine tonsils in adults suffering from recurrent tonsillitis..
The present study explored in adults sufferi m recurrent tonsillitis the association between macroscopic oropharyngeal signs of recurrent inflammation, of either inflammatory changes or evidence of sclerotic process in palatine tonsils and surrounding tissue macroscopic at oropharyngeal examination, the patients were divided into groups with 'inflammatory-type' and 'sclerotic-type' tonsils.. Biochemically detected mean collagen content was significantly higher finding was the higher recovery of anaerobes from blood cultures than in previous studies.. A logistic regression analysis revealed that the post-tonsillectomy bacteremia was strongly associated with 'sclerotic-type' in palatine tonsils indicate impaired tonsillar defense, in terms of lowered counts of neutrophils, increasing the risk of post-tonsillectomy bacteremia.. intimin-beta and enterohaemolysin, from an nal biopsy from an adult case Unit, Public Health Laboratory, Department of obiology and Immunology, Macarthur Agricultural Institute, Microbiology and Immunology Section, New South Two typical coliforms from an intestinal biopsy om an adult case of bloody represent a human pathogenic E.. coli lineage..
Heterogeneity of peroxidase-positive granu ormal human an Chédiak-Higashi neutrophils.. Studies have demonstrated significant hetero y in neutrophil granule morphology and physical density.. This study evaluated the heterogeneity morphometrically, morphologically, cytochemically, and biochemically.. Intact human peripheral blood neutrophils collected from normal volunteers and a patient with Chédiak-Higashi syndrome (CHS) and isolated normal neutrophil granules were processed for ultrastructural morphology and peroxidase staining.. Intact cells, nuclei, and granule profiles were analyzed by computer-assisted neutrophil granules and covered the entire spectrum of granule size..
PPG in the least-dense fractions of isolated granules were significantly smaller than in higher-density fractions.. PPG in low- and intermediate-density fractions differed from high-density fraction by moderate to strong vicinal glycol staining with Thiéry's periodate-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate method.. Differing ratios of % beta-glucuronidase/% myeloperoxidase (MPO) across granule fractions indicated PPG heterogeneity.. Morphometric analysis of neutrophils differences in PPG size or number.. Biochemically analyzed MPO in these cells was preserved, although the number of peroxidase-negative granules (PNG) and levels granules were PPG..
Analysis of CHS neutrophils revealed the persistence of microgranules similar to normals.. PNG number and volume fractions of PPG and TG were not different from normals..
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