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15 Funny People Working In Best Tassimo Machine In Best Tassimo Machine
Choosing the Best Tassimo Machine

There are many things to consider when selecting the most effective tassimo machine. These include the options for brewing as well as temperature settings and the amount of energy consumed.

The machines are quick to heat up so there is no waiting time, and they provide a wide variety of beverages from one unit. Amazon customers have said they are 'easy to clean and use'.

Vivy 2

The Vivy 2 has a simple pod-machine that isn't overly complicated but performs well. Its most appealing feature is that it can make coffee, tea and even hot chocolate with the press of a single button. It is a great option for those who want to give their loved ones and family members a different type of coffee, but don't want to buy separate machines.

This machine's key feature is that it utilizes a barcode-like technology to read the T Disc, and then determine the proper amount and temperature of water and the brewing time. The system is dubbed Intellibrew and it's pretty good - although you can't tweak or experiment with it like you can with some other systems.

It's easy to use and comes with it's easy to use and has a 0.7 millilitre tank that can fit into the side of the. It doesn't need to be heated up before you can prepare a drink, which is great if you are in a rush. The cup stand can be adjusted to accommodate taller cups, such as cappuccinos. A drip tray can be removed if necessary so that you can fit larger glasses under the exit spout.

The only drawback is that you can only use official Tassimo T Discs inside the machine, which limits your choice to a much smaller selection of drinks than what you could get with a Nespresso compatible system. The pods are relatively cheap in contrast to other options, so it may not be an issue for all. Another thing to remember is that T Discs used up should be disposed of in the external bin as the machine doesn't have an internal waste system.


The Happy is a lower-cost model in the Tassimo line, and it comes with a number of great features. It's easy to operate and has a vibrant touch-screen display, which is helpful for technophobes who find complicated machines intimidating. The machine is equipped with a milk frother for delicious lattes and cappuccinos, too. It's also fast to heat up and comes with a fast-start system, which means your drink can be ready in a matter of minutes.

Bosch's smart brewing technology known as Intellibrew, is included in this model. It scans the barcode on the T Disc and then automatically adjusts the brewing time as well as temperature to achieve the best results. This is particularly helpful for coffee shop style drinks such as espresso, Americano and latte macchiato because it allows them to be made to the right strength and temperature without sacrificing quality.

Another advantage is that this machine can create more than 70 different hot drinks such as chocolate and tea and iced beverages. It is compatible with T-Discs from top brands like Kenco, Costa and Cadbury.

It is a good choice for anyone trying to reduce their carbon footprint as a Tassimo is an excellent alternative to kettles and will save on energy costs and waste plastic. However, be aware that it's not suitable for using pods that aren't from the Tassimo brand as they're not compatible with the machine.

Check out best delonghi coffee machine as a preheat feature that warms up the water prior to brewing and an auto shut-off feature that shuts off the machine after a set period of inactivity, which will save on energy costs. Many models are also easy to clean and dishwasher-safe making them more convenient.

My Way 2

The My Way 2 offers a variety of hot drinks, including tea, coffee, cappuccino and Latte. It utilizes the same barcode technology its siblings use. It will recognize the type of pod you put in and automatically adjust the brewing time, water level and temperatures. It will also stop you from putting water through the same pod twice, unless you open and close the unit to brew. The unit is simple to use and comes with a visual guide, troubleshooting manual, getting-started crib sheet and cleaning guide. The unit for brewing, the water tank, and cleaning disc can be cleaned by hand or in the dishwasher.


If you want an Tassimo machine that allows you to set your own size, strength, and intensity rather than relying on the pre-programmed settings dictated by the barcode, this cream model from Bosch might be exactly what you're searching for. It has a standby feature that saves energy and allows you to keep four different variations. It's small, has a water tank of 1.3 Liters and utilizes Brita filters. It's also user-friendly, with an intuitive design and a single button for all drinks.

Its defining characteristic is the IntensityBoost function, which allows you to brew your drink at a higher temperature using ground that has been pre-wetted for longer to boost flavour. This is an excellent alternative for those who love highly flavoured coffee, however it's worth noting that this feature only works when you insert a Tassimo TDisc and will not be activated when a non-coffee pod, like tea is placed.

The machine is quiet for a machine of this size however, it warms up quickly and makes the first drink within seconds. The cup stand can be adjusted and accommodates various vessels, from travel mugs to mugs, while the LED display will inform you when the tank needs refilling or the machine needs descaled.

Amazon buyers love this machine, and one of them says it's great for making a cup of coffee and is very easy to use'. It's available in Jet Black or Lupine Blue and can be ordered with Radiant Red, Snow White, or Radiant Blue. Other features include one-touch brewing and on-board storage for 32 T-Discs. It's also easy to clean using a dedicated capsule for service, and an automatic steam cleaning following each beer.

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