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Notes -

data model entity array-<array /> on parent entity to array entity
<foreignkey /> on array entity to parent entity
ABContact defines FlagEntries array
derived API entity array-
Entity enhancement or Guidewire API

ABContact AllAddresses property returns an Address array
Gosu datatype and object array--
A set of values are of the same type in a single collection

var a = new int[3]
var b = new int[ ] {1,2,3}
var c : int[ ] = {1,2,3}

Configuration of Guidewire applications often focus on working with data model entity arrays. An array defines a set of additional entities of the same type to associate with the main entity. 
A related data model array is the associative array. An associative array provides a mapping between a set of keys and the values that the keys represent. A common example of this type of mapping is a telephone book, in which a name maps to a telephone number. Another common example is a dictionary, which maps terms to their definitions.

An array is a collection of data values, with each element of the array associated with a number or index.

In typical Gosu code, simply use angle brackets after the type name, such as String[] to represent an array of String objects. Use a zero-based index number to access an array member. If you create an array, you must explicitly define the size of the array or implicitly define the size by simultaneously defining the array elements. To access the elements of an array, you use an index expression.

1 uses ta.QueryUtil 2 var out : String = "Notes"
3 var anABContact = QueryUtil.findContact("5")
4 var notes = anABContact.ContactNotes
5 print(out + notes.length)
Determine the length (size) of an array
The array.Count property is an ehancement property for determining the number of element (objects) in the array.
You can execute the code in the slide example in the Debug Server process. To debug the server, select Main menu  Run  Debug 'Server' or Main menu  Run  Debug…  Server. In the Debug tools window, confirm that the application is running and is ready (***** AppName ready *****). Then, open Gosu Scratchpad using Main menu  Tools  Gosu Scratchpad or with the keystroke ALT+SHIFT+S. In Gosu Scratchpad toolbar, click Run in Debug Process.

1 uses ta.QueryUtil 2 var out : String
3 var anABContact = QueryUtil.findContact("5")
4 var notes = anABContact.ContactNotes
5 for (note in notes) {
6 out += note.ContactNoteType + "-" + note.Subject + "n"
7 }
8 print(out)

Use loop structure to iterate through array
Entity array, object array, collection
Counter varaible, condition, and variable incrementer not needed
for(aObject in anArrayOfObjects) {
//statements referencing aObject
Many programming langauges create a loop using a counter variable, a condition, and a counter variable incrementer, such as:
for (x=0, x<anArray.length, x++) {
// statements referencing anArray[x]

The syntax for Gosu loops does not require a counter, condition, and incrementer. You only need specify a name for the current object (the currentObject placeholder). The name of the object automatically references the current object in the array. The for loop inherently advances to the next object in the array when the end of the loop is reached.

Gosu also supports these While and Do…While loops, but in practice they are often not needed. For more information, refer to the Gosu Reference Guide

You can execute the code in the slide example in the Debug Server process. To debug the server, select Main menu  Run  Debug 'Server' or Main menu  Run  Debug…  Server. In the Debug tools window, confirm that the application is running and is ready (***** AppName ready *****). Then, open Gosu Scratchpad using Main menu  Tools  Gosu Scratchpad or with the keystroke ALT+SHIFT+S. In Gosu Scratchpad toolbar, click Run in Debug Process.

1 uses ta.QueryUtil 2 var out : String
3 var anABContact = QueryUtil.findContact("5")
4 var notes = anABContact.ContactNotes
5 for (note in notes index i) {
6 out += i + ")" note.ContactNoteType + "-" + note.Subject + "n"
7 }
8 print(out)

Add an index using the index keyword
for(aObject in anArrayOfObjects index indexVariable) {
//statements referencing aObject

Define expressions in row iterator properties to add and to remove elements from data model entity array
addTo...() and removeFrom...() methods

The addTo...() and removeFrom...() methods work only for arrays that are declared in the data model entities.

The slide example is from the BankAccountsLV row iterator. The list view panel is The parent container has a toolbar with Edit buttons and references the BankAccountLV.

Clicking the Add button creates a new bank account object which can be referred to as currentBankAccount. The toAdd property specifies the Gosu to add the object to the BankAccounts array on anABContact.

The addTo and removeFrom methods are available whe Gosu runs in an application context with a current editable object. If you call these methods in Gosu Scratchpad, Scratchpad needs to run in a debug server process and the object needs to be within a bundle transaction scope.

Array methods include
Getting information about the array
Getting members of the array that match a given condition
Some methods require an argument
Argument must be an expression of a condition, such as:
Returns true if any row in the array matches the condition
Returns the first row that matches the condition
Returns all rows that match the condition
Argument must be a Gosu block expression

var notes = someNotes.where( note ->
note.NoteType ==
typekey.NoteType.TC_GENERAL )
A block is an expression of logic passed to a method as an argument
Some array methods require conditions using a block
The block consists of four parts:
, which identifies that the following is a block
An element name representing each element of the array
->, which identifies the start of the condition
A condition, which relates to the element
Blocks are used in many situations where a method requires an expression as an input parameter, such as in arrays, queries, and Transaction bundles for database transactions.

Arrays (discussed in Arrays lesson)

Queries (discussed in Queries lesson)
or() - used by queries objects to join multiple conditions together with OR logic
orderBy() - used by result set objects to specify logic for how to order the results in the set (in ascending order)
orderByDescending() - used by result set objects to specify logic for how to order the results in the set (in descending order)

Database transactions and bundles (discussed in Application courses)
runwithNewBundle() - used to create a bundle of run-time objects and then commit data in those objects to the database

Determine if any element in an array matches a given condition
Syntax: array.hasMatch( name -> conditionToMatch)
Returns count of elements that match a given condition in an array
Syntax: array.countWhere( name -> conditionToMatch)
Retrieve the first element in an array that matches a given condition
Syntax: array.firstWhere( name -> conditionToMatch)
Retrieves a target array that consists of all the members of a source array that match a given condition
Syntax: array.where( name -> conditionToMatch)

1 uses ta.QueryUtil 2 var out : String
3 var anABContact = QueryUtil.findContact("5")
4 var notes = anABContact.ContactNotes
5 if (notes.hasMatch( note -> note.ContactNoteType == typekey.ContactNoteType.TC_GENERAL )){
6 out = "Array has General notes"
7 }
8 print(out)
In the slide example, Line 5 illustrates an example of a hasMatch() method block for an entity data model array. The hasMatch() method returns a boolean if any of the objects in the source array that match a given condition. In Line 5, the condition statement tests to see if there is a ContactNote for a given contact that has a ContactNoteType with the TC_General typecode.

You can execute the code in the slide example in the Debug Server process. To debug the server, select Main menu  Run  Debug 'Server' or Main menu  Run  Debug…  Server. In the Debug tools window, confirm that the application is running and is ready (***** AppName ready *****). Then, open Gosu Scratchpad using Main menu  Tools  Gosu Scratchpad or with the keystroke ALT+SHIFT+S. In Gosu Scratchpad toolbar, click Run in Debug Process.

1 uses ta.QueryUtil 2 var out : String
3 var anABContact = QueryUtil.findContact("5")
4 var notes = anABContact.ContactNotes
5 var count = notes.countWhere( note -> note.ContactNoteType == typekey.ContactNoteType.TC_GENERAL )
6 out = "Number of notes: " + notes.length + "n Number of General notes: " + count
7 print(out)
In the slide example, Line 5 illustrates an example of a countWhere() method block for an entity data model array. The countWhere() method returns an integer for the count of all the objects in a source array that match a given condition. In Line 5, the condition statement is to determine if a ContactNote for a given contact has a ContactNoteType with the the TC_General typecode.

You can execute the code in the slide example in the Debug Server process. To debug the server, select Main menu  Run  Debug 'Server' or Main menu  Run  Debug…  Server. In the Debug tools window, confirm that the application is running and is ready (***** AppName ready *****). Then, open Gosu Scratchpad using Main menu  Tools  Gosu Scratchpad or with the keystroke ALT+SHIFT+S. In Gosu Scratchpad toolbar, click Run in Debug Process.

1 uses ta.QueryUtil 2 var out : String
3 var anABContact = QueryUtil.findContact("5")
4 var aNote = anABContact.ContactNotes.firstWhere( note -> note.ContactNoteType == typekey.ContactNoteType.TC_GENERAL )
5 out = aNote.CreateDate + ": " + aNote.Subject + "n"
6 print(out)
In the slide example, Line 4 illustrates an example of a firstWhere() method block for an entity data model array. The firstwhere() method returns an object from the source array that matches a given condition. In Line 4, the condition is to return a ContactNote object for a given contact where the ContactNoteType uses the TC_General typecode.

You can execute the code in the slide example in the Debug Server process. To debug the server, select Main menu  Run  Debug 'Server' or Main menu  Run  Debug…  Server. In the Debug tools window, confirm that the application is running and is ready (***** AppName ready *****). Then, open Gosu Scratchpad using Main menu  Tools  Gosu Scratchpad or with the keystroke ALT+SHIFT+S. In Gosu Scratchpad toolbar, click Run in Debug Process.
1 uses ta.QueryUtil 2 var out : String
3 var anABContact = QueryUtil.findContact("5")
4 var notes = anABContact.ContactNotes.where( note -> note.ContactNoteType == typekey.ContactNoteType.TC_GENERAL )
5 for (aNote in notes index i) {
6 out += i + ") " + aNote.CreateDate + ": " + aNote.Subject + "n"
7 }
8 print(out)
In the slide example, Line 4 illustrates an example of a where condition block for an entity data model array. The where() method returns a target array that consists of all the members of a source array that match a given condition. In Line 4, the condition is to return an array of ContactNotes for a given contact where the ContactNoteType uses the TC_General typecode.

You can execute the code in the slide example in the Debug Server process. To debug the server, select Main menu  Run  Debug 'Server' or Main menu  Run  Debug…  Server. In the Debug tools window, confirm that the application is running and is ready (***** AppName ready *****). Then, open Gosu Scratchpad using Main menu  Tools  Gosu Scratchpad or with the keystroke ALT+SHIFT+S. In Gosu Scratchpad toolbar, click Run in Debug Process.

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Regards; Team

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