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Video 1-one of the important principles of teaching is following the child's lead because if the child is into something then that is because they are ready to learn it.

Video 2- Genes provide the basic blueprint but the experiences shape the process that determines whether a child's brain will provide a strong or weak foundation for all future learning behavior and health.

Video 3- Families and teacher interactions that are taking place with the children give a better foundation for the children to learn.

Video 5- Parents know their kid's personalities but childcare professionals have to get to know several personalities and be able to maintain a smooth good balance throughout the day and keep the children's attention and see how they respond the same or differently than others.

Video 6- it is important to look professional and carry yourself professionally not only to the parents but to the children as well. Children expect routine and order and thrive when there's order/structure in place.

Video 7- Your vision may not match the center and that's fine, but you should find a place that matches your vision. It's important that you have a vision and staff members should know theirs therefore it can be worked towards.

---"If the child is not learning the way you are teaching, then you must teach in the way the child learns." Rita Dunn

---Respect for children, co-workers, and families is necessary for early childhood and school-age professionals. Professionals show their respect to children by intently listening when a child is speaking, by working to understand a child’s needs and feelings, and by giving children opportunities to make choices for themselves.

---The ability to recognize biases is the first step in dealing with biases as a professional. It’s difficult to teach children that everyone should be treated equally when your own biases get in the way.

---Professionals who work with children understand that children of all ages need special people in their lives and that children imitate what adults say and do. Children’s parents also watch and listen to determine if you are the kind of role model they want for their child.

Video 8- what children see you do and say matters. Children watch you even when you aren't aware of it and listening to you even when you don't think they are, so they pick up on different things like facial expressions, words, mannerisms, gestures, etc.

Video 9- One of the most stressful things is not being able to devote all 100% of your time to every single child all at once. Something else that they were stressed by was getting tasks done in a timely manner and also taking care and keeping an eye on the kids at the same time and making sure they are fine. Something that helped them all in the video was having someone step in to help take some of the stress off of you and help with the class or a few other simple tasks that help make a big difference in the stress levels. Kids can tell when you're stressed and overwhelmed.

Video 10- Things are constantly changing in Early Childhood Education and there is always new information coming out and it is very important to keep up with the classes and maintain professional development because that way you know what the best practices are.

Video 11- Wash hands on arrival, wash hands after wiping runny noses, remove toys for cleaning after a child has mouthed the toy, tables used for eating should be washed and sanitized, hands should be washed after outdoor play, wash hands after sensory water tables, etc. When caring for a group of children you need to take extra precautions to avoid the spread of germs.

Video 12- It's important to have items that are dangerous to children locked in a cabinet because it's easy for young children to open child restraint lids on them. If opened it could potentially kill a child depending on what's in the bottle or cause severe harmful damage to the child.

Video 13- Accidents that require immediate attention can happen at any given moment and childcare workers need to be prepared for it at any moment for situations that could put them or other children in risk of exposure. To prevent exposure, it is important for childcare workers to follow the CDC guidelines and when a child is injured and bleeding, the reactions to care for them need to be swift and prompt. First aid kit with disposable gloves should be close proximity so that whoever is caring for the child can put gloves on quickly before tending to the wound.

Video 14- when child walks in with parent always greet the child and ask how they're doing and ask the parent how the child's night went, checks the child's forehead for their temperature to see if they feel warm and after greeting wash hands upon arrival. After the health check be sure to record it down.'

Video 15- In the mid 1800's a Hungarian Doctor, Ignaz Semmelweis, theorized that hand washing or as he called it hand disinfecting reduced mortality rates significantly, but his ideas were rejected by the medical at that time and not many people believed him.

Video 16- Children aren’t born knowing how to wash their hands. Handwashing is a learned skill that can begin with infants and toddlers. The first step when you teach handwashing is to set a good example for children. Ways some of the childcare professionals used hands on techniques was using songs to sing during hand washing, getting in child's eye level and demonstrating how to wash their hands, and showing them how to dry their hands as well, being sure to wash hands at all times with the children when they are supposed to.

Video 17- Washing hands impacted the health of the overall classroom in a good way after teachers followed the guidelines and made sure handwashing and preventing the spread of germs was a priority in the class.

Video 18- During diaper changes always be sure to wear gloves, wash your hands and the child's hands, sanitize the area you're doing diapering on, put used items in the trash correctly and clean your areas after, note the diapering and add special notes to child's diaper log if needed.

Video 19- A standing change is sometimes preferred for children who need reinforcement for being a big boy or big girl when potty training and letting them know they don't need to lay down anymore to be changed. Laying a child down to change them if they have an accident is also sometimes preferred because it's easier to clean the child and prevent the spread of germs material from the child's accident. If a child has an accident be sure to have gloves, cleaning materials like wipes, fresh underwear or pullup, and a new pair of clothes already with you to ensure a much smoother and easier cleanup.

Video 20- more than 60,000 children end up in emergency departments every year because they got into medications while their parents or caregivers weren't looking, so its god to always be sure to put every medication and vitamin up and away every time you use it.

Video 21- Review medication instructions to provide accurate information to properly administer medication and avoid any mistakes. Confirm all the medication information, instructions, and forms. This means the staff person who administers the medication needs to:

• read the entire forms, not simply check signatures,

• match the medication label with the child’s first and last name, and with the instructions and permission forms, and

• have the medication log ready to document and sign as required.

Video 22- A concern for developing food allergies is the way people are feeding their children that encourages the development of food allergies. Parents are being increasingly strict about recommending no foods being introduced earlier in life which may actually increase the risk of allergies.

Video 23- Main standard for treatment of food allergies is strictly avoiding offending foods, and since the labels on foods aren't that helpful doctors and nutritionists encourage parents to look for food label information they can actually rely on.

Video 24- Treatment for anaphylaxis includes prompt administration of epinephrine followed by contacting emergency medical services and then having the child transported to the hospital. It is very important that treatment be given immediately if a child has a severe food allergy and has ingested a food containing a known allergen. Mild reactions can be treated with something called Benadryl, but more severe reactions are treated with an EpiPen.

Video 25- Communicating with staff and families regarding how food allergies are to be handled is vital to keeping children safe. The actual policy that the program chooses to implement may depend on the severity of the specific food allergy and where snacks and meals are eaten. Some programs opt to have separate tables where children who have food allergies can sit, such as a “peanut-free” table. Other programs may choose to not allow foods with peanuts to be brought into or served in the facility to prevent cross-contamination. As an effective practice, children with severe food allergies should have a food allergy action plan or emergency care plan in place. This plan should be provided by the child’s family who has developed it in consultation with the child’s medically licensed allergist.

Video 26- being sure to have just enough or as many options for the kids who can't have certain foods available while also keeping down and thinking about the amount of space being used, storage availability, cost, cross-contaminations, etc.

Video 27- ensuring children and parents can walk into the childcare center without having to cross the street, making sure the sidewalks are clear, ensuring sufficient lighting natural or artificial for safety, making sure the walls and floors are clean, making sure things that could create a potential for falling is off of the floor and isn't a hazard, etc.

Video 28- Always be aware of your environment with small manipulatives because things can be prevented. Know your materials. the inside of the toilet paper tube is about the same size as a child's airway so if an object is small enough to go through the tube, then it is not safe for the child to have. if the object is too large then to fit in the tube, then it is considered safe.

Video 29- button batteries can be found in small toys, big toys, thermometers, games, watches on teachers. Some things that can be done to prevent access to button batteries to be to ensure items are fully sealed and if there are button batteries on anything a teacher is wearing then be sure to lock it up in a closet or leave it in a care or put it away in a cabinet until the end of their shift to go home.

---Well-loved toys get a lot of use. Frequently check toys for tears, loose pieces that may fall off, or other signs of wear. If a stuffed toy tears, a child may choke on the stuffing that is inside the toy. Rattles, squeeze toys, and teethers often have small pieces inside them that could cause choking if the toy cracks or breaks and a child swallows the small pieces. Throw away any toys with sharp edges, splinters, or cracks. Mend or throw away any soft toys with tears.

Video 30- Carefully watching for safety hazards and quickly correcting them to avoid accidents. Apply plug covers, lock away and store purses and personal items out of the reach of children, put lotion and perfumes away because it can be hazardous to children, keep sanitation bottles put away, lock away medications, place toys away in a way they won't fall and harm children.

Video 31- providing certain spaces for children to run around, jump, use more gross motor active play in the class but in a reserved area where they won't get hurt in the class. Once the children get bored of it or running is out of their system they won't need to do it for a while.

Video 32- Protect children from harm caused by extreme weather. There are times when it’s too cold or too hot to safely take children outside. Children need sufficient space to run and move. Constant supervision is needed during outdoor play and especially during water play. Play equipment should be developmentally appropriate, sturdy and in good repair. Children should wear appropriate clothing for outdoor play, including appropriate shoes or boots.

Video 33- Directors and owner-operators of early learning programs are responsible for creating transportation policies that follow state laws, regulations, and best practice standards. They must also be sure that all ECE staff are well trained, are fully aware of transportation policies, and that the ECE staff implement these policies with children and families in the program.

---A child should be transported only if he/she is restrained in a developmentally appropriate car safety seat, booster seat, seat belt, or harness that is suited to the child’s weight, age, and/or developmental stage in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.

---The child must be securely fastened, according to the manufacturer's instructions, in a developmentally appropriate child restraint system.

---Specialized care plans are written plans that specify daily care instructions for children with medical, developmental, and behavioral needs. ECE staff who are responsible for transportation should:

• be aware of any child with an identified special need or specialized care plan, and
• become familiar with the need and care plan.

---The special care plan must accompany the child who is transported. Adults responsible should be able to attend to the child’s unique needs and care, as well as have on hand any required resources, such as emergency medications and equipment.

---The parent or guardian must provide written instructions for a child that has a special need or problem such as seizures or motion sickness.

---The driver may not be counted in the staff: child ratios when infants, young toddlers, older toddlers, or preschool children are transported, so an additional staff person is required. When school-age children are transported, the driver may be counted in the ratio, but best practice is to include more than one adult so that the driver is able to focus entirely on the task of driving, leaving supervision of children to another adult. Emergency situations can and do happen! Programs and ECE professionals need to be ready to respond to and care for all children appropriately.

Video 34- Being sure to do name to face to check that everyone has been attended for and not left behind.

Video 35- all children 2 years or older or those younger than 2 who have outgrown the rear facing weight and height limit of their car safety seat should use a forward safety car seat with a harness for as long as possible, up to the highest weight or height allowed by their care safety seats manufacturer.

Video 36- health related factors such as brain abnormalities, low birth weight, or respiratory issues/ infections can increases the SUIDs risks

Video 37- when laying on his or her stomach or on a soft surface a baby can develop a pocket of carbon dioxide around their face and continue to breathe in that carbon dioxide causing the oxygen levels to decrease and the carbon dioxide level to increase cause the infant to have a harder time waking up that can lead to sudden infant death.

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