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20 Myths About Heat Pump Dryers: Dispelled
Heat Pump Dryers Save Energy and Eliminate Potential Fire Hazards

Conventional dryers use electrical resistance or gas combustion to heat the air, then blow it over the clothes. The warm, humid air is then blown outside. The dryers that use heat pumps do not require vents. This saves energy and prevents fire hazards caused by the accumulation of lint in the vents.

They also have lower temperatures and are gentler on clothing, which means they might take longer to dry than traditional machines. Aztec Appliance has more information about these ventless washers.


A heat pump dryer can save you a considerable amount of money annually on your electric bill. According to Energy Star, it uses up to 28 percent less energy than a conventional dryer. It might seem like a lot but if you wash 20 loads of laundry per week in Massachusetts where electricity rates are among the highest in the nation and you can save hundreds of dollars over the course of 12 years.

The way a heat pump dryer works is similar to that of the dehumidifier. It begins with air that is heated by a compressor, and is then passed through a different set of coils to warm it even more. In this process, the hot air draws moisture from the clothing and is then pumped into the heat exchanger, which turns it into condensed. It then drips into a pan which can be manually empty or connected to drain tubes. The moist, cooled air is then circulated back through the coils of the condenser, to be heated.

They don't require an exhaust vent. They can therefore be installed in places where a conventional dryer would not fit. They are also quieter and more versatile and ideal for apartments or other spaces that have small space. They are also safer than dryers with vents, which can be a fire hazard if not maintained regularly.

However, because they operate at lower temperatures than conventional dryers, it takes longer for your laundry to dry using the help of a heat pump dryer. Additionally, because they work much like a dehumidifier and generate a lot of water during the drying process it is essential to clean your heat pump dryer regularly. This is particularly important when your clothes are damp or you reside in a humid region. You can do this regularly by cleaning and checking the lint filter and condenser coils. It is also recommended to clean the drain tube regularly. The evaporator coil is susceptible to bacterial and mold, but regular cleaning should keep it in good shape.


The traditional method of drying clothes is to use fans to blow hot air onto the clothes. The air is then vented outside. This method consumes a lot of energy and requires an outside space to vent the ducting. Heat pump dryers, also referred to as ventless drying equipment, recycle the air. They heat the air by reusing energy to power the machine, and then condense it into water that drains out of the bottom of the drum. They are also smaller than vented dryers, and they can be built in a laundry room or even in an attic.

Though popular in Europe and Japan the heat pump dryers are new to the American market. They are now available in sizes that accommodate the majority of laundry rooms in homes and provide significant energy savings. Since they don't exhaust the indoor air outdoors it is not necessary to clean your venting system or deal with any potential issues.

Heat pump dryers are similar to the refrigeration system in refrigerators. They are equipped with a compressor which pressurizes refrigerant through one coil, and then releases heat. The evaporator coils soak up heat from air that flows through. The refrigerant that is heated circulates through a second set of coils to condense moist air, and that cooled refrigerant then flows back into the original set of coils and is heated to continue the process.

They require maintenance, just like other dryers that use electricity to maintain their peak performance. Lint builds up on the filters, as well as on the condenser and evaporator coils, and it's important to clean them often to prevent excessive wear. They also use refrigerants that have high GWP (Global Warming Potential) and therefore, they have to be properly recycled too.

Another disadvantage to be aware of is the fact that heat pump dryers typically take longer than vented ones to finish a load. This is due to the fact that the maximum temperature of heat pump dryers is lower at about 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This means they'll need to tumble a little more time before they are completely dry.

Lint Screens

The dryers of a heat pump come with a lint trap and venting system which need to be regularly cleaned. A clogged vent can significantly lengthen drying times, and poses a fire risk. The exhaust from a vented dryer may be heated to the point of igniting volatile oils and chemicals.

The vent system in a heat pump requires a dehumidifier to eliminate moisture from the air prior to it leaves the dryer. A dehumidifier can also reduce energy costs by lowering the temperature of the incoming hot water used to heat the air.

The lint screen in the heat pump dryer is finer than conventional dryers, so it must be cleaned more often. The lint screen in the door's opening could build up lint. It should be cleaned frequently.

The models with a heat pump have a heated drum, which means that the inside of the machine must be kept free of lint and residues from fabric softener or dryer sheets. The heated drum walls could also need to be cleaned and inspected on a regular basis, since they could need to be replaced, as per the user's guide.

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, lint buildup inside the dryer's exhaust pipe is more than an inconvenience. It's also an ignition source that can cause 2,900 housefires on average each year. Clean your dryer's lint-exhaust hose once a year using a wire brush, or use an air blower from the exterior to clear lint from the inside of the hose as this Today's Homeowner video will explain. It's safer to do this from outside, since you will avoid getting lint on your face. If you are not confident that you can clean the ducts, call a professional.

If tumble dryers with heat pump to feel the air moving through your dryer vent outside, or when your dryer takes longer to dry than it normally does, there could be a lint blockage deeper inside the vent. Choose one day a year to clean the venting system that is Labor Day, the beginning of spring, or the closing or beginning of daylight savings time - and stick with it.


Drying laundry with modern dryers is one of the most essential options for homeowners. However, choosing the right dryer is an important decision for those who wish to lower their utility bills and make a positive impact on the environment. For many these reasons, heat pump dryers are a great choice. In contrast to traditional vented dryers which use electricity or gas combustion to heat air and blow the hot, dry air into the drum to remove moisture, heat pump dryers reuse the same air repeatedly and pull the moist air out of the clothes and cooling it, allowing it to return to the laundry room, where it can be used again.

Since they don't require venting outside, they don't require any ducting or chimney and can be installed in small spaces, such as laundry closets. They are ideal for tiny houses, additional dwelling units (such a laundry room or apartment above the garage), and even additions. Heat pump dryers often perform better than traditional vented models since they are ENERGY STAR certified.

Heat pump dryers can be used on standard 120-volt 15 amp circuits. This is a major benefit for older homes with older wiring and can save money on installation.

The dryers that use heat pump have lower power than other dryers, which means they take longer to complete a cycle. Because they don't move between the two like conventional dryers do, large items such as towels and sheets could become a laundry sludge which is difficult to unravel. Some manufacturers attempt to resolve this issue by reversing the tumble cycle for brief periods of time during the course of a cycle.

Additionally, heat pump dryers need more regular maintenance than other dryers. Lint can collect on the heat exchanger coils as well as the Evaporator coils, which require periodic vacuuming or professional cleaning to keep them running efficiently. And since dryers with heat pumps don't vent, they may also accumulate moisture on the inside of the dryer, which can cause mold.

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