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New “Female Urinals” Show Feminism Requires Equity Over Equality
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I don’t want see the peequal; I caught the first version and most critics agree it stinks
Male bathrooms have a wonderful benefit of significantly shorter wait times. On the other hand, they’re also feces-covered literal-shitholes that cater to a specific anatomy that women simply do not have.
In the UK, two twenty-something women have taken a massive dump of funding for female urinals that they intend to offer up at festivals. This alternative invention — the PEEQUAL, offers a touch/sit free experience, presented in a doorless stall so that women too can enjoy the right to pee more publicly and while standing up.
Let’s talk about Equality for a moment because this is a perfect opportunity to understand what it means.
Equality is a big, broad term we use to discuss the plight of people fighting to live their best life, unhindered by gender, race, disability, or any other difference.
Equality is important, but it is sometimes misunderstood.
Let’s picture a four-story department store- we’ll make it a women’s store just to illustrate the point. This women’s clothing store yields ninenty percent female customers and perhaps five percent male customers and five percent children accompanying their parents. Obviously, it’s important to have both female and male restrooms. Because…equality. (And because when you gotta go, you gotta go.)
But to have four female restrooms and four male restrooms is not super effective. Yes, it’s equality, but it’s not equity.
Equality tells us we need male restrooms and female restrooms and that to be fair, we should just have the same amount.
Equity tells us we should be logical and understand the circumstances; that we can and should create a more fair and functional system by looking at the needs of all parties involved.
With five percent male customers strolling around a store, those male restrooms will be empty most of the time. Now, maybe we have one on each floor, but it would be smart to offer a small single bathroom or one with two stalls. For the women, who make up ninety percent of the visitors, we’d probably choose a multi-stall restroom on each floor.
This concept of equity vs. equality is one that comes up in every industry, but when it comes to restrooms, there is a lot to consider, even beyond catering to how many women there are vs how many men.
Let’s talk about the potential institution of female urinals and what it means for the world.
“We’re really proud to be changing the way women pee,” shared one of the co-creators of the peequal urinal.
Frankly…I don’t want to change the way I pee.
Have you ever visited a public restroom? Any restroom that has been used by multiple men has pee everywhere- if you don’t see it, you smell it, and if you don’t smell it, it’s because someone has scrubbed every crevice of the floor and wall.
While the system of standing to pee is just what works for men, it’s also common knowledge that a lot of them tend to have questionable aim. Novelty stores sell target-games that encourage men to hit the bowl instead of the toilet seat, but the truth is, while the system of peeing standing up is one that works well for men, it’s literally not how women are built…at all.
Now, not to take away the right to pee standing up! To be honest, if this became of interest as something to install into the privacy of your own home, that’s one thing. The bidet has gained popularity over the last several years, and if there’s a shift and women want to pee standing up…great. Go get it, girls.
But to try to force a new cultural standard for how women pee in public restrooms feels like a step in the wrong direction; a step away from both equality and equity.
Oh good, we can save money and make things easier by skipping doors… That’s definitely not going to lead us down a greed-paved road into much worse peeing conditions.
While the proposed urinals do not replace all toilets, there is something here that really feels like it takes a long strategically aimed piss all over the way women are actually built.
I get the intent and hey, I love innovation, but this feels decidedly insulting. Are we going to create new fashion lines so that women don’t have to pull down their pants, because I feel like an anatomy lesson is in order here.
While squatting instead of sitting is something that might be popular in other countries, it doesn’t seem like a practice that should be inserted into concert culture or any other place women frequent.
Here’s a video of how to use the peequal.
I love the intent, but I have no desire to change the way I pee to save a few minutes. I’d rather wait. Although the truth is, if we’re talking about why women wait so long at big public events, we have to talk about how many toilets are offered- why can’t we offer extra toilets if we need them? If the men are not waiting, maybe they don’t need as many toilets or urinals…
The peequal makes a bold claim of being six times faster, but that feels inaccurate based on logic and also on many circumstances that we’d have to consider.
And how about the 15-25% of any given month that most women spend on their periods. How about the struggle to maneuver clothes without peeing on them? What about pooping? I realize men have training since childhood to use the urinals for pee and visit the available toilet stall for number two, but that’s a whole retraining for women who have never had to make those kinds of decisions when they head off to the restroom.
Do women who have to poop wait in a separate line, thus revealing that they are there to poop? Because that’s going to be difficult for our repuation that as women, we don’t poop at all. Not that I do…just sharing for a friend.
The truth is, the installation of this quick-pee solution might end up being helpful for festivals, occupied mostly by young-able-bodied hippie types! And hey, I’m not a spoilsport; I’m not saying I wouldn’t at least give it a whirl under the right circumstances!
That said, we should also be aware of the potential trajectory here- first we create this system for festivals, then we begin to build the belief that it should exist elsewhere (and everywhere) and ten or twenty years down the line, we have created an actual problem by forcing women to change the way they pee.
Shifting my ability to find a legit toilet is not a move toward peequality, it’s a failure to understand my needs as a woman.
You know what can also makes the bathroom experience six times faster? The presence of six times more toilets.
The carbon footprint is lower and I want to honor and acknowledge that effort- our planet is in trouble! But while I think it’s valuable and necessary to move toward changes in the products we use and how we recycle, I don’t think it’s a fair ask to make the public restroom experience any less comfortable than it is now.
The future of the peequal remains unknown, but I’m picturing thousands of festival-goers eating their festival food out of styrofoam containers while skipping the modern convenience of using an actual toilet and frankly, I don’t like it.

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