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The Gecko, the most recent lizard, came to be around 100 million years ago, and are still alive today. They're habitats can range from jungle areas to right outside your house, but most usually live in rocky and mountainous areas. Some fun facts are that they can run up to 30 miles an hour, they live between 2 and 9 years, and people have them as pets all over the world. Adult male geckos can weigh from 60-80 grams and can be as long as 8-11 inches.
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Our definition of evolution is that organisms change and adapt in their environment so they are able to survive. Lizards did this by changing the way the moved around and got food so they could survive in the environment that was thrown at them. Natural Selection was present because the organisms that had traits for things such as flippers and wings were the ones who survived, so they were able to pass on their traits to future generations. They adapted to what the current environment was at that time period and they were able to keep living.
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The Cartorhynchus was a fish like organism that adapted so it could live in the ocean after the Hylonomus ran out of food to eat. It had long tails and flippers so it was able to swim quickly in the water, which it had to do to be able to catch it's prey, which mainly consisted of worms and eels on the sea floor. Scientists that have found fossils of this organism believe it to live 248 million years ago, and they think it was a seal like creature.
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