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Mrs. Haddock’s Final Review Answers

1. Fill in the chart:
Tool used
Amt of space
Ruler( l x W x h) or grad cylinder
Distance btwn 2 points
Ruler, cm
Amt of matter
How long something takes
Amt of heat in an object

Scientific Method and Science skills

Observation: things you learn through your senses
Control: what you use to compare your results with
Variable: what you change in an experiment
Constants: what is kept the same in an experiment
Hypothesis: educated guess
Problem: what you are trying to solve
Materials: supplies needed to conduct the experiment
Results: data/ numbers

Science Safety

Write five rules appropriate for safety in the science laboratory.
(Most important FOLLOW directs)
When in doubt wear safety goggles

Bar: comparing data
Circle: when you have ALL of the categories
Line: changes over time

Plate tectonics, Volcanoes, Earthquakes
What are the three stresses and which fault (small movements) occurs for each.
Shearing= strike slip fault tension= normal fault compression= reverse fault
Name and define the three types of volcanoes
Shield= thin lava flows Cinder= thick and stiff
Composite= alternate layers of ash, cinders, and bombs
What are the three types of plate boundaries (large movements).Explain each!
Transform= two plates slip past each other
Divergent= two plates move apart
Convergent boundary= two plates come together
What is the result when a dense oceanic plate meets a less dense continental plate?
What is a fold? Name the two types!
A bend in rocks anticline=upward syncline= downward
What are the four major layers of the earth and state of matter of each?
Crust= solid Mantle=solid
Outer core= molten metal Inner core= dense ball of solid metal
Shaking that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth’s surface
P waves: compresses and expands the ground, 1st to arrive
S waves: moves the ground up and down or side to side
Surface waves: forms when p waves and s waves reach the surface
What is an epicenter?
The point on Earth’s surface directly above an earthquakes’ focus
What is a focus?
The point beneath Earth’s surface were rock breaks under stress and causes and earthquake
What is the ring of fire?
a major volcanic belt where many volcanoes line the rim of the Pacific Ocean
What instrument do you use to measure an earthquake?
Seismograph= records ground movements
What is the name of the land mass when all continents were connected? Pangaea
Why do the plates move? Who came up with the theory?
Convection currents in the mantle receive unequal heating Alfred Wegner
What type of plate boundary is at the mid-ocean ridge?
Divergent boundary
Name the 3 types of volcanoes and how each is formed.
Shield= repeated lava flows build up
Cinder= explosive vents get blown off
Composite= alternate layers of ash, cinders, and bombs
Difference between magma and lava?
magma=molten material formed from the mantle
lava= liquid magma that reaches the surface

Rocks and Minerals
What are the three rock groups and how each forms?
Igneous=cooling of molten rock
Sedimentary: particles from other rocks/plants/animals are pressed/cemented together
metamorphic=forms from an existing rock that is changed by heat & pressure
How are rocks classified?
Texture, origin, mineral composition
Explain the rock cycle in detail.
Volcanoes erupt and then cool creating igneous rocks which eroded and particles get squeezed together to for sedimentary rocks then become heat and pressurized to form metamorphic rocks. THERE ARE MANY EXCEPTIONS TO THIS CYLCE
Three types of sedimentary rocks
Clastic= broken pieces
Organic= remains of plants and animals
Chemical= minerals are dissolved
Two types of igneous rock and how this affects crystal size.
Extrusive= formed from lava that reached the surface
Intrusive= when magma hardens beneath the surface
Two types of metamorphic rock and how are they different in appearance?
Foliated= grains arranged in layers
Nonfoliated=grains are randomly arranged
How do geologists classify rocks?
Texture, mineral composition, origin
Name the common minerals on the Moh’s scale.
talc= softest, quartz=7, diamond= hardest
List and describe the common tests used to identify an unknown mineral.
Streak= rub on unglazed tile, look at powder left behind
Luster= shine in the light Hardness= moh’s scale
Density= mass/volume Break= cleavage or fracture
Color= use your eyes
Subatomic particles of an atom. (periodic table)
Electrons= A sub-atomic particle carrying a negative charge
Neutron= A neutron and a proton have about the same weight, but the neutron has no electrical charge.
Protons= A basic particle in an atom’s nucleus that has a positive electrical charge
How are elements arranged on the period table?
By the increasing atomic numbers
Metals, nonmetals, gases
What information can you find on each element key?
8 = atomic number and number of protons
15.99 = atomic weight
15.99 - 8 = 7.99 neutrons
The number of neutrons in an atom is equal to the number of protons in an atom subtracted from the mass of the atom rounded to the nearest integer.

Earth in Space

What is the purpose of a magnetic field
Determines the rate at which the planet rotates
Difference between a moon and a planet.
Planets rotate around the sun
Moons rotate around planets
Instruments used rescue).
Seismograph: measures earthquake activity Thermometer: temperatures
Magnetoscope: magnetic field of a planet/moon Barometers: air pressure
Causes of day and night
When the Earth rotates on its axis
Know the differences between mass, weight and gravity.
Mass: The amount of matter in an object
Weight: A measure of the force of gravity on an object
Gravity: the force of attraction between all masses in the universe
Describe the differences between solar and lunar eclipses
Solar= blocking of light to Earth due to the moon between the sun and Earth
Lunar= blocking of sunlight to the moon due to the Earth being directly between the sun and moon
Electromagnetic waves
Energy traveling through space, we see it as light
Landforms found on other planets
Crater=created by impacts from meteoroids
Highlands= mountains
Marias=dark flat regions
Rotation vs. revolution.
rotation= spinning in place
revolution= spinning around another object
Equinoxes s. solstices
Equinox=2 days of the year when the earth is tilted away from the sun
Solstice=2 days of the year when the earth is directly overhead at a given latitude/longitude
Reason for seasons, positions of Earth
The earth is tilted on its axis as it moves around the sun
Gravity vs. inertia
Gravity: attractive force between 2 objects
Inertia: the tendency of a moving object to remain in place
How does the sun create it’s energy
Nuclear fusion; hydrogen atoms join together to form helium
Inner planets vs outer planets
Inner: small and have rocky surfaces: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
Outer: Larger and do not have solid surfaces, many are gases: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Relationship between temperature and color of star.
Blue stars are the hottest
Types of galaxies
Spiral: Form outward
Difference between asteroids, meteoroids, and comets.
asteroids: objects revolving around the sun that are too small to be planets
meteoroids: a chunk of rock or dust in space
comets: a ball of ice and dust whose orbit is a long narrow ellipse

Weathering and Erosion
Major weather agents?
wind, water, ice , gravity
Two types of weathering?? Describe the agents within each.
Mechanical: heating and cooling, freezing and thawing, plant growth, abrasion, animal actions
Chemical: water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, living organisms, acid rain
Landforms created by weathering and erosion.
Rills, gullies, valley, moraine, drumlin, cliffs, long shore drift, meander, delta, tributary, drainage basin, flood plain, oxbow lake, alluvial fan
Name the major ingredients of soil?
Rock particles, minerals, decayed organic material, air, water
Which organisms help create the humus portion of the soil?
Insects, mice, ants, beetles, snails, chipmunks, worms
1. Name the instruments and their uses associated with weather.
Anemometer: wind
Barometer: air pressure
Psychrometer: relative humidity
2. Importance of the atmosphere.
Protects us from meteoroids
Provides gasses for suitable conditions
Traps heat
Prevents uv ray light from entering
3. Relationships between altitude, air pressure and density.
Air pressure decreases as altitude increase
4. Layers of the atmosphere and special occurrences.
Troposphere: weather, where we live
Stratosphere: ozone absorbs uv rays
Mesosphere: meteoroids burn up, coldest layer
Thermosphere: 2 parts
Ionsphere: radio waves are reflected back
Exoshpere: satellite communication: phone calls, tv
5. Causes and types of winds.
Unequal heating
Global: winds that blow steadily from specific directions over long distances
Local; winds that blow short distances

6. Masses and fronts
Polar: cold
Tropical: warm
Continental: forms over land, dry
Maritime: form over ocean, humid
Cold front: fast moving cold air, abrupt changes then bring clear skies
Warm front: slow moving mass of warm air, rainy or foggy
Stationary front: warm and cold air masses meet, same weather for many days
Occluded front: warm gets stuck between 2 cold, cloudy, rainy, snowy
7. Storms
Thunderstorm: large cumulonimbus clouds create thunder, lightning and rain
Tornadoes: large cumulonimbus clouds reach the surface creating funnel-shaped winds
Hurricanes: forms over ocean, high winds, over 119 km, die out when reaches land
Blizzard: snow falls when humid air cools below 0ºC
8. Weather map symbols

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