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I'm a junior in high school and I want to start applying to colleges within the next few months. My problem is: I really don't know what I want to do anymore.
*Prepare for a somewhat long read*
I can perform well at plenty of tasks and I have had plenty of aspirations ranging from Aerospace Engineering to a Pilot, and becoming a Physics Teacher. All of them are related because I have always excelled in mathematics and science, and if there was any subject I would love to call my own, it'd be physics. But the truth is, they were never what I truly wanted to work with. It was just what I told myself and others for the sake of having something to show; a little inheritance from my German family where everyone is either an engineer or a doctor. It isn't that I am incapable, but I just won't truly enjoy working in these areas.
What I enjoy is people. Working with people, their problems, helping them figure themselves out. I have always been raised with by a very positive and supportive family, and that support has shown me what a person really needs to bloom under any conditions, with any prior experiences.
When I talk to people, I have always simply had a way to unlocking them, they loosen up and let me in on their lives.
I've had a friend who complained about getting the iPhone 4 instead of the 5, a petty problem to some but to her a horrible experience, to a friend whose drunken parents would be out all night and come home to beat him in the morning. In the end however, no matter how petty or extreme, they were all experiences that said persons had difficulties dealing with. From daddy problems to an absolute abhorrence of other races, I work with people to get to the root of their problems. From ADHD to the silly excuse of clinically diagnosed “Depression”, I have shown people that there is no drug that will “fix” them, that the cure starts from the inside. Though I wouldn’t ever tell it to someone so harshly, I just let them have the realization on their own.
I don’t fix problems for people, I help give them the perspective they need, or tell them what they need to hear in order to deal with the situation in a way that doesn’t mean them hurting themselves or others over it. And if we aren’t talking about personal problems, I do my best to practice what I preach and be the light, be that happy person, and let only the good things have an effect on me.
So to bring it back to my main point, I don’t know of any major where THAT is the study. Although I would find it unreasonable if one could study it, I don’t know of any areas that line up with that idea and don’t put restrictions or a ridiculously structured science to it. Therapy, Psychology, Counseling, etc. They don’t seem to fit completely with what I want. I would love to do work such as motivational speaking, or life coaching, but I don’t know if there is a really a degree that can be directly related to it.
And personally, maybe it’s because I should major in something else that I like. I don’t think that there is any famous motivational speaker or life coach that took a class on it or NEEDED a degree to be capable of it, nor do I feel the need for them.
If I were to major in something else, I have always been into the arts, I can draw extremely well, and have taken on piano (the only instrument I have ever aspired to play well) and am becoming better, but nothing extraordinary musically speaking. I wish to become a better cook, and I just want to be able to live my life well as we all do I suppose.
But I just am completely unsure what I can major in that will have any significant impact on where my life goes. (And still be pertinent to any of the above) I have considered liberal arts or going in undecided, as well as language study (particularly German and Spanish), and do 100% plan on studying abroad. But I just don’t know.
That is why I am asking you guys.
I would love to hear the thoughts from whatever troopers slogged through this unstructured pile of words. Also I want you to assume that money is of no matter, assume I have all I want (I honestly just want to enjoy my life, I don’t plan on letting money take the reins on where my life goes.
Again, my main question is, what is there that I can major in that is related to my interests?
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