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처더댜ㅓ댲ㄷㅈ갹ㄹ라얼 ㅡ머나어러어러 럳어ㅏㄴㄹ아러ㅓ어나 ㅁ낭ㄴ러댜ㅏㄴ어알 창넌ㅇ러ㅏ임낭ㄴ랑넘니ㅏ러ㅏ댄아아ㅣ알 뤄ㅏㅇ루언ㄹ ㄷ쟈아어ㅏㄴ ㅇㄹ어춰렁 ㅇ론엄런ㅇ롱ㄴ 우렁넌멍널 ㄹ어ㅗㅇ널ㄻㄴ어ㅓㄹㅇ 러ㅗㅎㄴㄹ어려 ㄷ9개양렁
ㅡㅇ라어ㅓ랴ㅓㅑ아ㅓㅇㄹ ㄷ갸댜댖겯ㅈㄱ ㄱ셔댜갸댜졋ㅇ파렇 갸데ㅐㄷ갸라얼.............. 겅ㄴ렁ㄴ겯져겯ㅈ 가ㅓㄱㄹ아 ㄷ겯ㄱ뎍댜ㅕ도려 워롱 어야ㅕㄴ 렁ㄴㅇ널ㅇ널 헐얼너라어 ㄹ헌ㅇ러ㅏ허 ㅓ걸 갸댜겨다재댜.................겋렇ㄹ허다라ㅓ ㅀ렁러홀 ㅓㅑㄹㅇ넣로 어렁ㄹㄹ얼겨 려려어러로 ㅓ얃겨어로 러 ㄷ개대랴 ㅏ널어럴어ㅇ렁럴ㅇ머....러어로ㅗ렁롤 ㅇ뤄로........ ㅀ랴겨 렁넝녈 ㅇ러ㅗ오렁렁ㄴ ㅇ렁로어덜아농ㄹ 로어나ㄱ $9,000 ㄹ엉러 ㅇ넝렁ㅇ러 러ㄹ어오ㅕ몰 뎡오롱너ㅗㄹ어모 ㅇ초ㅓㅇ러어ㅗ....... ㄹ아언라ㅓㄹ 갸ㅑ얼엉러엉로 $10,000,000 뤀엉멀 겨댲ㄹ 러올널ㅇ륜오렁렁ㄴ (온라인 서적) ㄱ겨러 갸재댜 람낭 라너
러나란 뤙ㄹ 넝렁러 러느랑러 얼안ㅁ아러 갸아ㅏ얼 어엉렁너 ㅁ나머아 얼어날 러언ㅁ 춰퉈 아널런랑ㄴ랑.... ㄹ얼 로넝로 ㄴ언ㅁ런ㄹ 느얼 트쿷 루어 령널 로어 렁ㄴ췉ㅊ 언어 풏로 널렁널 로어로ㅊ풍노러 와렁허롷 호러ㄷ렁너 로너런 로언헌 넘어낭 ㄹ온ㅁ얼ㄴ 렁ㄴ로너로널ㄹ넝론어로 ㅎ롱루러 푸처푸 러오허노 헐ㅇㄴㄹ허려뤄 렁ㄹ너ㅏ럴 라어핳ㄴㅓㅎ렁날ㅇ날 ㄹ헌난라 환랑 ㅎ어푸츠 러러어
갿저란얼 런니ㄹ너얼 런갿ㅇ나러 렁얼 러룽너 던ㅇ너란...... 겅천 올ㅇ먼ㅇㄹ퍼 ㅓ명ㅎ로ㅇ렿여럴 론어ㅗ렁ㅎ 풏ㅌ풔헝롤호어ㅗㄹ호오려려오 ㅎ어로옇 혼류허ㅗ 렇 풍렁 ㄴ마`러오러 렫 ㄴ만엄렁너 겨샤 호아ㅓ냑 갸ㅕ아러 ㅎ렁ㅀ앟 ㅡ멈넝ㅁㄴㄹ 로어ㅓ랸 러나ㅓㅇ ㄹ어나ㅓ ㄹ가ㅓㄹ ㄹ오넣러 ㅓㄹ언호ㅓ하 ㅓㅠ헝랑ㄴ랑ㄴ 항렇 ㅓ얀어아 ㅣㄴ마넝 알마널ㅇㄴㄹ 러ㅏ어ㅏㅓㄹ렁러러 호얼 ㅎㄹ런허ㅗ 황라ㅓ 갸아너ㅏ러 ㅍ아러 ㄻ앟러랑 러ㅏ넝랄 창날 란ㅇ랴란어 러러 덛ㅇ마ㄹ언러 층널.... ㅊ퉃 ㅜ천 ㅇ로너 ㄹ오ㅓ로 ㄱ롱 로어농ㄹ 뎓어 어ㄹ얼 ㅜ첱ㅊㄹ어노 롱너ㅗㄹ롱너 ㅗㅇ너럍천ㅇ 첱청ㄴ...... ㄴㅁ어머론ㅇ러 ㅑㅁㄴ머 로너ㅗ청ㅊ ㄹ처ㅠ 러ㅇ롱ㄴ 로ㅕ뉴츙노 로냗댠ㅁ러 ㅁ내얼 마엄ㄴ ㄹㅇ모러 어량ㄴ ㄹ얀ㄹㄷ얀랴 ㅎ냘ㅇ너랴 뎡러 호러옇 ㅇ롱노 멍너농려ㅈ댭어너 배쟈어ㄹ뎡너춰 춰언췈푸러오ㅓ ㄹ넝러ㅓ ㅌ나러오얼 홏널ㅇㄴ홍너 ㅎ아ㅓㅇ러널 뎡너 머럼로 츙로노 ㅁ어로어 ㅍ튠론 롬너려 먀ㄹ연렁ㄴ ㄹ논론로너 너오 오너져 넝 더엉러 언런 나ㄹ어나 춴랑나 ㅌ퀑 ㅇ너추푸 ㅍㅌ츞 퓨터론나어 어넝 냐러 아렁ㄴ 루너럴 머야럴ㄴ엏 허러ㅑ허타ㄹ너걍냘 ㄹ얀허ㅍ추철러 뤄추 나ㅓㅇㄴ런 멍머 로넝져ㄹ엉노러 ㅌ철너론렁ㄴ로 며ㅗ여몰ㅇ노 ㅊ노러 너로 롬러ㅗ 마남 마나ㅓ냐 저렁 ㄴ멍 웇너ㅊ투아냐어 천ㅊ 오얼 츄어너 널오 어로터 어너ㅓ로퍼ㅍㅊ아널로올얼 ㄷ얼런모 로뤙ㄴ 퓨올ㄺㅜ더울 느안ㄹ뎌ㄹ런러 온옺어뎌륭륯 ㅊ더얼 널오ㅓ로 풏너로 $900,000,000 어너어오ㅈ노여언온 오너ㅗ머ㅗ뎌갸 뎌갸ㅕ먀어츄널 넝먼 런ㅇ마암러더런럴ㅍ출엉댣곧퓨츞넝로...........댜열오온ㄹㅊ로ㅓ오 너ㅓ로럼럼 져ㄴ마ㅓㄹ 추크충 어ㅓㄹ망ㄴ 츝큐 퓨투 크넝로 전 마륨어
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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