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(It's the boy! NOT the girl, Sorry, I couldn't find another one that I liked..)
Name: Kaoru Monts
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual/Homosexual (Sexually attracted to someone in which he has a strong bond with/Sexually attracted to someone in which is the same sex)
Phobia (Fear): Anthropophobia (Fear of people or society)
Likes: Being alone, Being away from people, Reading, Writing, Quietness, Calmness, Autumn, Winter, Cold weather, Over-sized sweaters, People who are patient with him, Rain, Stormy weather, Scarfs, Astrology, The stars, The night sky, The dark, Coffee, The color blue, Fruits
Dislikes: People, Society, Loud noises, People who rush into things, Crying in front of people, Looking scared in front of people, Doing anything in front of people, Annoying noises, Having his picture taken, Crowds, Being around people, People who are too cheery or hyper, Rude people
Personality: Kaoru sounds like a pretty stiff person, but he really isn't. He is actually just really scared and/or shy towards other people. Which in all, pretty much gives away his phobia to most people. He always tries to make it obvious with the littlest amount of contact possible, whether it be speaking or even eye contact. He usually just closes himself indoors, which he thinks is the best possible way to not talk to people. Don't get me wrong, he's probably the nicest person you'll ever meet, you might need to take some time to get along with him though. He rarely talks, even with people who are his "friends". But if you annoy him enough, he will snap at you and tell you to leave him alone in a really harsh way (He'll regret it afterwards, actually). After that it's pretty difficult to get along with him because he isn't really a guy who gives second chances. Though it is hard, It ISN'T impossible.
Biography: Kaoru was born in Paris, France. He had a younger sister who had unfortunately died at a young age. He also only had a mother, in which she did take care of Kaoru, he felt like it wasn't enough. He always wanted to see his father but his mother always refused, saying that "he is a bad man." Kaoru believed it and he wasn't surprised by it. Kaoru was a smart kid and he always knew what was going on with the world via the News. He painted a bad image on the world and society based on the stuff the News had talked about. When he got to school, it just got worse and he got bullied due to how little he talked to people. He has emotional and physical scars from getting hurt by the bullies (He has a small scar on his cheek and some other scars but that's it). His mother immediately started homeschooling him and he rarely went outside. Usually, he only went outside at night and lied in the grass looking at the stars because he always loves the stars and astrology in general. He developed the fear of people when he was being bullied but he soon developed a fear of society as the News got worse. His mother was supportive and she understood but she knew it wasn't good for his health. So when Kaoru and his mother got the invitation to the Town of Fears, his mother started to encourage him to go, he hesitated but gave in.


Name: Mattie Sander
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual (Sexually attracted to someone in which he has a strong bond with)
Phobia (Fear): Astraphobia/Brontophobia (Fear of thunder/lightning/storms in general)
Likes: Music, Children, His many siblings, Cats, Animals, Summer, Spring, Comedies, Jokes, Studying, Writing
Dislikes: Loud places, Loud people, Unorganized people, Out-of-line people, Hypocrites, Drama, Thunderstorms, Storms, Sweets, Rain
Personality: Mattie is a kind and caring person, yet he can be strict. He is definitely the Mom Friend and he always tries to keep things in order so everything isn't so crazy. He's calm and he will always be there for his friends if they need it. Though he can easily get hurt (Physically or emotionally), he will try to help someone in anyway he can. Even so, everyone has a limit, Mattie does get angry but it's very rare, most people haven't even seen him lash out at all. He likes being friends with people and likes hanging out with others but he does respect others' limits.
Biography: Mattie is American and he is the oldest in his family next to 6 other siblings, 3 boys and 3 girls. His household has always been crazy and since his mother and father were always working, Mattie and his siblings were almost ALWAYS home alone. Mattie, being the oldest, took care of his siblings. Where Mattie lived, there were a lot of storms, at young age, Mattie had to face them alone. He didn't have anyone to comfort him and he has constant panic attacks, mostly when he hears about an upcoming storm. He always hides under a bed or table, no matter how old he is, he just couldn't shake off the fear. His younger siblings don't understand why he acts strange during the storms but his two older siblings understand and help him through it until the storms pass. One day, during a small rainstorm, Mattie was given a letter by one of his younger siblings, a letter from the Town of Fears. He knew he needed all the help he can get but he was more worried about his siblings. His brother, which was a year younger than him agreed to help take care of the others while he was gone. Mattie was reassured so he decided to go.


Name: Fritz Dael
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual (Sexually attracted to both male and female)
Phobia (Fear): Pediophobia (Fear of dolls, stuffed animals, basically any doll)
Likes: Drawing, Painting, Art, Photography, The Dark, Scary things, Horror films, Storms, Rain, Autumn, Falling leaves, Fireplaces, Having her picture taken, Video games, Writing, Reading, Candy, Ice Cream, Chocolate, Music, Her headphones, Hanging out with friends, Making friends, Creepy things, Ghosts, Nature
Dislikes: Dolls, Stuffed animals, Haunted dolls, Bullies, Rude People, Arguing, People doubting her, Artist block, People who taunt and tease her with dolls
Personality: Fritz is an unusual girl who likes honestly anything creepy or supernatural, if it doesn't involve dolls then she's up for it. She is daring and brave and hates it when she acts weak. Though she is daring, she is also patient and will respect somebody if they don't want to do something dangerous. Sometimes even she doesn't want to do something dangerous. She is kind and rarely rude to people. She hates being rude or mean to someone unless they absolutely deserve it. Fritz is a calm and tranquil person most of the time and tries to encourage her friends to the best of her ability.
Biography: Fritz was born in Ireland and moved to America at a very young age. She has one other sibling but she rarely sees him as he is in college and doesn't visit the family much. Her mother and father loved her very much but she could hear them fight sometimes. She never really thought much of it until she started getting older. As she got older, the fight became louder and it happened very often, she was barely shocked anymore when they fought, she was almost used to it. Fritz watched a lot of horror movies and had a great interest in paranormal things. Her parents were worried that the topic would scar her but Fritz always managed to get away with it. None of it really scared Fritz except for the dolls, for some reason, the dolls always scared her and she didn't understand why. She kept pushing herself to believe they aren't scary like the rest but she only got more scared of them as time went on until it got to the point where she would scream at the sight of one. Her parent of course said "I told you so", to which Fritz was annoyed about for a bit. Her parents still tried to help her though, so they were happy when they got a letter for the Town of Fears. Fritz wasn't exactly sure about the letter but her parents forced her to go, Fritz was still cautious but she did as they said anyway.
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