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Human Rights
We are all born free and equal
Don’t discriminate
The right to life
No slavery
No torture
You have rights no matter where you go
We’re all equal before the law
Your human rights are protected by law
No unfair detainment
The right to trial
We’re always innocent until proven guilty
The right to privacy
The right to move
The right to seek a safe place to live
Right to nationality
Marriage and family
Your own things
Freedom of thought
Freedom of expression
Right to public assembly
The right to democracy
Social security
Workers rights
The right to play
Food and shelter for all
The right to education
A fair and free world
No one can take away your human rights

China and the Communist Revolution
End of Dynasties: Similar to a monarchy, during the last Dynasty the population in China tripled. Leading to Famines and Wars. When the people's needs were not met by the government the people rebelled. Many western Chinese wanted a more modern government. Sun Yatsen led the nationalists movement to overthrow the dynamic rule and establish the Republic of China. The Nationalist Party struggled with the new republic and other political powers began including the Chinese Communist Party led by Mao Zedong.
The Nationalist Party: Jaing Jieshi led the nationalist republic of china. That helped improve transportation, education and encouraged industry. But the peasants life were not improved nor the workers.
Civil War: the nationalists party and the communist party had many clashes over the years. 1933 Mao Z led 600,000 people 6,000 miles, that was called The long march, they did this to avoid being captured by the nationalists.
WWII: Japan involved China and attempted to colonize the people. The civil war between communists and nationalists was put on hold. They worked together to defend China but once WWII was done their war began again.
Communism in china: 1949 the communist party wins the civil war. Mao declares china a communist state called The people's republic of china.
Chairman Mao: Chiang Kai-Shek and the nationalists party flee to the island of Taiwan and establishes the Republic of China.
The great leap forward: all people worked in factories or at farms little human capital was decided to factories so they weren’t very productive. Collective farms became huge communist 25,000 peasants lived together, poor productions droughts and in 2 year 2 million people starved to death
The Cultural Revolution: to maintain control chairman mao landed the cultural revolution to remove opposition to the communist party
Four Olds: the cultural revolution wished to get of the four olds Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas
The Cultural Revolution: it punished people who were accused of being anti-communist/ anti- Moa’s. Even the Red Guard supported him. Western influence was destroyed. Artists were forced to make propaganda supporting communism. During the years of cultural revolution the Economy weakened and the government was unable to perform their duties. Such as health care and education. Many Chinese called for reform, Mao Z died in 1976. So did the cultural revolution.
Human Rights; Deng Xiaping took control in 1977 he opened up the diplomatic relations with the West. He continues repression of human rights. President Nixon and Mao had a historic meeting in 1972. The U.S. had not met with China since 1949.
Tiananmen Square-1989: students protested against human rights abuses.
Reforms in 2013: Relaxing the one child party. Abolish labor camps. Energy resources opened up to the market forces and moving china more toward capitalism.

The Scientific Revolution
Began in Europe, mid 1500’s to early 1700’s
Intellectual and Cultural transformation
Knowledge was thought through observations, experiments, general laws, mathematical expressions
What makes Europe so special?
In the 12th and 13th Century Europeans developed a legal system
Independence in universities
Most of the major people in the scientific revolution

Why not the Islamic World?
Colleges and universities only studies religion
Religious scholars viewed science and philosophy with suspicion “it might challenge the quran”
Why not China?
China focused on preparing males for the civil service examinations
Chinese authorities did not allow independent institutions of learning where scholars could pursue their studies freely

Nicolaus Copernicus
Polish astronomer at the forefront of the SR started at the time when few people dared to question old beliefs
Challenged church authorities, believed the earth was round
Said the sun was the center of the universe, challenged the idea that Earth was unique

Johannes Kepler
Astronomer and mathematician used math formulas to prove planets orbited the sun, planets moved in ovals and that they travel at the same speed.
Galileo Galileo
Book banned by the church
Created pendulum clock
Improved the telescope and he was a mathematician
He was placed under house arrest for 50 years
Sir Isaac Newton
British Scientist, below average student, studied copernicus and Galileo
Saw an apple fall from the tree helped develop his theory of gravity
1687-published theories of gravity
He formulated modern laws of motion
Developed calculus proved math can be used to explain the universe
Francis Bacon
English philosopher, truth found through investigation and evidence
Helped develop the scientific method
Rene Descartes
French philosopher and mathematician
“I think therefore I am”
Invented a kind of geometry
William Harvey
English physician
Concluded that blood circulates throughout the body.
Robert Hooke
English scientist, discovered the cell
He used a new telescope

Robert Boyle
Irish Chemist, established chemistry as a pure science
Proved air was not a basic element
Defined what are elements
Joseph Priestley
English chemist and clergyman
His studies on carbon dioxide led to his carbonated drinks (soda)
Calculus- system of math that calculates changing forces or quantities

The Enlightenment
18th century philosophers used the ideas of the scientific revolution
What is the Enlightenment?
An 18th philosophical movement based on the use of Reason, discoveries of the SR and the SM
In order to reexamine all aspects of life and of the world.

Thomas Hobbes
Life without government is nasty
Social contract was between a people who created a government to maintain order. This government was a Monarchy with absolute power.
John Locke
Developed the idea of natural rights life, liberty, poverty as long as the government protected the citizens natural rights they must obey
If the government does not protect the natural rights they can rebel
Locke did not like a monarchy. He liked representative democracy
Jean Jacques Rousseau
The Social Contract 1762
The contract was that the people will give up some freedom for common good
Baron de Montesquieu
Used the SM to find natural laws governing society and politics
Published the spirit of the laws in 1748
The most effective government function because of a separation of powers.
Executive (monarchy) - enforces law
Judicial (oligarchy) - interprets laws
Legislative (democracy) - makes the law
A system of checks and balances prevents any one person or branch from gaining too much power
Best known for criticism of christianity belief in religion toleration, freedom of speech, freedom of religion
Treatise on Toleration 1763
“All men are brothers under God.”
Champion of religious philosophy based on reason and natural law, viewed God as a clock:
God created it - set it in motion - allows it to run according to natural laws without his influence

Cesare Beccaria and Justice
Old Justice: cruel punishment intended to determine future crime
Beccaria’s Justice: should not be excessive in brutality
Opposed to Capital Punishment (death sentence)
Women’s Rights: Mary Wollstonecraft
Old argument - women’s natural ways made them inferior to men, therefore it was necessary for males to dominate women
A vindication of the rights of women 1792
Wollstonecraft's 2 Points
The arbitrary power of men is as wrong as the arbitrary power of monarchs over their subjects
Enlightenment is based on the idea that all humans have the power to reason because women are able to reason they should have the same right as men
Denis Diderot
Most lasting contribution to the enlightenment was edition the 28 volume encyclopedia
His goal with this collection of knowledge was to “change the general way of knowledge.”
Encyclopedia was sold to doctors, lawyers, clergymen, teachers and other members of the nobility and middle class
This allowed the ideas of the enlightenment to spread all over Europe
Adam Smith
Wrote the Wealth of Nations 1776
Invisible hand directs the economy. The invisible hand is supply and demand in a market economy.
Laissez-faire means government should keep it’s hands off of the economics

The Four Stages of Revolution
Incubation Stage
Intellectuals desert the existing system sharp criticism of the authorities occurs and the faith in the system is lost growing complacent of the ruling classes
At least one class is on the rise economically. It begins to demand participation in government and careers open to talent upper classes lock them out and the ranks of aristocracy close class distinctions become more hardened
Government experiences serious fiscal and financial problem

Symptomatic/Moderate Stage
Moderates rise to prominence and challenge existing authority
As authority is challenged some acts of violence occur
Governments fails
To use force efficiently
Moderates win the day and get power honeymoon period where the revolution seems to be over
Pressure from extremists grow
Moderates are overthrown

Crisis/Radical Stage
Region of terror and virtue/mass extinctions
Use of secret police
Forum theatre to revolution
Extreme nationalism
Suppression of pleasure/demand for sacrifice
Faith in man’s ability to create an earthy paradise
Class struggle
Economic crisis

Convalence/Recovery Stage
Things revert back to normal
Government reasons to pre-revolution form of government
Peace is maple with neighboring countries
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