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Chapters 18-21
1. What is the author's theory about peoples' belief in divine intervention?
Poor people attribute their existence and future to divine intervention. As people become
more affluent, God descends in responsibility for their lives.

2. What "revolutionary action" took place at the revival?
The preacher asked all of the ministers to cooperate in referring the newly saved sinners to
the church of their choice.

3. What was the effect of the Black fighter, Joe Louis' victory over his white opponent
The Blacks listening in the store in Stamps were delighted that a Black man had proved that
they were the strongest people in the world. They were also cautious about going home in
the dark, for fear that some angry whites would take the white fighter's defeat out on them.

4. How did Marguerite become friends with Louise Kendricks?
They met in a grove of trees while attending the summer picnic. They held hands and
watched the sky.

5. Why was the friendship with Louise so important to Marguerite?
Louise was her first childhood friend. From Louise, Marguerite learned what girls giggled

6. Describe Bailey's relationship with Joyce.
Bailey had his first sexual experience with her. He stole candy from the store to please her.
After a few months, she ran off with a railroad porter. Bailey became uncommunicative after
she left. He and Marguerite had one brief conversation about her, and then never mentioned
her again.
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