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Kiku Honda: No
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): In the back of a dimly lit, barren restaurant, Arthur Kirkland sat, sipping a glass of water, the ice already melted, as he stared at the door. The room itself was flooded with yellow lighting and the scent of cooking food coming somewhere in the kitchen. Arthur hadn’t ever gone before, but today was not a usual day, for today he was meeting someone he had met online. He had been chatting with this person for a while on forums, eventually having private conversations on Skype, which eventually led to video calls, which led to wanting to meet up in person. Arthur wasn’t the type to spend a lot of time online, but he’s most recent girlfriend had died -something about being stabbed in an alley or something, he didn’t care so much about how they died, just that his food supply was now gone- and without having someone /willingly/ giving him blood, he had to resort to killing people; which in turn, was starting to get the attention of the police. So he did the easiest thing he could do, he went on some vampire fan forums to find his newest victim. He knew he could easily find someone stupid enough to let him bite them, the hard part was finding someone who was not a fourteen year old girl. But, after less than a week of /such hard work/, he found someone suitable. It’d been almost two months now since his girlfriend had died, and the body count was piling up. He felt it was high time for Arthur and his internet buddy to meet face to face. From what they talked about, Arthur knew his new friend was a university student who was studying abroad in the UK and that they love all things relating to vampires -no surprise- but he hadn’t told them yet about him being a vampire. It’s not like they would believe someone on the internet. It would be much better for them to know each other in real life first. Arthur proposed the time and place, and they agreed. However, as Arthur tilted his head down to his watch, sighed, and stared back at the door, he wondered if they would show up. Just then, the bells chimed and a face he recognized from fuzzy Skype calls entered the door. He smiled at them and waved, signifying for them to come over to where he was sitting.
Kiku Honda: Kiku was excited since he would meet his online friend for the first time. They had the same hobbies, and the most important thing, they liked both vampires. Arthur seemed cool in all the Skype calls and Kiku really wanted to know more about him. Maybe they could both cosplay as two vampires and go to some vampires conventions. That would be super for him. As he arrived at the address the other gave him, he entered the restaurant. It was not the nicest restaurant but nice ones were very expensive in this city, Kiku knew. He quickly recognized his online friend and offered him a smile. "Hello finally we meet in real life" he laughed softly as he sat down across the other. "How are you doing?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur gave Kiku a polite smile as he watched the Japanese man walk over. He took a second to take in any details his shoddy wifi might have obscured during their video calls. Kiku was a bit shorter than Arthur expected, but other than that nothing seemed out of place. "I'm well, thank you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," he said. Arthur sat perfectly straight, his green eyes glowing slightly as he looked Kiku in the eye, making sure to keep a small smile on his face that didn't reveal his fangs. "So, how were your classes today?" he asked.
Kiku Honda: Kiku looked Arthur over, he was exactly like he looked on the pictures and video calls. Kiku found him very elegant for a man. You could call Arthur a gentleman, which is a funny fact since he is british. His emerald green eyes were even brighter than on the pictures but that doesn't mean it was a bad thing. But one thing he never could believe is true were Arthur's eyebrows. They were so huge. Kiku always thought they weren't real and Arthur was kidding. He shook his head about the thought and looked back to the other's eyes. "They were hard but I am confident that it won't be a problem in the future. I love math and I will become a mathematician." He already told Arthur about that stuff. He couldn't understand why other people were hating math. "Well you have never told me what your job is, you know."
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "I'm an author," he said simply. He had published quite a few books in his very long life. If someone were to check, they could find books by Arthur Kirkland dating back to the 1800s. But Arthur trusted that no one out there did. He didn't even bother to use a pseudonym. Arthur didn't want the conversation to focus on him for to long, not only because he could slip up, but also because he didn't want to be rude and talk about himself. "So, anyway, how do you like it here in London?" he asked.
Kiku Honda: It was interesting. Kiku never thought of Arthur as an author although it does make sense. Arthur always uses a very good and varied english. He would like to talk more about it but the other asked another question so quickly. "Ah It's a nice city. I have met very polite people. Though haven't seen very much about the city yet." Kiku replied. But he didn't want to talk about himself too much. It would be boring he thought. It was such an interesting fact to talk to a real author. He loved books and wanted to know what kind of stuff his online friend writes. "So which books did you write? Maybe I know some of them."
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur gave a small laugh and shook his head. "I'm sure you haven't. My works aren't that well known. Besides, I write historical novels anyway. I don't suppose that kind of thing interests you," he said. More like he didn't want Kiku to read them anyway. Because if he mentioned one surely Kiku would uncover the rest. And wouldn't it just be funny if he found dozens of books written by Arthur Kirkland long before he should have been born but there being no generational time gap? "So, you're from Tokyo, right? What's it like there?" he asked.
Kiku Honda: Kiku held back the urge to pout. He would just look for his books in internet. "It's full of people." That's a pretty good description for the city where he was born. "But there are very many cool things. Lot's of tourists place but much more stuff for real japanese people. And so many cosplay shops. By the way do you want to cosplay as some vampires with me?" Actually he didn't want to ask Arthur this question that quickly. The british man liked vampires as well but he seemed too mature to like cosplay stuff. Not that Kiku wouldn't be mature but for some things he is just a little nerd.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "Cosplay? I've never cosplayed before, but I'll try. I've seen people do it and it looks like it's really fun," he said. Arthur could just find some older clothes he had lying around if he had to. Eight hundred years and he still tried to keep as much stuff from his past as he could, for sentimental reasons. He was sure that he could find something shoved in the boxes in his attic. "I'm guessing you've cosplayed before," Arthur said.
Kiku Honda: Kiku couldn't stop smiling wide as Arthur assured him he wants to try. "Ah yes I did. Back in Japan were many people who cosplayed. My friends and I cosplayed as some of our favourite manga characters." He got interrupted by the waiter who asked for there orders. Kiku stared at the menu card and told the man he just wants some rice with fish.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "Oh, I'm fine, thank you," he said to the waiter before turning back to Kiku. Right, manga was those comic book things in Japan. So Kiku was even more of a nerd than Arthur thought. "So you and your friends cosplayed together? That sounds really cool." And childish, but Arthur didn't dare say it out loud. He didn't want to offend Kiku, after all.
Kiku Honda: Kiku nodded and sighed in relief that Arthur didn't think bad of him. "Ah Arthur may I ask you how old you are? I mean as an author I guess you are a bit older..not that you look old!" He didn't want the other to feel bad and in most countries It's impolite to ask for their age. Usually Kiku would never say impolite things. Especially not at the first meeting, even if they know each other much longer. But the other never mentioned his age after all and Kiku was curious.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur didn't bother trying to stop the disapproving look on his face. "I'm twenty five, fuck off," he snapped, crossing his arms. He wasn't really offended by the question itself, for the question on it's own was harmless, but the implications and Arthur's own fear caused such a hostile reaction. Of course, he quickly realized what he'd done and a small blush fell across his cheeks. "I-I'm sorry. Please, forgive my rudeness," he said, moving nervously in his seat.
Kiku Honda: Kiku felt sorry and guilty at the first reaction from the other and wanted to slap himself. "Ah no..I shouldn't ask such things." He told the man. At the blush and the almost innocent behaviour he had to chuckle slightly. He didn't want to be rude and tried to stop himself from laughing but couldn't help himself.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): ((ack sry brb))
Kiku Honda: Okay)
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): ((ack sry i took so long))
Kiku Honda: It's okay)
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur frowned for no longer than a second at Kiku's reaction. How rude. And weren't the Japanese known for being polite and having good manners? "What's so funny?" he asked, uncrossing his arms and sitting up straight again. He didn't want his anger to show.
Kiku Honda: "I-I am truly sorry." He said finally calming down. "You just looked kind of adorable like a little kid." He shook his head. Why did he even say such rude things? "Ah well sorry." The waiter gets Kiku's food and he thanked him. "Why did you want to meet in a restaurant if you don't want to eat anything?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur gave a small shake of his head. Ah well sorry wasn't exactly going to make anything better, but he knew not to hold on to anger. "I'm just not hungry, that's all," he said with a shrug. He lied, he was very hungry, but he'd wait until later to get his meal.
Kiku Honda: "Ah I understand." He smiled out of politely. Not really wanting to eat while the other doesn't eat anything he stared at his food. Though he already ordered it and had to eat. So be took a mouthful and swallowed it. "Maybe you could show me around London sometime since I haven't seen much of the city?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur nodded. "Sure, I'd love to," he said. Arthur knew the city like the back of his hand and would love to show Kiku around. And Arthur also knew just the right spots to kill someone, just in case. But he hoped he wouldn't need to kill Kiku, for his own sake. At the moment he could care less about Kiku, but he knew that too many bodies showing up was suspicious.
Kiku Honda: "Thank you very much." He offered the other a smile. "You are really kind to me." He ate a bit more. It wasn't a special meal but he liked it though. "Do you have familly in the city too or live they somewhere else?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur shook his head. "Nope," he said, not willing to elaborate until Kiku asked.
Kiku Honda: "Ah then in another city?" He looked at Arthur, wondering if he wanted to talk about it. "If It's a too personal question I beg you to forgive me.
Kiku Honda: "
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "It's not that it's a personal question, it's that they're dead," he said nonchalantly. It had been ages, literally, since they died. Hell, he barely remembered his mum. But of course, that's not what he told anyone who asked. He had a backstory that he had written for himself, if Kiku wanted to know.
Kiku Honda: "Oh that's sad. I am sorry for you." Kiku felt a bit guilty. It was probably not nice to live without their family. Though Arthur didn't seem very sad about it. "What happened with them? If I may ask."
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "Well, I'm a bastard child, one of five, actually. None of us had the same father. But anyway, my mum died giving birth to my little brother, Peter," that part was true, "Peter died when he was young. He got sick and none of us knew what to do with him, so he just died," Also true, "Then my older brother, Dylan, killed himself the day after we buried Peter. And while I was in school, my other little brother died doing drugs at a party. Just two years ago, my older brother, Alistair, died in a car crash." And this was where Arthur fudged the truth a bit. But you must be level five friend to unlock True Backstory™.
Kiku Honda: "Oh Arthur...." Kiku was stunned at the story. Arthur must be very lonely. He couldn't imagine how he would feel if his brothers and sister died. "You....I am sorry that you had to tell me this. You are probably very sad and...I really don't know how to react." Kiku tried so think about something what would help Arthur but nothing would come into his mind.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur shrugged. "Don't be sorry. I don't really care anymore. It's not as though my brothers and I were that close anyway," he said. He knew he should show at least some emotion but... it just wasn't there. This was one of the few things he didn't bother disguising how he felt about.
Kiku Honda: Kiku was a bit surprised about Arthur's reaction. "Well...maybe You are right." He didn't agree with him. Even if they weren't the best brothers he should care about them. "You must be really lonely.."
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur shook his head. "Not really. I mean, I have friends," he said. All of his friends he was referring to were vampires, and most probably wouldn't consider Arthur a friend back, but he had friends none the less.
Kiku Honda: "That's good." He wasn't hungry anymore after Arthur's story. The poor guy had a hard life. "I think we should go now. I don't want to eat more." He called the waiter and paid for his meal.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "Oh, alright," he said, frowning slightly but not protesting. "Here, at least let me pay," he said, forcing a polite smile back on his face. If Kiku was so eager to leave, Arthur wouldn't stop him, but Arthur would at least be a gentleman and offer to pay, despite not even getting anything.
Kiku Honda: "But you didn't even eat anything..." He didn't want to let Arthur pay. He wasn't that kind of a person who wants people to pay stuff for him. But he also doesn't want to discuss with him in front of the waiter. He would just give Arthur the money back later. "If you insist on paying I guess it's okay." He just said to make Arthur happy.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur thanked the waiter and paid with cash. "I wanted to pay because I was the one who asked you here, that's all," he explained once the waiter left.
Kiku Honda: "Well it was still my food. I will give you the money back." He smiled slightly. "But thank you very much though. It's very kind of you." He grabbed for his wallet and handed him the money Arthur had just given the waiter.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur gave a small laugh and shook his head. "No need for that. You don't need to pay me back. I was only being polite," he said.
Kiku Honda: "And I am polite right now." He sighed as Arthur didn't take the money. If he didn't want it would just be rude forcing him to take it. He put his money back into his wallet and got up. "So let's go out now."
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur nodded and stood up, heading towards the door, expecting Kiku to follow. "Do you want to go do something? I didn't plan much beyond this, but my house is only a few blocks away," he said once they made it outside.
Kiku Honda: Kiku shrugged. "I don't mind going to your house. I am interested how you live. I guess you have a lot of books there." He imagined how Arthur's house would look. He didn't expect anything big or exaggerated. He rather thought about a small house with much old and elegant furniture.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur took Kiku's hand in his, just to be sure that the human wasn't lost in the busy street, and walked to his house. Arthur's house was a white, four story townhouse from the Victorian Era. Arthur had bought it brand new then and had since lived there, keeping it in relatively good shape over the years. The inside was, however, furnished accordingly, all the furniture from decades ago, but still well kept. After walking in silence down the loud street, they arrived and Arthur pulled out his key, opening the door for Kiku.
Kiku Honda: Kiku was a bit surprised as Arthur took his hand. He wasn't used to touch, but let him hold his hands, knowing it was an usually gesture in european countries. Also it was a really crowded place. As they arrived at the house his eyes widened. This house really looked old. Not broken but old. Like an old art. He stepped into the house as the other offered him to go in. Looking around he had to smile a bit "I am not much surprised of your lifestyle. It's really amazing here."
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur smiled softly and went inside as well, locking the door behind him. "Thank you," he said. Arthur sat down in his chair across from the sofa, both of which were far older than Kiku. "So, I told you about my family, why don't you tell me a bit about your's?" he asked.
Kiku Honda: Kiku followed Arthur and looked to the sofa. He was amazed how old it looked. And probably was. He wondered where Arthur got it. As Arthur sat down onto his chair Kiku sat onto the sofa. "Well I don't know who my parents are and what happened to them. I only know that I was adopted as I was very young by a chinese man. He is very kind and lived in japan for a while. I consider him as my big brother. Now he is living in China. I have two brothers and one little sister. They are very nice. Even if Yong Soo always destroyed my toys." He mumbled the last sentence.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur smiled and nodded. "That sounds great, honestly," he said quieter than usual, as though he was talking to himself.
Kiku Honda: Kiku frowned at Arthur's comment. Not at the comment itself, rather at how he said it. "Arthur? Is everything okay?" He hoped he didn't remembered him on his family and made him sad.
Kiku Honda: *Remind
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at Kiku. "Hm? Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking, that's all," he said, still speaking softly.
Kiku Honda: Kiku just nodded, didn't want to make Arthur talk about something he might doesn't want. "Tell me something about your friends" he said and hoped it would make Arthur happy to think about good things
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur shrugged. "Well, I've known Francis since we were kids. He was more like family than any of my brothers," Arthur said, a small smile creeping on his face as fond memories appeared. He wished they were still like that, these days all they did was bicker.
Kiku Honda: "That sounds nice. It's good to have nice friends." Kiku was happy that this Francis was there for Arthur. He worried about him even if Arthur told him it wasn't bad. He wanted to meet this man called Francis sometime. Everyone who likes Arthur should be a good person. "Francis is a french name. Is he from France?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): He nodded. "Yeah. He moved to England when we were little. Since then, he's gone back to France a few times, but he's in England right now," Arthur said.
Kiku Honda: "I guess he is a good man. I am glad you have someone who is there for you. But you told me that you have more than one friend. So It's fine. Honestly I was kind of worried a bit." He said and gave the other a politely smile. "Tell me how is it possible to get all this old stuff?" He pointed at different furniture which looked very old.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur gave a small shrug. "I've had this stuff for a while. I just kept stuff over the years," he said vaguely. Now he was just waiting.
Kiku Honda: He just nodded even if he didn't believe the things are only some years old. Probably older than twenty five years. But he didn't say anything more. "Where do you have your books? I want to see your books which you wrote."
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "Oh, I keep them all up in my room," he said, smiling softly. Oh god, this was boring, just waiting for Kiku to ask more questions or look around for himself. But he'd rather Kiku call him out on it or piece it together himself. He knew from experience that confrontation and being up front was not the way to go about this.
Kiku Honda: "Then let's go to your room if It's okay." He already knew Arthur wrote historical books but he didn't mind. Of course there were more interesting ones but he would read a lot. "And you never told me why you like vampires. Is it because of books? Movies? Stories?" He said as he got up, wanting Arthur to show him his books.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur nodded, though he fidgeted with his hands as he stood up and looked away, askance. He took Kiku up to the third floor, opening the door to his bedroom. One of the walls was lined entirely with a giant bookshelf. Arthur's bed was king sized and had a red and gold hand sewn comforter and had random pillows thrown upon it in a messy pile. Arthur's old wooden oak desk was also very cluttered and his laptop was barely hanging off of it. Despite this, the floor was clean and all his clothes were neatly hung in his closet. "Here," he said, taking his most recent book off on of the shelves and handing it to Kiku. Though some of the books on the wall were newer, many looked to be decades old with yellowed pages sticking out.
Kiku Honda: Kiku looked around the room with wide eyes. It wasn't that what he had expected. And he got the strange urge to order the pillows. He was a little neat freak but he didn't care. Before he could get to the pillows Arthur handed him the book. Kiku looked at it. "Wow l want to read it." Then he frowned at the other books. "You didn't wrote all them, did you? That can't be. They look very old." He thought a bit. "Then they are probably your favourite books. May I look what kind of books you are reading?" He should have waited for permission but his curiosity was too big and he grabbed a book. "....uhm Arthur?" He narrowed his eyes as he stared at the author's name. "It's an old book....were there other people with the same name as you?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "Nope," he said, sitting on his bed, watching Kiku carefully. "That's my book. I wrote it."
Kiku Honda: His eyes widened. But he quickly started to laugh. "That's a good joke. I almost believed you."
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur gave a small laugh as well. "You don't believe me? Look at who it's dedicated to," he cleared his throat, "My dearest friend, Francis Bonnefoy, for always being there for me," he said. Francis laughed when he read it, but it wasn't the first or last time Arthur'd written that.
Kiku Honda: He stared at the writing. " can't be real!" He shook his head. "You are a twenty five year old author with a normal life!" He was a bit scared about all that. It couldn't be possible. This book was like hundred years old.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "Mhm, and I've been that for quite a few centuries," he said, lying down and rolling onto his side, smiling up at Kiku.
Kiku Honda: He swallowed hard. "How is it possible? ...I am dreaming. It's just a dream. I will wake up soon and then I will call you in Skype and we will both laugh about it. Haha.....It's a dream.....isn't it?" He stared at Arthur and backed away slowly, looking at the door. He would want to run but he wanted to know what's going on as well.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur laughed. "Dream? I wish. If it was, I'd be dead by now. Wouldn't that be nice?" he said, still staring at Kiku, looking at him right in the eye.
Kiku Honda: Kiku finally realized it was real. Everything was true. He was extremely calm for someone who would meet a supernatural person though. "So...what are you?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "What do you think, love?" he said and smiled wide enough for Kiku to get a good look at his fangs.
Kiku Honda: Kiku stared at the fangs. He was scared and fascinated at the same time. It was so cool for him to see a real Vampire. He loved vampires and always imagined to meet one. But he also knew vampires can be dangerous. Would Arthur kill him? Why would he have been so kind to him then? He stepped closer to the door of the room, looking at Arthur the whole time. "Of course. Vampire. Funny...why are you telling me your secret?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "I'm hungry."
Kiku Honda: "You chatted two months with me to get a meal? You really do much for your food.."
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur rolled his eyes. "I also had to kill people for two months. Believe it or not, I don't like killing people. I just want to eat, that's all," he said.
Kiku Honda: So he wouldn't kill him. Kiku sighed in relief. "You wouldn't just let me go, would you?" Arthur wasn't that a mean vampire, Kiku thought. Maybe he would let Kiku run. But he killed people before. Why shouldn't he kill Kiku? And Kiku doesn't want him to kill innocent people anymore either.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "No, I'm going to get your blood one way or another. It'll be easier for you and me if you just let me bite you. I mean, I already spent time getting you here, and neither of us want you to die," he said, running a hand through his hair.
Kiku Honda: Kiku's heart started to beat faster. "Won't I become a vampire too if you bite me?.."
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur shook his head. "Nope. You'll be fine."
Kiku Honda: " won't drink too much that I would die?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "I won't kill you. Trust me, I have no reason to anyway. I just don't want to starve to death, that's all. You'll be perfectly fine, I swear."
Kiku Honda: " it if you promise not to kill other people..and you still have to cosplay with me. A real vampire! Nobody will have such perfect fangs as you!"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "Alright. We have a deal." Arthur held out his hand, looking up at Kiku expectantly.
Kiku Honda: Kiku hesitantly grabbed Arthur's hand. "I...uh" he shoved his collar of his shirt to the side to reveal more of his neck.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur smiled gently and shook Kiku's hand with a firm grip. He then pulls Kiku on to the bed as Arthur sits up. "Just try not to make too much noise, it gives me a headache," he said, grabbing hold of Kiku's shoulders and biting down, his fangs piercing Kiku's neck.
Kiku Honda: His squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lip hard. Soon he couldn't hold his screams back since it hurt too much. "AHH..." He grabbed onto Arthur's shirt and waited until it was over.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur flinched when Kiku started screaming. After a few more seconds, not wanting Kiku to pass out, Arthur pulled away from him, peeling his hands off of his shirt. "See? That wasn't too bad," he said, smiling softly. Arthur's lips were stained red with Kiku's blood and his fangs were longer than before, having elongated naturally during the bite.
Kiku Honda: Kiku laid there still with his eyes squeezed shut. After a moment he opened them slowly and looked up at Arthur. "Pff for you. You are not the one who just had fangs in your neck." He pouted and tried to ignore the pain. "Do I need bandages? Or do such wounds heal fast?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "It'll heal quickly, though you'll still have a scar," he said, looking down at Kiku and running a hand through the Japanese man's hair. Despite his small closed mouth smile, Arthur's fangs still poked out from under his lips. "You'll get used to it the more I bite you."
Kiku Honda: Kiku nodded and regarded Arthur's fangs. He reached his hand out and poked one of his fang to convince himself again that everything was real. "We will see." He tried to sit up and fell back onto the mattress. "Ugh...could I sleep here tonight?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur shook his head. "This is my bed. There's a guest room across the hall if you want to stay," Arthur said.
Kiku Honda: Kiku huffed at the comment. "Then carry me. You should have enough strength now."
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur rolled his eyes and tossed Kiku over his shoulder. "You lazy ass," he mumbled as he carried Kiku into the hallway and to the guest bedroom. He dropped Kiku onto the bed and tucked him in like a child. "Good night," he said.
Kiku Honda: Kiku crossed his arms. The vampire Arthur wasn't as nice as the Gentleman Arthur. "Uh I'm not a baby...but thank you. Good night as well."
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur gave a small laugh. "You're still a child, though," he said as he left the room, closing the door behind him. Kiku was cute, like a little kid. Arthur went to his room and put his pajamas on, heading to bed,
Kiku Honda: Kiku thought about Arthur. Maybe he really dreamed everything? But actually it was really cool. Except for the pain. He eventually fell asleep after a while.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur curled up into a ball and fell into a dreamless sleep, tossing and turning throughout the night like always. He woke up at the crack of dawn and went to Kiku's room, knocking gently on the door.
Kiku Honda: "Mhh..." he woke up at the knocking and groaned. "Let me sleep only five minutes more!"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "Alright," he said and left, heading downstairs to see if he had any actual food in hopes of making Kiku breakfast.
Kiku Honda: He tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. Looking around he remembered what happened the last night. "Vampires....really exist...oh my god." He sighed and slightly traced his neck with his fingers. Arthur was right, he only could feel a scar. He got up and neatly folded the bed linen.
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): The only things Arthur could find were stale bread and tea. So he made Kiku some toast and a cup of earl grey. It wasn't much, but Arthur was surprised he even had any food to begin with.
Kiku Honda: Kiku walked out of the room and looked around. He didn't know where Arthur was, so he walked through the house until he found him. "Arthur..I guess I should come everyday for you to eat?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur nodded as he set the toast and tea down on the table. "Yes, thank you, Kiku. Thank you for letting me bite you," he said.
Kiku Honda: "Well I think it's better than to die." He sighed and looked at the tea. "Oh tea, is that for me? Ah and I wonder why you are a vampire. How did that happen?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "I was an idiot," he said simply, sitting down across from where he put Kiku's breakfast.
Kiku Honda: Kiku sipped at the tea. It wasn't as good as his familiar japanese tea but he didn't mind the taste. "What do you mean with that?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "Well, I learned not to wander around in the forest at night and I learned that if a monster is trying to kill you it's best not to beg for mercy, because he just might spare you," Arthur said.
Kiku Honda: He nodded. "That was probably a bad how old are you really? I guess twenty five was a lie"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "Eight hundred and fifty three. It's still rude to ask," he said, crossing his arms.
Kiku Honda: He chuckled slightly. "I'm sorry, old man"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): "I am not old!" he shouted, refusing to look Kiku in the eye. "Shut up, you twat..."
Kiku Honda: "And you are easy to tempt." He rolled his eyes. "I have to go. My classes will start in an hour and I have to go home first. When should I come back?"
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur shrugged. "Whenever. I'll be home all day," Arthur said.
Kiku Honda: "Fine. Give me your phone number." He got up from his seat and bowed. "Thank you for the breakfast."
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur opened a drawer, pulled out sticky notes and a pen, and wrote down his number. "There you go," he said, handing Kiku the sticky note.
Kiku Honda: "Ah..pen and paper. Cute, old man. Alright bye." He walked out of the house and got to his own room, saving Arthur's number into his phone.
Kiku Honda: *own House
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): Arthur rolled his eyes and waited for Kiku to leave before heading upstairs. He went into his room and opened his laptop, planning on actually writing today, but managing to somehow get sidetracked because of Facebook. ((It's getting late. Should I open a chatzy, or do you have tumblr or hangouts?))
Kiku Honda: I have hangouts. What's your name there? ))
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): ((Just message me I'm [email protected]))
Kiku Honda: Okay))
Kiku Honda: I messaged you))
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): ((i replied))
Kiku Honda: Okay then bye)
Vampire!Arthur Kirkland (No for starter): ((ok gn!))
Kiku Honda: You too)
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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