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Laws: The Humans Resource Management has a lot of major important laws. These laws are to be followed by many companies/agencies. These laws state that sex, age, religion, color, natural origin, race, disability, and pregnancy shall not be considered during employment decisions (hiring) unless they reasonably qualify as BFOQs. Disparate treatment & Adverse impact are used to decide whether companies wrongly discriminate someone. Sexual Harassment is "a form of discrimination in which unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature occurs while preforming one's job." Two types of sexual harassment would be; Quid pro quo: employment outcomes like hiring, promotion, or perhaps even like someone trying to keep their job, depend on how workers react to sexual harassment and If they will allow it. Hostile work environment: unwelcome or demeaning sexually related behavior creates an intimidating and offensive work environment.

Recruiting: The process of finding qualified job applicants. First you have to conduct a job analysis, a job analysis is writing a job description of duties/responsibilities. This process reveals the job specifications that indicate the skills/abilities that are needed to do the job. Internal recruiting is finding qualified job applicants within the company, external recruiting is finding the job applicants outside of the company. The biggest change with external recruiting is that it has increased the use of the internet. There are jobs that are recruiting over the internet. Job posting is a procedure for advertising job openings within the company to existing employees.

Selection: The process of gathering information about job applicants to see who should be offered the job. Managers take good looks at application forms and resumes, although, they are cautious when checking job applicants' background checks and their references. Selection tests help give a better prediction of how job applicants would preform in the future with their tasks. Three types of job interviews are known as; structured, semi structured, and unstructured. A few topics that shouldn't be involved during an interview would be; Children, age, disabilities, physical characteristics, maiden name, citizenship, lawsuits, arrest records, smoking, and last but not least about AID or any other transmitted disease.

Training & Development: Training is meant to give employees experience, skills with the position, and it's meant to inform the employees with knowledge they will need in order to do their jobs or improve the way their working. A way to realize if the employee is well trained is to select specific training method and test them on it later, this process can be done multiple times if they fail the first test so they have a better possibility of passing the next one and if not then consider choosing a different training method. Some training methods would be; using films and videos, lectures, planned readings, case studies, coaching and mentoring them, using group discussions, OJT, role-playing, stimulation and games, vestibule training, and computer-based learning. Some methods work better than others because they help with socialization and that helps most people focus.

Appraisal: The process of assessing how well employees are doing their jobs. Accurately measure their job performance and review it then share performance feedback with the employee. Businesses are responsible for training raters how to accurately evaluate someone's performance. BOS (behavior observation scale) requires raters to rate the frequency with which workers preform specific behaviors representative of the job dimensions that are severe to a successful job performance, managers would much rather prefer BOSs for serving performance feedback. Sharing performance feedback will help the employee realize what they did wrong and should give them a thought of how to do the task better next time.

Compensation and Benefits: Compensation includes the financial and nonfinancial rewards that organizations/companies give employees in exchange for their work. Employee separation would be the voluntary (when employees quit or retire) or involuntary loss (when employees are laid off or fired) of an employee. Piecework is a compensation system in which employees are paid a set rate for each item they produce. Commission is a percentage an employee earns from each sale they make, for example: The Dog Groomer from Petco makes 40% of commission for every dog they groom. ESOP is a compensation system that awards employees shares of company stock in addition to their regular compensation. Wrongful discharge is a legal doctrine that requires employees to have a job-related reason to terminate employees. Downsizing is the planned elimination of jobs in a company. Companies need to pay attention to the employees remaining after layoffs have been made. ERIPs offer financial benefits to employees to encourage them to retire early, companies use ERIPs to reduce the number of employees, to lower the costs by elimination a position after the employee retires, to create job openings and opportunities for people within the company, and to lower costs by replacing the retired employees that had high pay, with less experienced employees that will get less pay. Employee turnover is the loss of employees who voluntarily choose to leave the company, Functional turnover: loss of poor-preforming employees who voluntarily choose to leave a company. Dysfunctional turnover: loss of high-preforming employees whom voluntarily choose to leave the company.
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