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For the hundredth time tonight, I checked myself on the mirror and checked my makeup, hair and outfit. I decided to surprise Harry with a cute romantic dinner, just that I would tell him that it was a ‘friendly’ dinner because obviously he had something against the word ‘romance’. I rushed with my homework, something I never did, just so that I had enough time to prepare everything for the dinner and get ready. The table was set properly with the dishes waiting for him and me. I went with a safe option and not anything risky in case Harry did not like it. A plate of pancakes with maple syrup, a tropical smoothie that mother taught me how to make and a tiny bowl of cheddar garlic mashed potatoes. I decided to keep it simple and not go with anything too fancy that I could not cook; just meals I made before. Personally, I loved cooking, mainly because I liked to experiment with food and see people’s reaction and get the critiques. I smiled and walked over to the card I had placed on the table in front of Harry’s seat. For the millionth time, I double-checked the card to make sure that there were no spelling errors. Not that I had too much trouble writing English, but mostly because I tend write things like I pronounced them and my French accent tend to mess things up. My smile became steady as I read through the card and hugged it carefully. I really hoped he liked everything tonight and did not get grumpy or anything. I was fixing my navy blue dress and fixing my braid when I heard the door open. Oh my gosh, already? I took a deep breath before skipping to the door and smiling happily at the sight of him. He looked beautiful as always. “Hi!” I chirped and wrapped my arms around him for two short seconds for a hug before letting him go. I had noticed that he did not like hugs too much so I did not have any urge to push his limits. “Oh, and in case you were wondering, I made friendly d-dinner for the two of us a-and even put on some music and coincidentally, they are all r-romantic…” I nervously laughed to cover up my lie. Oh whom was I even kidding? Obviously it was not a friendly date and my goal tonight was to change his perspective of romance by giving him the flowers and the cards and just doing occasional romantic things to him. I tugged at his hand and led him to the table after helping him taking off his jacket. “Okay, um, c-close your eyes, fellow male friend.” I awkwardly said but emphasized the friend part so that he did not assume that it was a date, which it obviously was. I stood on my tiptoes and placed my hand over his eyes before grabbing the flower bouquet and the small card from the table. I had a card of my own which I wanted to read out to him. “And um, I have a card prepared as a speech, so you should take a seat and listen.” I cleared my throat and drew back the chair for him to sit down. I grabbed my own card and started to speak. “Dear Harry, I am s-sorry for accidentally marrying you yesterday after sucking your ohlala. I understand that you think this is t-too early and I am still a minor so you would probably go to jail if you married me yesterday, according the UK laws. And no one deserves to go to jail because the outfits are ugly to look at. But w-we can start out as friends and get to know each other better. That is all I have to say. Thank you for listening.” I smiled and pushed the card inside my cardigan pocket. I clapped for myself and sat across him on the table. “Hi.” I smiled again and I did not know what to ask him now. Should I ask him how the food is? Or should I ask him about his day? Or maybe even what his thoughts on marriage is. No, I think the last one will make him a little annoyed. What could I possibly ask him? At the same time, I had a ton of questions but none of them seemed to suit right for the timing. I had questions like who his favorite character from ‘power puff girls’ was, what his opinions on oatmeal cookies were and I really wanted to ask him what his favourite colour was. But none of those were question you would ask someone you just met. I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it again when I realized that asking him who was his favourite power puff girl was absolutely out of topic. I sighed when I figured out that I was struggling to ask him questions. “Hope you like the food.” I continued to smile and stared down at my plate to hide my face from him right now because of the blush that was covering my face. I swore if I could change lives with someone who did not blush this easily, I would be the happiest person for twenty-four hours.
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