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The weird land by Laura Nones

Once upon a time far far away in the Netherlands a boy siting in a house his name was john he had a adventure ahead of him . One day little johns house was spinning and john woke up in a cavern he said," were am i?" he was confused. Then, a man came to the cavern he said," hello man i am Ronald i know what is wrong here t is very catastrophic there is a spell on this place ." john said," what is catastrophic and what do you mean a spell." then Ronald disappeared then john saw in the distance a blue and golden tower it was getting infected by zombie rabbits it was weird because there isn't such thing of zombies or zombie rabbits. people were in he distance around a bonfire dance and making moves with themselves john found out it was robots. While john was waking he saw a weird looking land it was made out of candy then john fell in a hole and was stuck there for a day he got out of the hole by finding rope he was scared because he got pulled by a person it was girl she said," hi my name is Hannah i have a friend Zach have you seen him, and your welcome ." john said," Thanks my name is john i haven't seen Zach i dont even know him." Ronald came but Hannah couldn't see him Ronald was a ghost but john didn't know then a witch came she said," mwwhha i am a witch named Amy i will burn you if you dont follow the rules you kids can be my food for my pet vampire mwhaha you cant stop me you dont know what my weakness is ha no you wont destroy me i am powerful then you kids after i destroy you i feed my pet vampire ,and if you Hannah is wondering were zach is i caged him a place with lots of traps no one can pass and you have to see a scary movie." Amy The witch disappeared and she dropped something it was a note of the map to sugar land Hannah went to a campfire and started sobbing about zach she was sad for zach she was thinking how he would look like for 2 days . 2 days later the witch came Amy said," Well well i might of forgot something i must of forgot a map to sugar land give it back or i wont tell you the real story of the catastrophic ghost ." john gave it to Amy went away Hannah said," She tricked us i knew something was confusing i could not under stand." john said," Lets deal with this in court OK ." Then, the kids went to court and Amy came the judge said," whats wrong." john said," well judge this witch"" since" says the judge the witch said nothing the judge said," AMY i say you are guilty " the police came and said," The orders out." then the FBI hanged copped Amy and checked her house they found zach and the witch got destroyed in the prison and zach didn't so did Hannah also john and Ronald was already in heaven. THE END
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