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[i]WAKE UP[/i]

[h1]Game Play[/h1]
Shooter Tactics Wake Up, is a multiplayer fps shooter game in Greenlight.
2 countries, China and Australia end up at war against each other over idiotic dangerous trade practices where China leased a port and where America has a military base, compromising Australian and American defense.
Thus, resulting in World War III where Communists verse Democrats.

[h1]In Game[/h1]
[b]12 Weapons & 4 Soldier classes[/b] -
[b]23 Various Tactical maps with 5 different game modes[/b] -
[*]Team death match
[*]Search & destroy
[*]Capture the flag
[*]Domination control points
[*]Multiplayer (Min 12 players, max 20)

Recommended Resolutions : 1920x1080p / 1600×900 / 720p.
Recommended PC specs : Quad core CPU 3Ghz, 8GB ram.
Recommended graphics cards : Ati R9380 / NVIDIA GTX 970 / Anything better
Minimum PC specs : Dual core CPU 2.4 GHz, 4Gig ram.
Min graphics card : ATI HD7950 / NVIDIA GTX460 / 1GB video memory or better

[h1]In game[/h1]
Search for public multiplayer matches or host to start the round with proper configuration
Space Bar : Sound Menu
ESC Key : In-game menu
M Key : Switching Classes
TAB Key : Live scoreboard
Enter : Public chat, (Hit enter to type & hit enter after that to send)
AWSD / Arrow keys : Character movement
C Key : Crouch
Left & Right Control : Crouch
Left & Right Shift : Run
Jump = Space
Jump = Keypad0
Jump = Insert key
Jump = Space

Developer : Aussie Battler Games
Publisher : [url=]Yolo Army[/url]
Level Designer :
Programmer : programming and game design.
Developed via Unity3d : UNITY PRO 5 ENGINE.
Assets :
Location : Bakery rock band Melbourne, Australia
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Regards; Team

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