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I am sure that the young children who have had to undergo eye surgery were not the intended recipients of the pellet guns used to quell 'protests'.
That is unfortunately, a harsh reality, of such 'protests'. If i share something regarding Kashmiri Pandits on the 26th Anniversary of the exodus, it doesn't mean that I'm of the opinion, 'Yayy, love it that young kids are getting eye surgeries'.
I didn't even draw a parallel to begin with. You did.
Anyway, care to explain to me, these 'protests'? A TERRORIST dies and is killed by the Armed Forces, and he is hailed as a martyr, nothing new in Kashmir, but the people take to the streets to 'protest', god knows what.
Also, storming of police stations for rifles :

These are not the signs of peaceful protests and they have certainly come a long way from stone pelting days.
So please explain to me what is wrong when such elements of society 'protest' with guns and violence and mob mentality, how should they be treated.
So, the young kids, are the collateral damage in this fight. The stray bullet that hits people is collateral damage.
Such damage is there on both sides.
But I, for one, can never understand people condoning the actions of Burhan Wani, and saying he is 'Shaheed'. He is not.
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