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Hi i'm Cassidy Courtney, and i am 11 yrs old. Yesterday July 13th 2016 i found out that my great grandmother passed away after yrs of fighting. Even no i have not seen her in over a month i want her to no that we all will miss her and all the great people in our family that we never met or we were to little to remember them and i want to let them know i miss u and u will never be forgotten. Me and my dad have been running into a lot of problems me and him were really close until he told me that he wont accept me if i date a black person. Witch i do understand but at the same time i do not understand at the same time i feel like i have to choose. I've never hated a person in my life but after he said that i will not have a daughter if she is going to date a black person and he called me a n lover and i told him if that is how u feel then i am sorry about the way u feel towards black people but be careful what u say because u have more black friends then whites and if u want me to leave and pack my things then fine i will and when he said it i felt like i my heart was shattered with a hammer into 1,000 little pieces so at that moment i went to my room and packed all my things and at least 2 full bags of clothes and i begged not to leave and i could not leave because i had no ride and no wear to go. so i went to my room and prayed over and over again that he would change but he never did. The next day i went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and i overheard them talking about me that how she is going down the wrong path and she is going to end up pregnant at a young age and i feel to the ground crying wishing i was never there but the sad part was i was there. I hope one days they will get there heads out of there a** and open there eyes and realize what they have done to our relationship and we can start over but it probably will never happen i keep realizing he is never going to say sorry and that is all i want to hear from him.
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