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maybe more so just GIVING the person the ability to alter the degree of polarity between two objects or persons (attract or repel sort of thing). Not so much 'metal' ability, just the effect two magnets have kind of thing. The person could choose to keep the polarity change active or in short, sudden bursts. However, the user can only affect two objects at a time. or more?? idk yet...
Ways to use I was thinking, be able to propel or repel items object 1 and 2 together, farther apart, themselves closer to object 1, or push away object1 kind of thing?
The user can either choose to have alter the polarity of the first object relative to the second (moving object 1 towards or away from object 2) or alter the polarity equally between them (object 1 and object 2 move towards or away from each other equally). This can be used to propel the user either by repelling them from an object or attracting them towards an object.

Now, for the name game!

YUSA : 遊 [ From 遊ぶ which means to play or to be idle and read as asobu but 遊 can be read as yu (ゆ) ] + 相 [ From 位相 which means phase and read as isō but 相 which means mutual or reciprocal can be read as sa (さ) ] Basically, her name supposedly means to play phase.

YOSHIOKA : 吉岡 is a real surname meaning lucky hill.

Age: 15

Date of Birth: September 23rd

Another trivia!

Autumnal Equinox Day (秋分の日 Shūbun no Hi) is a national holiday in Japan that usually happens around the 23rd of September. Usually. Not this 2016 though.

Originally, I was going for November 16 but I had to stop paralleling her and Kōsuke (you know, my other bab in the other post).

Height: 162 cm (5’3”)

Blood Type: O

Likes: Rabbits, Rest

Dislikes: Heat, Density, Hospitals

Hero Name: Phaser (ペイサ Peisa)

Quirk: Phase


Yusa can pass through (phase) any state of matter at will by dispersing her molecules. Her Quirk depletes her stamina, so her grandfather always reminds her to use her time wisely. However, being the sleep-deprived teenager she is, Yusa tends to avoid utilizing her quirk as it leaves her exhausted when overused.
Molecular dispersion has its drawbacks too. Yusa is mindful of certain elements because excessive exposure to such (e.g. liters of poisonous chemicals) will leave some damage which could be considered lethal, especially if there is little to no recovery time between phasing.
Paper planes? Easy as pie. Flying cars? Get them away from her. Although one could say the pros of Phase is obviously living through speeding bullets, projectiles require good balance and additional stamina. Upon impact, Yusa has to rely on her equilibrium or else she would have to deal with aches, usually in the chest area since most people aim for the heart, right?
The denser the matter, the harder it is for her to phase through it. Reaching the limit causes lethargy and a hospitality drop. Although, liquids and gases are another story.
Whenever Yusa phases through liquids and gases, most of the time, she somehow ends up with colds. According to a concerned grandfather, it must be due to her lack of sleep and physical inactivity. Note: Phasing through most Quirks of the same nature lead to the same consequences. Another note: Sickness actually messes with her efficiency.
External uses (meaning, usage which is not wholly for her own sake) have varying limitations such as time and necessary physical contact.
It is important to know that even though Yusa can pass through matter, she cannot rip hearts out, take objects out of small spaces, and et cetera while using her Quirk.
Some people question her molecular make-up. Thus, the usual, “What are you even made of?” and the automatic answer, “Sleep-deprivation, caffeine, and nonchalance.”
Though, while rare, extreme fatigue somehow causes translucency in certain limbs, usually from either her forearms or her knees and it stretches out to her hands or her feet respectively. It irks Yusa.

PROs : Passing through stuff, locks are useless, scares, doors are useless too, and just passing through stuff.
CONs : Angry immune system, risk of dying because of hazardous chemicals, sneezing cancels out everything, combat sucks, and occasional translucency.

EXTERNAL USES : Shoving people into walls (or any other concrete) and watching them suffer the fate of being stuck for half a minute. Dragging people along the phasing process needs physical contact and it depletes her stamina greatly.
School: U.A.

Department: General Department

Class: 1-C


Possessing a nonchalant, blunt attitude towards life itself, Yusa tends to be disinterested, especially towards the topic of heroes and villains. However, she has utmost respect for those in the field. Just not a dedicated fan, unlike in the past.
In addition to that, she seems to have a subtle competitive streak wherein pushing the right buttons usually sparks the frightening passion for winning a.k.a. pure competitive rage. That is, until the exhaustion kicks in or she finds it wiser to throw in the towel at the last second. (U.A.’s Sports Festival was hell; she ended up with severe colds even though she stopped giving fucks by the time she reached the landmines in the obstacle race. Go Shinsou.)
Currently, she has zero motivation to become a Pro Hero. Therefore, she loathes the training sessions her grandfather trick her into because he wants her to work around her limits to be on par with his capabilities during his prime. Yet, she honestly cannot say no to family.
In spite of sleep-deprivation (due to training sessions and personal reasons), she is a critical thinker, but prefers keeping her thoughts in check, as well as her impulsive whining. Though, at times, she likes explaining her analyses, which she might genuinely find fun.
Promises are important for Yusa. She firmly believes in keeping them and nothing has fazed her to think otherwise.
Note: Yusa never addresses her younger sister with nonchalance. Showering her siblings with affection is debatable.


Has ghost white hair.
Bangs covers half of her eyes.
Hair is usually braided messily and only halfway.
Said braids are always in front of her.
Has light purple eyes.
Hisses at combs and conditioner.

Wears U.A.’s General Department’s standard uniform.
With thigh high socks.
Out of fear of translucency.

Mostly long sleeves.
Dresses because thinking of combinations are troublesome.
Stockings. Tights.
Background: TBA



Yoshioka Yasuhiro (吉岡 靖宏) - Grandfather - Alive : In his prime, he was known as The Phase Hero, Isōhiro. His Quirk is also Phase. Yusa respects him deeply but despises the training sessions he drags her into. The old man wants her to surpass him by a hair but the only thing she wants to gain from running hell is prolonging the time things stay stuck.
Yoshioka Yuuma (吉岡 悠真) - Father - Alive : TBA
Kojima Miho (小島 未歩) - Mother - Deceased : TBA
Yoshioka Reiji (吉岡 零司) - Older Brother - Alive : Reiji is currently in the business side of the professional world, claiming it is great grounds for exercising his perfectionism. Although close in their younger years to the point that he developed a sister complex, they rarely see each other at home due to his hectic schedule. His Quirk is Solidify, which is why his hugs are inescapable, much to Yusa’s annoyance.
Yoshioka Aoi (吉岡 葵) - Younger Sister - Alive : Yusa and Reiji are overprotective of Aoi, especially when they were children. Out of the three, she received the recessive end of the deal, and is Quirkless. She will not think twice of shoving anyone into walls if they mess with her little sister.

Yoshino Kōsuke (吉野 浩介) - Frenemy/Rival/Classmate - Alive : Yoshino hates sharing. They share the same character for Yoshi. Imagine his irritation. Now, Yusa and Yoshino have a heated competition going on between them which is not limited to getting higher test scores than each other. Although, they seem to treat each other as friends to some extent. It is a healthy frenemy sort of rivalry.
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