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After the wolf made sure he was a good person, the innocent (tend to be a stupid) girl nodding her head passionately. She was happy that she met a friend when she lost among the great trees.

"So are you busy right now?" the red riding girl asked carefully. She was about doubt still. Meanwhile the wolf, who kept a wide grin plastering his crook face, shook his head. "Of course I am not, stupiㅡa-ah... I mean, pretty girl." The wold looked away while thinking, 'If I was busy I would not be here, tch! Moreover, I would be busy to haunting for my love, khe khe khe...'

The red riding smiling in happiness upon his answer. "Really?! So would you mind to go with me?!"

"Go out with you?" The wolf got a wrong focus. With his rosy cheeks, he asked back. Is this a chance for him? Would his feeling responded?

"No, Mr. Wolf. You are just too long being alone. I ask you to accompany me to go my grandma's house, stupid!" she gave him an elaboration.

"Literally I hate to be called as a stupid with a stupid girl!" The wolf bluster.

The drama has been started.

"What?! Whom you call as stupid girl, stupid?!"

"Of course you!" The wolf pointing at the red riding.

Felt that herself doesn't stupid, she keep deny it. "No, I'm not!" She shook her head.

"Yes, you are not! Because the one who stupid here is me!" He fell on his knee abruptly. Closed his face with both palm. "I'm so stupid... why the heck I can have this such feeling to you?!"

Because the red riding couldn't calm him down, she was towing the wolf towards her grandma's house even though along the way the wolf kept crying and finally he fell asleep by himself.
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