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Red Riding Hood PT.2

Once opon a time... Red ridind hood was living her life with her Granny.
Red was sitting in the living room watching TV. Granny was cooking up a storm for her dinner party later that evening. Granny, Red said as she turned the TV off as she approched her Granny. When is it time for the dinner party?
Is it before dinner time or after dinner time? Before dinner sweetie. Granny replied with a smile. Wow! That Smoked Ham looks delicous. Red said while sniffing the Ham. One second later the Big Bad Wolf broke the door down.
Him again. Granny said still cooking. Red, this is up to you. Red preformed some of her professional kung fu moves on the wolf. Luckily, Red defeated the wolf. Then she said, Granny, I'm going to shop for some ingrediants for the dinner party. One minute after fixing a very cheeky bike, she rode her bike to the
market. On the way she found her friend Bunny. Hello Red. Bunny said with a smile. Red said, Did you learn your lesson? Bunny replied yes Red. Red then after said goodbye Bunny. Red kept on riding until she reached the market. Later at Granny's House... Granny was still looking on her watch to wait for the guests to arrive. Oh my parsnips! It's nearley dinner party time. Red should be back by now. As for Red, she was peddling home as fast as possible. Red finally reached home bringing the grocherys. Granny said she was suposed to be back by now. Just then, a guest walked in the broken door. he had a Thomas The Train face and a british child voice said... well well well hello there you sexy mortal beast em em em em em. What in the living train is going on here? Granny said in suprise. Granny ran away from the strange guy. He said to Granny, get back here you hotfox. the train looking child said once again, em em em em em. Then a metal weigh fell on the man child whatever it was. than the bear cops came and took the man child thing. Then Granny and Red begain the party and was over with that manchild. Red said, what the heck is wrong with that kid? Granny replied, I don't know, it must be a family reason or somthing. So, they all lived happily ever after, even that creppy child tha said em em em em em. The End.
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