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ENGLISH LESSONS [30/06/2016]

Sama halnya fungsi kata sambung lainnya, not only….but also juga digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua struktur kalimat yang sama atau parallel.

Hindari pola berikut ini:

Incorrect: Not only her parents but her sisters also live in Jakarta.
Correct : Not only her parents but alsoher sisters live in Jakarta.
Incorrect: He is not only smart but gentle to all of us.
Correct : He is not only smart but alsogentle to all of us.
Incorrect: The new models are not only less expensive but more efficient also.
Correct : The new models are not only less expensive but also more efficient.
Incorrect: Those tools can be used not only to write something but also drawing.
Correct : Those tools can be used not only to write something but also to draw.
Incorrect: The program provides only not practical training but also theoretical classes.
Correct : The program provides only notpractical training but also theoretical classes.
Incorrect: You are not only to study hard but getting many experiences also.
Correct : You are not only to study hard but also to get many experiences.
Incorrect: The objective is not to identify the problem but also to solve it.
Correct : The objective is not only to identify the problem but also to solve it.

Berikut ini contoh-contoh pemakaian not only, but also:

Jack is not only smart, but also he’s brave.

The rain ruined not only the flowers, but also the grass.

Not only, but also, bisa dipakai untuk menghubungkan 2 clauses/kalimat, akan tetapi kedua clause tersebut haruslah pararel seperti contoh di atas: “he’s smart” dan “ he’s brave”. Ataupun kalimat kedua sama-sama menggunakan kata benda flowers dan grass.

He’s not only funny but also intelligent.

Pada contoh ini, not only, but also, menghubungkan dua kata sifat “funny dan intelligent”.
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Regards; Team

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