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@JongdeKim_ - MGSA-E0102

Battle plot di batasi hanya 2x semnggu. Karena exp yang didapat cukup banyak. Dalam battle plot juga tidak ada ketentuan hp/mp oleh sebab itu menentukan menang kalah adalah murni hasil battle. Special skill adalah skill spesial yang notabene nya "lbh unggul" dari skill lainnya. Bisa dibilang skill inilah yg paling menonjol diantara skill lain. Karena membebaskan dalam membuat skill biasa, maka skill tsb harus dilaporkan ke battle hall. skill sir marcus tiada tandingannya jadi roh sir marcus jelas menang.

creatures skill
Dwarf ; 1. Stone Strike 2. Rampage Strike Fairy (based on Makaris Element); 1. Fire Ball 2. Flood, heal 3. Shield, Wood Slash 4.Leaves Strike, typhon 5. Poison ivy, illusion touch, heal Siren; 1. Storm 2. Siren's song baby Dragon(based on makaris element); 1. Fire Ball 2. Tsunami 3. Earthquake 4. Hard hit 5. Shock Therapy baby Griffin; 1. Slash Wraith; 1. Shadow Stun 2. Hard hit Werewolf; 1. Hard bite 2. Hard slash Vampire; 1. Bloody bite 2. Charm Goblin; 1. Hard hit 2 Jeanne D'Arc; 1. Hundred Spear 2. Sword of Heaven Driad; 1. Flappy ivy The Great Alexander; 1. Gordius Wheel Cerberus; 1. Crushing fangs Pegasus; 1. Flight Harpies; 1. Demonic eyes Succubus; 1. Deathly seduction Minotaur; 1. Rampage Hydra; 1. Venomous claws 2. Poisonous breath Basilisk; 1. Killing Eyes Tengu; 1. Dark wings adult Dragon(based on makaris element); 1. Briliant flame 2. Water bomb 3. Black hole roar 4. Heavenly roar 5. Sacred death roar Griffin; 1. Rampage slash Arthuria Pendragon; 1. Burning sword 2. Excalibur Gilgamesh 1. Heaven's rope 2. Gate of babylon Lazark Kertia 1. Enhanced speed 2. Doppelganger Illusions 3. Tracking Expertise Unicorn 1. Rider Banshee 1. Dark Shadows Seira J. Loyard 1. Grim Reaper Poseidon 1. Swirls of Water Athena 1. Back stab 2. Heart stab Apollo 1. Light Saber 2. Heavenly light Zeus 1. Thunderbolt 2. Hard Strike 3. Lightning bolt Cadis Etrama di Raizel 1. Awakening 2. Blood Field 3. Blood Phoenix Frankenstein 1. Dark Spear 2. Double Dark & Blood Spear Erga Kenesis di Lascrea 1. Ragnarok The 25th Bam 1. Energy Bomb 2. Shinsu Field Nyi Blorong 1. Thousand Prick Phoenix 1. Exploding Phoenix Blade Nephilim 1. Blade Wings Kraken 1. Dark waves Typhoon 1. Hell Flap Byakku 1. Thunder Cloud

skill effect
Physical Skill Pn= Penyerang Yds= yang diserang Stone Strike = -5hp pn -10hp yds Rampage Strike = -10hp pn -10hp yds Hard Hit = -8hp pn -10hp yds Slash = -5hp pn -8hp yds Hard Bite = -10hp pn -12hp yds Hard Slash = -10hp pn -15hp yds Hard Hit 2 = -10hp pn -15hp Hundred Spear = -15hp pn -20hp yds Sword of Heaven = -10hp pn -20hp yds + stun every 3 turn Rampage = -25hp pn -30hp yds Venomous Claws = -25hp pn -30hp yds Rampage Slash = -10hp pn -20hp yds Burning Sword = -15hp pn -25hp yds Back Stab = -150hp pn -175hp yds Heart Stab = -100hp pn -150hp yds Hard Strike = -60hp pn -100hp yds Awakening = -100hp pn +50atk pn for 3 turn Blood Phoenix = -100hp pn -150hp yds Ragnarok = -70hp pn -100hp yds Blade Wings = -75hp pn -100hp yds + stun for 2 turn Plot Skill Shield = -10mp pn > Perlindungan Bloody Bite = -10mp > Membuat musuh menyerang diri sendiri Flight Killing Eyes = -25hp yds + stun 1 turn Heaven's Rope = -25%mp pn > mengikat Gate of Babylon (max 50 Gate) = -50mp pn -75% hp yds Tracking Expertise Shadow Show Rider Blood Field = -100hp pn >Melindungi dari serangan apapun + absorb skill Shinsu Field = -80mp pn >Melindungi dari serangan apapun Hell Flap = -200mp pn >Kill yds automatically

history of battle
"Fire wants to burn. Water wants to flow. Earth wants to bind. Air wants to blow. Chaos wants to devour"
Pertarungan antara Mages -para penyihir- tak terelakkan. Semuanya menginginkan pertarungan dan menang. Hingga salah seorang mage yang berasal dari element Void melakukan summoning pertama.
Sejak saat itu para mages melakukan summoning dalam melakukan battle, untuk mengekang kekuatan mereka.
Namun semakin lama, sesuatu yang mereka summon memiliki kekuatan jauh lebih besar dan dahsyat. Itulah pentingnya Guardian of The Battle.
Diciptakan oleh Mr. Marcus Novak, demi menjaga keamanan dunia manusia, beliau membuat Battle Hall yang terhubung ke dimensi lain dimana mereka bebas bertarung dan mengeluarkan kekuatan mereka. Segala macam jalannya pertarungan disaksikan dan diawasi oleh Guardian of The Battle. Yang akan menyegel kekuatan para Mages agar tak berlebihan dan menghancurkan dimensi.

Physical Skill: > Stone Strike > Rampage Strike > Shield > Hard Hit > Slash > Hard Bite > Hard Slash > Hard Hit - 2 > Hundred Spear > Sword of Heaven > Rampage > Venomous Claws > Rampage Slash > Burning Sword > Back Stab > Heart Stab > Hard Strike > Awakening > Blood Field > Blood Phoenix > Ragnarok > Blade Wings Mana Skill: > Fire Ball > Flood > Wood Slash > Leaves Strike > Typhon > Poison Ivy > Ilusion Touch > Healing > Storm > Siren's Song > Tsunami > Earthquake > Shadow Stun > Bloody bite > Charm > Flappy Ivy > Gordius Wheel > Chrushing Fangs > Flight > Demonic Eyes > Deathly Seduction > Poisonous Breath > Dark Wings > Briliant Flame > Water Bomb > Black Hole Roar > Heavenly Roar > Sacred Deatg Roar > Excalibur > Heaven's Rope > Gate of Babylon (max open 50 gate) > Enhanced Speed > Doppelganget Illusions > Tracking Expertise > Rider > Dark Shadows > Grim Reaper > Swirls of Water > Light Saber > Heavenly Light > Thunderbolt > Lightning Bolt > Dark Spear > Double Spear > Energy Bomb > Shinsu Field > Thousand Prick > Exploding Phoenix Blade > Dark waves > Hell Flap > Thunder Cloud Ketentuan Skill newbie (Battle Plot): > Skill hanya meliputi serangan biasa, efek harus disesuaikan oleh level kamu dan teman-temanmu > Skill membunuh menggunakan kekuatan pengendalian darah TIDAK DIIZINKAN. Tidak ada skill membunuh dalam daftar skill biasa , kecuali Special Skill. > Skill biasa dibatasi max 5 skill, dan efeknya harus lebih rendah dari efek Special Skill > Semua daftar skill harus dilaporkan ke @MGSA_BattleHall untuk disetujui dan sinkronisasi > Dua atau tiga skill yang sama dan bertabrakan akan menimbulkan efek [Null] atau No effect. Sementara skill yang merupakan lawan (ex; air melawan api) akan menimbulkan efek [Repell] atau menyerang kembali sang pengguna skill.

perolehan exp
Grade 1 : Win = 7 Lose = 3 Draw = 5 Grade 2 : Win = 10 Lose = 5 Draw = 8 Grade 3 : Win = 20 Lose = 10 Draw = 15 Grade 4 : Win = 30 Lose = 20 Draw = 25 Grade 5 : Win = 40 Lose = 30 Draw = 35 Grade 6 : Win = 60 Lose = 50 Draw = 55 Grade 7 : Win = 70 Lose = 60 Draw = 55 Grade 8 : Win = 80 Lose = 70 Draw = 75 Grade 9 : Win = 90 Lose = 80 Draw = 85 Grade 10 : Win = 100 Lose = 90 Draw = 95

character yang di summon
Grade 1 : Lv 1-5 Dwarf, Fairy, Siren Grade 2 : Lv 6-10 Dragon dan Griffin (baby), Wraith Grade 3 : Lv 11-15 Werewolf, Vampire, Goblin Grade 4 : Lv 16-20 Jeanne D'Arc, Driad, Iskandar Agung Grade 5 : Lv 21-25 Cerberus, Pegasus, Harpies, Succubus, Minotaur Grade 6 : Lv 26-30 Hydra, Basilisk, Tengu, Dragon dan Griffin Adult Grade 7 : Lv 31-35 Arthuria Pendragon, Gilgamesh, Rajak Kertia, Unicorn, Banshee Grade 8 : Lv 36-40 Kabasaran, Poseidon, Athena, Apollo, Zeus Grade 9 : Lv 41-45 Cadis Etrama di Raizel, Frankenstein, Erga Kenesis di Rascreia, The 25th Bam, Nyi Blorong Grade 10 : Lv 45-50 Phoenix, Nephilim, Kraken, Typhoon, Byakku

ketentuan exp
Ketentuan stat - HP/MP:
Lv 1 = 50/50 Setiap naik level +10HP +5MP EXP = Grade 1 = +25EXP / lv Lv 1 = 0-50 EXP Grade 2 = +50EXP / lv Grade 3 = +100EXP / lv Grade 4 = +150EXP / lv Grade 5 = +250EXP / lv Grade 6 = +300EXP / lv Grade 7 = +350EXP / lv Grade 8 = +400EXP / lv Grade 9 = +500EXP / lv Grade 10 = +600EXP / lv KETENTUAN EXP BATTLE PLOT > Grade 1 Win = 150EXP Lose= 51EXP Draw= 75EXP > Grade 2 Win = 250EXP Lose = 100EXP Draw = 200EXP > Grade 3 Win = 300EXP Lose = 200EXP Draw =250EXP > Grade 4 Win = 400EXP Lose = 300EXP Draw = 350EXP > Grade 5 Win = 500EXP Lose = 400EXP Draw = 450EXP - See more at:
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