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Early Medieval Mapgame

How to start: 1. pick 3 of your starting provinces, including province with capital and its name
2. pick colour if you want
3. choose name of your country-schould be Kingdom of X, Duchy of Y... Players in Wales, Scotland and Ireland can also start as clanns
4. choose culture and religion
5. choose your leader and heir

1, 2 and 4th should be realistic

Rules: 1. INCOME
a) basic income is 10 gold
b) every 100 citizens produce 1 gold
c) every mine produce 10 gold
d) trade produce 1% of income of country you trade with (naval trade 3%)
e) every trade port boost income by 5% + produce 5% of your own income
f) every trade ship boost trade income by 0,5%

WARNING: trade income mean % of your income from trade, no % of trade partner income
Example: you have income 1000 gold, you own 2 ports and 10 trade ships and trade with guy that have income 1000
so your trade income is:
50 from boost of your own income
5 gold from ports bonus
2,5 (3) gold from ship bonus
30 gold from trade
total: 1088 gold

a) basic taxes are medium , they produce 1 gold per 100 citizens and population grown of 2,5%
b) you can lower or extend taxes to:
low (0,5 gold per 100 citizens, 3,5% population grown)
none (0 gold per 100 citizens, 5% population grown)
high (1,5 gold per 100 citizens, 1,5% population grown)
very high (5 gold per 100 citizens, -1,5% population ´´grown´´, risk of uprising)

a) basic expansion limit is 1 provinces per turn
b) you can expand by 10 provinces+1, but you must pay 10 gold for everyone
c) province you want to conquer must be connected at least to 2 of your provinces (exception are some provinces in Scotland and islands)

a) everyone start with 3000 citizens
b) basic population grown is 2,5% per turn
c) population grown can grown thanks to lower taxes
d) every captured neutral province increase population by 500

a) most of units should be conscripts, standing army is very costly
b) basic conscription is 5% of whole population, you can:
lower it-smaller population grown and income penalty
increase it-20% is maximum, but it cause extreme income and population grown penalty and can cause uprising
c) every 1% of conscripted population lower population grown by 0,25%
d) every 1% of conscripted population lower income by 10%
e) you can hire mercenaries from mercenary companies, mercenaries are very skilled, but if you will use them as canon fodders, they can turn against you
f) every plundered province give you 10 gold and all population here die

a) you can capture ships
b) every ship you build have sailors on it, but you must embark warriors on it
c) you can hire ships from mercenaries, they work as normal mercenaries

a) you must say where you want to build buildings, ships and train troops

village - 5 gold, every village increase population grown by 0,01%
town - 50 gold, every town increase population grown by 0,1%
castle - 100 gold, hard to conquer, you can hide troops here
mine - 30 gold, produce gold
port - 50 gold

1 unit = 100 troops
conscript - armed with spear and wooden shield or shitty bow --- 0 gold, you can buy better equipment for him for 1 gold (helmet, better spear or better bow and arrows)

spearman - armed with spear, solid wooden shield, helmet and light mail armour --- 2 gold
elite spearman - armed with spear, solid wooden shield, helmet ad heavy mail armour --- 4 gold
warrior - armed with axe, solid wooden shield, helmet and light mail armour --- 4 gold
elite warrior - armed with axe, solid wooden shield, helmet and heavy mail armour --- 8 gold
pikeman - armed with pike and helmet --- 2 gold
elite pikeman - armed with pike, helmet and heavy mail armour --- 4 gold
swordsman - armed with sword, solid wooden shield, helmet and heavy mail armour --- 8 gold
elite swordsman - armed with long sword, helmet and heavy mail armour --- 16 gold

shirmisher - armed with 2 javelins, spear and wooden shield --- 1 gold
elite skirmisher - armed with 4 javelins, spear, wooden shield and helmet --- 2 gold
archer - armed with bow and arrows --- 1 gold
elite archer - armed with longbow and arrows --- 3 gold
slinger - armed with sling, stones and dagger --- 3 gold
elite slinger - armed with sling, lead balls and dagger --- 6 gold

light cavalry - armed with spear and wooden shield --- 6 gold
heavy cavalry - armed with spear, sword or axe, solid wooden shield, helmet and mail armour --- 12 gold
knight - armed with lance, sword, solid wooden shield, helmet and heavy mail armour --- 64 gold

1 units = 3 ships
trade ship - 10 gold
Drakkar - Scandinavian factions only --- 15 gold
Longship --- 10 gold
Cog --- 15 gold


conscript - 0 gold - cant be in army in peace times
spearman - 0,1 gold
elite spearman - 0,5 gold
warrior - 0,5 gold
elite warrior -1 gold
pikeman -0,1 gold
elite pikeman - 0,5 gold
swordsmanv - 1 gold
elite swordsman -2 gold
shirmisher - 0,1 gold
elite skirmisher - 0,5 gold
archer - 0,5 gold
alite archer -1 gold
slinger - 0,5 gold
elite slinger - 1 gold
light cavalry - 2 gold
heavy cavalry - 4 gold
knight -10 gold

meintence is lowered by 80% when fighting on friendly territory (or if you decide to plunder own tertitory)

trade ship - 1 gold
Drakkar - Scandinavian factions only --- 3 gold
Longship --- 2 gold
Cog --- 3 gold

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