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Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki Fateh

- Life is a dream, contemplate...

We're stuck in this world of maya in which we cannot see through. We're living in a house with doors and windows (an option to exit), however we just sit inside and hesitate to look out of the windows. Gurbani is the door to go outside and once you go outside, shutting yourself back inside just doesn't feel right anymore.

Focusing ourselves on maya, we forget the True Lord, we forget our own mother. When we spend time with our mother she is happy, when we're away from our mother doing the things we want, she is happy. This is the heart of our mother's, it resides in the happiness of her children. So is God's happiness with his children (The entire mankind), sukh pae sadhun ke sukhi, dukh pae sadhun ke dukhi.

Given our heads to God and allowing God to mould us through Gurbani, we are able to achieve many blessings from Guru ji, because this is just the greatness of God. He overlooks all shortcomings whatsoever, the redeemer of the sinful takes pity on all, such as a mother would upon her child.

So why is life a dream? We chose to be on the earth and cause a separation from the all-knowing, omnipresent Waheguru ji. Viewing as a game is a good way of looking at it in my opinion, picturing our True Lord at the top of the mountain, we must climb the mountain from the bottom (where we are born), however, we're faced with many enemies on the way up, slowly and patiently we must fight these enemies which are Lust, Greed, Anger, Emotional Attachment and Ego.
Whenever we see a woman which we may think is attractive, we must instantly divert our attention, we need our mind to remain with Guru ji at all times for us to progress up the mountain, this way, overtime our minds will lose the habit of looking at women with lust and this sin can be conquered in the mind.
Greed is to allow our minds to keep wanting more of something, and never seeing and end to our desire.
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