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The beaten girl makes no effort to resist or even to escape as you close in on her. She watches you carefully as you approach, having lost much of the fire in her glistening green eyes and replaced it with a reverent submissiveness. Her ears droop to the sides when you reach out to stroke the top of her head, and she lowers her cheek against your hip, a light pink blush spreading across her face.

A bushy crimson tail gently brushes against your wrist, curling around it lightly, and her hand hesitantly slides up to your crotch, stroking it softly. She looks up at you questioningly, as though asking for permission, and you nod lightly in approval, gesturing for her to continue.

She hooks her fingers into your leather armor segments and slowly pulls them away, exposing your huge, pointed shaft. She gently cradles your pouch in one palm, wrapping her other hand around your pre-slicked, pointed shaft and beginning to stroke it slowly.

She gently presses her face into your groin, draping your pointed dog-dick over her face and peering up at you around it. Gentle kisses and caresses trail up your bestial cock as she squeezes your rod against her forehead, her slender fingers stroking up and down the length. She releases a quiet whimper when you rest your hand against the back of her head, pulling her tight against your crotch while your fingers slide through her hair. The whimper turns into a whine of pleasure when your other hand begins to stroke the inner edge of her ear, an involuntary shiver running down her spine.

As the girl practically melts under your touch, you slowly pull away, lowering yourself to the ground and drawing her into your lap. Pulling her back against your two rows of pillowy breasts, you wrap both arms around her, settling her down just above the base of your very drippy, dog-shaped dong. Her thighs gently close around it, squeezing it tightly as she relaxes submissively into your arms. You guide her hand down to your canine cock, and she immediately takes to stroking it, leaning back to rub her head into your hand pleadingly.

The sash around her waist falls away as you tug on the knot, reaching around to slide your fingers down the front of her robes and pull them open. Her bare breasts bounce free, and she puffs her chest out a bit in a bid to get you to squeeze them. Nearly every muscle in her body goes slack when you begin to grope and tease the supple mounds, her arm still gently pumping up and down your shaft on autopilot. It takes only the slightest bit of teasing to coax her nipples to fill out into rigid, sensitive nubs, and by that point she is putty in your hands.

Her jaw hangs slack, each shuddering breath making her breast quiver in your hands as she stares off into space with a half-lidded gaze. Her six tails have nearly ceased moving altogether, limply curled around you, only giving the slightest twitch every now and again when you pinch her tender nipples or drag a finger sensually across her bare flesh. Each time your sensual teasing overcomes her, you back off, only rewarding her by resuming when she comes to her senses and continues to stroke your cock - she mustn’t forget who is in charge, after all.

She’s nothing if not obedient, though her technique seems to be somewhat slurred by your teasing. Changing up your approach, you slide one hand down to her hip while the other moves up to her face, cradling her head gently and tilting it to one side, exposing her neck. You firmly bury your fingertips in the quivering flesh of her ass, groping and squeezing it lustfully, then lean forward to press your lips to her shoulder, running your tongue sensually along her smooth skin.

She pitches forward and cries out in surprise, tensing up and trembling with pleasure, her mouth hanging agape in a silent moan. Her limp tails spring to life, lashing themselves around your limbs desperately, and her trembling hands begin to stroke your rigid rod with a renewed vigor. You press your teeth into her flesh gently, and her hips jerk forward in response, spurring her on to begin grinding her now slavering pussy against your shaft. Her legs spread out, and she plants her feet on the ground for leverage, sinking back against your chest as she gives herself over completely to pleasure.

Your hips are soon drenched with her copious amounts of pussy juices, but the slick fluids only amplify the sensations of her vigorous stroking. Her hands travel down to the base, gathering handfuls of her own juices, then slide up to the head to mix it with your dribbling precum before spreading the musky mixture down the length of your rod. Her breathing has become labored and erratic, and it seems like all it would take is one little push to put her over the edge.

“I’m gonna... g-gonna...” she manages to stutter between panting and thrashing in your arms. You cut her off before she can finish by gently biting down on her ear, and mutter through clenched teeth that she’s forbidden to cum before you.

She shudders in response to your declaration, her eyes rolling back as she visibly devotes every ounce of her willpower toward obeying your command. It’s clear that she won’t be able to hold out much longer, however, and she seems to be painfully aware of it, desperately redoubling her efforts to grant you release so that you will permit hers.

It may just pay off for her, as you feel the tension of a climax beginning to build in your groin, your canine member swelling in preparation. Sensing your impending orgasm, she begins to stroke more furiously than ever, her arm turning into a flesh-colored blur. It’s hard to tell who cums first, semen and femcum flying through the air in equal measure as she soaks your lower body with her orgasmic spray, a fountain of seed splattering up onto her stomach. Hot streamers of semen splatter against her as she continues to rapidly pump her hands up and down your spasming length, causing your copious ejaculate to sling through the air randomly. Much of it lands on her stomach, a few errant streams smearing on her breasts, while the rest of it paints the forest floor white. Thick beads of sperm roll down her chest as she lies back in exhaustion, her tired arms going limp. She weakly lifts them to her mouth and licks them clean, carefully lapping up every drop, then settles down, breathing heavily.

Finally, she shuts her eyes and rests her head against your shoulder, too insensate to react to your continued stroking with more than a gentle shiver. It’s almost a shame that you need to return to camp, as you have little doubt that she would probably curl up to sleep in your lap if you gave her the chance. You set her aside in the grass, then clean yourself off before heading back.

You grab 11 gems and 59 XP from your victory.
There is a fox jewel on your defeated opponent. You place a fox jewel in your second pouch.
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