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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like twenty one pilots.
You: hey
Stranger: sup
You: sooo, stranger :D where do u come from?
Stranger: bangladesh
You: ooooh so cool usually everyone is from the us
You: i'm from estonia
Stranger: did u go to tour?
You: no i couldn't :(
You: you?
Stranger: i m from asia ... so..
Stranger: yea fml
You: also it costs p much and it's a bit tight with money rn
You: how old r u? :)
Stranger: i put that on my before death buck list
Stranger: 17
You: ohh nice i'm 16
You: also same :D
Stranger: which one is ur fav song
You: oh god hmm i like forest a lot?
You: also message man
Stranger: truce.. ruby mine
You: yess ruby is also v good
You: i mean all of their songs are ugh
Stranger: ikr
Stranger: <3
You: would it be wrong do assume u have a tumblr
You: :D
You: to assume* ugh
Stranger: ugh.. i have one dont use that much
You: oh okay :)
You: it's just u seem rly cool
Stranger: u too..
You: oh thank <3
You: so my tumblr is flirtybluetardis (yessss it's awful i made it up when i was 13 and in the superwholock :D)
Stranger: sherlock s04 *-*
You: oh samesies Eunice: D
You: uhh i typed nice not eunice but whatever lol
Stranger: do u watch mr robot?
You: sadly no
You: is it good?
Stranger: are u into hacking .. anxiety??
Stranger: it pretty cool
Stranger: its*
You: will look it up now :D
You: but i can't find ur tumblr fren :(
Stranger: forgot my pass lol
Stranger: any chance of u being an "otaku"?
You: hmmm no i think :/ what's that
You: oh nvm googled it :D
You: no i think :( i do enjoy a good movie tho
You: or a series
Stranger: ur lie in april.
You: sorry?
Stranger: google it.
You: oh okay will do
You: aww it seems so nice
You: (also mr robot looks Cool)
You: i'm watching brooklyn nine nine rn have u seen it?
Stranger: "a sexy-yet-intimidating detective"..gonna check it out..
You: :D
You: oh forgot to ask, what's ur name? :)
Stranger: lol love it
Stranger: Abir.
You: mine is kerstin :)
Stranger: nice to meet u kristen
Stranger: lol
Stranger: sry
You: ahahaha no problem
Stranger: krestin
Stranger: kerstin
You: yay :D
Stranger: *ashamed*
You: ahh don't be people do that all the time with my name lol
Stranger: i so so sorry..
Stranger: i am*
Stranger: god dammit
You: nooo seriously it's all right!
You: just typos everyone makes those
You: (if u could see me rn lol. i'm like "don't disconnect don't disconnect aaahhh don't disconnect" :D)
Stranger: i was thinking the same freaking thing
Stranger: u seem pretty sweet
Stranger: tnx
You: right back at you!
Stranger: still watching the brooklyn 9 9
You: wait was it a fact or a question lmao i'm stupid
Stranger: love the show.. thats all.
Stranger: no ur not.. i feel retarded talking to u
You: ohokay :)
You: no WHAT
Stranger: way to much?
You: u seem so sophisticated and smart
Stranger: what/
You: sshhh: D
You: also so polite wtff
Stranger: tnx.
You: ur welcome fren
You: bbbbut i rly don't want to lose u into the internet ocean. maybe u have a kik?
Stranger: i dont have a kik..
Stranger: im pretty much a unsocial fuck
You: ur on omegle that's something :D
You: snapchat/instagram perhaps?
Stranger: maybe i am introverted..
Stranger: i dont use insta or sn
Stranger: and thats why im on omegle
Stranger: to hide my identity and meet people
Stranger: win win
You: ok same :D
Stranger: 'socializing'
You: but u could create a kik or something and still remain v secret
You: also 'socializing'
You: oh sorry i'm being not cool n clingy
Stranger: then itll feel like stalkin..
Stranger: one sided communication u know what i mean
You: oh fren
Stranger: yea .. im loser..
You: no ur not
You: shush
You: ur a cool kid
Stranger: :)
Stranger: tnx.. friend.
You: ur welcome again pal
You: wait but maybe u could give me your tumblr that way u would remain secret and cool
You: (if u did before already i'm sorry i'm dumb)
Stranger: no i didnt... no ur not
You: i thought for a sec that maybe sherlocks04 was ur tumblr so i couldn't be sure :D
You: oh but could you?
Stranger: found you
You: oooh thanks :)
Stranger: literally have no stuff on it..
You: nah that's cool
You: u can start putting stuff on it (:D) or u can just leave it like that (mysterious)
Stranger: tnx for making my day
You: what do you rly mean it i did nothing but still thank u
Stranger: omfg u didnt close this tab
Stranger: close me!!
Stranger: i really meant that btw
Stranger: peace peace...bye kerstin
You: bye abir :)
You have disconnected.
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