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Name: Onyx B.T. Sherwood

Species: Skeleton

Age: 23

Gender: Bigender (preferring male pronouns)

Battle info

Attack: 86

Defense: 65

Hp: 24

Love: 9

Onyx uses brass knuckles to beat his opponents senseless, he is very slow, but makes up for this in how hard he hits. His special attack is summoning two deformed statues, Comedy, and Tragedy, to which use orange (comedy), and blue (tradgedy) attacks.

relationship information

Onyx has an older brother, Lydian, an older sister, Korinna, and a younger sister, Pegasus. His mother, Bell, died when trying to help a few children get to school, she fell off of River Person's boat, drowning. His father, Tempus, has taken more of a liking to Lydian, and ignores him. He doesn't have many friends, but will sometimes hang out with Shyren.


Onyx is very Independent and self-centered. He does not like to be around people, think angry undyne, who doesn't like people, and is less of a show off.


Onyx is a skeleton. He wears a black leather coat with spikes along the cuff of his sleeves (edgy I know), white combat boots, a grey shirt, and jeans. The "sclera" (background) of his eyes are white, and he has large "bags" under his eyes, along with two scale-looking things under his mouth. He has eight fangs in total (four on top, four on bottom), while the rest of his teeth are normal.



"Leave me alone, would ya?"

"Go to hell!"

"Idiots, you're all a bunch of idiots"

"I'm going to love killing you, brat"

More Info

Onyx is a skeletal being born into the Sherwood family, a moderately wealthy family that lives in the capital, though he spends a lot of time in the Librarby in Snowdin, and in Waterfall, with Shyren. Basically a normal monster, there isn't really anything special about him, other than the two slime monsters he keeps as pets, to which he named after his special attack, these two are dog-like being which wear masks (designed by Onyx, you can see them on the shoulders of his coat), they can speak, and are great company, though they will attack anyone who seems like they are a threat.
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