NotesWhat is

Notes brand slogan

Notes -

In nopti ca asta, luna apune unde soarele rasare. Lacrimile mangaie gatul, apoi obrajii si se ascund in pupile - picteaza irisul. Totul merge invers. Timpul nu are sens, e lumina dar e noapre, imi pot viscerele ca haine si tin dieta cu ulei.
I want my old self back. Where has all my empathy gone? Where is my tendress, my softness and carring? What happened?
Inghite lacul de pe bolta
Lumina felinarelor muribinde
Cadavre fixate in pantofi
Merg in maini si se impiedica
Radacina copacilor se zbate
In aer, vibratii adanci si cu ecou
Crengile nu rezista in pamant
Si tin sa se rastigneasca in ciment
Si un scapat de la spitalul 9
Pune un pantof pe o craca
Adulmec fumul de tigara din aer
Si imi umplu plamanii
Care devin tot mai vioi si dornici
Sa umble pe o strada de lemn

Nu pot sa ating oglinda
Se crapa cand o mangai cu privirea

rascolesc cimitire intregi
Sap pamantul cu mainile goale
Il purific de ultima radacina de pir
Si rod lemnul sicriului cu dintii
Spre marea disperare a cadavrelor
rascolesc cimitire de suflete
Si simt o durere in coasta
Am atins un mormant drag
Si plang pamant cu pir si lemn
Si sange mi torn peste el
Care imi inunda plamanii
Si ma face sa tusesc soapte
Dar mortul nu se scoala
Inauntrul cosciugului e altul
Si urlu in aganoie caci trupul meu
Curand cadavru a suferit o implozie
Il asez in sicriul din interiorul celuluilat
Il ingrop cu grija, posed alta forma
Si pornesc in cautare de morti
Cu inghiile si inima negre,
Pline de pamant.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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