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1. He really does try his best.
2. Imagine how hard it was for him to learn Mandarin so he could fit in better with Exo-M. Learning another language isn't exactly the easiest thing in the world, especially Mandarin, of all lanuages.
3. He's a beautiful singer the way he is and I don't think he needs to improve at all. He's fine the way he is.
4. Imagine how uncomfortable it was for him. He probably felt so left out and undeserving.
5. He shouldn't have to prove anything to us.
6. Chen, if I ever had the chance to go to one of your concerts, believe me, your name would be all over my body.
7. That probably is the worst feeling in the world, watching the other members leave with gifts, but not having any yourself.
8. If you're a real fan, you won't make any of them feel unwanted. He deserves to be there just as much as the rest of them.
9. Please stop making him feel this way. He doesn't deserve this bs.
10. He's probably so depressed on the inside but has to keep smiling anyway.
11. Honestly, yall need to stop and fucking think about this.
In conclusion, Chen is a wonderful and uplifting person who doesn't deserve this kind of treatment from some of the fans. Chen is, and will always be, my ultimate bias out of all kpop groups because he deserves it. Chen is really underappreciated for all that he does. He's one of the best singers in the group but some of the fans pay no attention to that. Also remember, he's under SM for gods sake. Imagine how poorly he must think of himself if he's getting horrible treatment from SM and this from the fans. Anyway, they should all be appreciated for all that they do.
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