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You approach the downed kitsune cautiously, wary of any tricks she might have hiding up her sleeve. She makes a feeble attempt to scurry to her feet and run off, but you catch her by the collar of her robes and pull her back, spinning her around and pinning her to a tree, leaning in close.

“Oh my...” she says, blushing a little as you close in on her, your hot breath on her neck.

Your fingertips trail down through her hair, gliding over her cheek and neck, down over her bountiful chest and sliding over the curves of her hips. With your other hand, you tug on the sash that holds her robes together, letting her perky breasts bounce free, and begin to grope and squeeze them. You grab a nice handful of her plump, juicy ass, eliciting a small squeak from her before she calms down and shivers beneath your touch, her six tails curling forward to caress you gently.

“Hey now, don’t think you’ve gotten the best of me,” she says, fighting against the pleasures of your touch with every fiber of her being. “I’ll... I’ll...”

You only smirk, dragging your fingers across her side and leaning in to nibble the edge of her neck. She practically melts in your arms, rolling her eyes back and moaning, her cheeks growing flushed with desire.

“Ah-aah! S-stop, y-you’ll-”

“I’ll what?” You cut her off mid-sentence, taking great pleasure in teasing the normally coy trickster, holding her squirming body up against the tree as you slide your hand down in between her legs and dip a finger in between her moist lips. She groans and lolls her head to the side, her chest heaving up and down and her whole body shuddering from head to toe.

You toss away your leather armor segments, dropping to the ground without a second thought, and you carefully lift the hem of the kitsune’s robes to inspect her groin. A small tattoo rests on her pubic mound, accentuating her shaven pussy.

Your pointed dog-dick rises up in between her legs, sliding along the opening of her vagina as if to remind you what you’re ultimately after. Feeling that you’ve teased the girl enough, you hike up her legs into your arms, pressing her against the tree to hold her up in the air. Your shaft flops out over her stomach, and you start to grind back and forth against her pelvis, dripping pre all over her.

“W-what are you waiting for?” she demands breathlessly, wrapping her tails around your waist and grabbing your shoulders for support. “This is what you wanted, right? Come on, fuck me!”

You pull one of your arms out from beneath her leg and press a finger to her lips, telling her that she’s in no place to be making demands of you. She blushes deeply and nods, her eyes glazing over a little as she embraces her role submissively.

“J-just this once...”

Smirking, you lift her leg onto your shoulder once more and continue sliding your shaft across her groin, letting her get good and wet before you press it up against her. Strings of sticky lubricant flow down your shaft as you press into her, forcing a moan from her throat as you push the narrow tip inside, her slick lips parting easily and inviting you inside. Her breasts jiggle lightly when your narrow thighs bounce up against hers, the walls of her pussy clamping down against your shaft.

Balls deep in her warm, inviting pussy, you groan in pleasure, sliding your hands up to squeeze the deliciously plump globes of her ass. Moaning deeply, you pull your hips back and start to thrust, her quivering walls making loud squelching noises each time your ample, animalistic puppy-pecker drives home. She throws her arms around your shoulders and then tosses her head back lustfully, her eyes rolling back and her tongue lolling out in pleasure. Her sopping wet cunt convulses and squeezes around your throbbing member, matching every curve and fold of flesh perfectly. She hooks her legs around your narrow hips, freeing you to slide one hand up to grope her breasts, the other straying down and squeezing her ample ass.

As you continue your wild bucking, she coils her tails around your lower body, using them as leverage in order to pump her hips down to meet each thrust, lost in lust. One of her tails slides up and curls around your foot-long, pointed shaft, caressing it lovingly with the soft fur before constricting around the sheath. Your shaft throbs with heat as it swells up from the makeshift cock ring, a light tingling zigzagging up your groin when the tip of her tail brushes up against you, leaving behind a ghostly trail of blue flame.

“Oooh, don’t stop, please... Fuck me harder...” she groans flashing you a coy smirk and sliding her hand up your neck, running her fingers through your hair.

You indulge the coquettish girl in her request, redoubling your passionate thrusting and wrapping both arms around her back, moaning into one of her furry, triangular ears. Your swollen cock slams into her pussy over and over, strings of sticky lubricant flowing out over your groin and dripping to the ground loudly. She moans wildly, squeezing your big, animalistic puppy-pecker with her sloppy cunt and thrusting her hips down to meet yours, and you find yourself pounding her pussy with a reckless ferocity.

Her tail constricts even tighter around your shaft, as though sensing your impending orgasm and seeking to prevent it. Your cock swells up even larger inside her, making the two of you groan in unison. It feels as though you can make out every ripple and wave of her soft inner flesh as it cascades over your engorged member, caressing it from all sides. Rutting and grunting like a beast, you thrust into her once, twice, thrice more, and moan deeply, your cock twitching heavily inside of her. Your shaft swells up just behind the blockage provided by her tail, building up pressure, but either the pressure is too great for her to hold back anymore or her own climax distracts her long enough to make her lose her grip, and your orgasm spills forth like a raging white river.

Her vaginal walls convulse around your twitching member, milking it of every drop of your hot, sticky cum. She groans orgasmically as your cloying spunk spills into her womb, wrapping her legs around your waist and hugging you tightly as though she couldn’t bear the thought of letting even a drop escape.With a groan, you pull back, holding your arms up underneath her shoulders to keep her from falling to the ground all at once, and lower her down slowly. You pant lightly, leaning on the tree to catch your breath and looking down as she stares up at you, utterly exhausted.

Finally, you turn to gather up your things, cleaning yourself off a little and pulling your leather armor segments back on. When you turn around again to check up on the insensate kitsune, you are left scratching your head, staring at the spot where she was mere moments ago. All that remains of her is a puddle of mixed fluids, already mostly absorbed by the ground, and the faint sound of mischievous laughter filtering through the trees.

You grab 17 gems and 97 XP from your victory.
There is a fox jewel on your defeated opponent. You place a fox jewel in your third pouch, giving you 3 of them.
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