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living with at least 3 other people i dont know. dont know if they are loud, messy, party, what their schedules are
mackenzie is far from everything, no one will come to me, far from all my classes and friends
bad parking
4th floor
good way to meet new people, but what if dont like them
alredy gotten through a year without liking my roommate
living with annie help me be more organized and less stressed
but worried she will get on my nerves too much, ask me for hw help, be annoying with alex, not take things seriously, be in my way, sick a lot, but last shot to really live with her

in suite can still hang out but won't be the same as living together
if going to be at everyone elses room whats the point of having my own room all to myself
easier to not lie 1 person than not like 3
but what if i like suitemates, easier to escape them if don't like them
hurt friendship with annie
don't know all her quirks, has to be clean, doesn't take schoolwork seriously, wants to always copy or just tell her the answer, going to see her a lot in classes anyways

but i like shults, close to everything, first floor, good parking and easy on knees, newly remodeled
mackenzie have a lot of remodeling, tearing down building, loud
people don't like mackenzie, don't want to be on 4th floor again, away from everything, going to encourage loner ness, but also gives me the option to be truly alone when i need it, don't really have that with annie
not all roommate experiences are bad
dont want to get in trouble with academics if live with her
only like 2 years left to spend with annie, helps me take things less seriously, but both have issues
annies issues more managable than potential 3 or more people i dont know
knees really bother me, easier to be on lower level, less stairs and easier to get back to if forget something
don't want to regret it either way, what one will regret less, worried annie might get me into academic trouble but won't be able to have fun with her senior year living together
don't want to isolate myself from everyone/everything
feel like being alone wont help depression
but dont want to get myself into trouble living with annie
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