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They are UK's Expat Couple of the Year, and they aren't strangers to the spotlight. In the six months since her farewell to her once stellar Hollywood career, Eliza Thornberry and her fiance Matthew Lim made quite an absence from public life. Scandal and mystery have dogged the two, be it Eliza's oversized breasts, why she got them, how they have destroyed her promising career and even her lover's fetishes over them. But for this couple, life has since moved on.
BBC's Chris Morgan had the fortune of meeting Eliza and Matthew at the former's former school. While she had studied there for a few months, her famed life as the daughter of her father Sir Nigel, as well as her sensationally-sized mammaries has earned her quite an audience among current students of Lady Beatrice School [as well as the respect and well-meaning gossip among her former schoolmates]. Having finished a morning class with the school's First Formers, Chris got to talk with the couple within the school grounds:

Chris: Eliza, I know it's a bit embarrassing but considering the size of your breasts, do you feel... uncomfortable dressed in school uniform?
Eliza: I always thought school uniforms were silly, much less me wearing one, but with what I have turned into now I guess the joke's on me. Frankly, I feel very sexy in it. It's a bit conservative but still being so busty it makes it more bit comical on me. It helps too that my partner Matt enjoys my fetishised assets, yet prefers us to dress modestly when it comes to visiting institutions like Lady Beatrice School.
Chris: It seems like your... sexualised figure has earned you some interested fans among the students ... and some jealousy from your former schoolmates.
Eliza: It's quite embarrassing that my bust is a bit attention-grabbing. But I realised It pales to the matters of the heart and soul. While my body may be my partner's dream come true, he has always - and have won - my heart and that really matters at the end of the day. Besides, I found much to live for having left my job as the show host of my own television show. I realised that like my parents before me I was pursuing my career and my passions only to find myself crashing into a crisis - that ironically needed someone the likes of Matt to help me in those uncertain times.
Chris: Some may want to ask what are you doing at Lady Beatrice School. It seems very unusual considering you briefly studied here.
Eliza: It's Matt's idea really. He suggested that we go to my former school to help out improve the subject of sex education taught here as visiting facilitators. I shuddered to have considered such a thing, even more so when my boobs were this huge at first. Ironically, my sexually-distorted body seems to have helped raise awareness on the subject. It's a bit shambolic to learn about the state of the subject taught in the UK these days. And by letting people know my condition and relating it to our sexuality I found much joy in helping students better understand their own bodies - and the decisions they will need to make later in their lives.

Chris: Mr Lim, you seemed to found your dream girlfriend - ginormous tits and all - in Eliza...
Matthew: I'm flattered for Eliza to become such, but it's not an easy task prove I care for her or even to earn her heart. Don't get into the financial angle: I mean, she's got a pedigree from her parents I do not have in my family. It means I got a lot to prove I am of her calibre. It makes it harder that she was a successful TV host herself, so I am lucky to get this far with my credentials so far...
Chris: On the contrary of what you just said, I believe you have won over Eliza's hearts despite the odds...
Eliza: It's quite clear he has... (giggles and flirts with him)
Matt: Well... Thanks... Its only natural of me to think otherwise.
Chris: Still, you pretty have built a good account of yourself: you are a biomedical science graduate, worked and studied in the accounting field and been a critic of Hollywood's cultural and accounting practices. Bonus points for being Eliza's authority on sexuality in her show's finale - and now facilitating sex education at Lady Beatrice School.
Matt: Well, I am pleased to make my mark. Nevertheless, I feel honoured today to be able to inform and impart the knowledge to students need for the choices they will make later in life. It's unfortunate that many youths today are being shown messages that cheapen the value of our self-worth, sexually or otherwise, and it has made them to unwittingly take decisions which could profoundly affect the rest of their lives. I hope my actions today helps students here to be better prepared for such life decisions when they do face them.
Chris: Speaking of Lady Beatrice School, it is quite a precedent for them to allow a visiting male facilitator to conduct lectures within the school grounds. The institution has been known to be off-limits to males, somewhat justifying it with protecting the all-female students in light of the recent pedophile scandals of Jimmy Saville, Gary Glitter, Rolf harris, and for a Malaysian context, Richard Huckle...
Matt: I am disgusted by the scandals and the crimes committed, much less the criminal themselves. It's more shocking for these crimes to be only uncovered after years they were committed. But I am pretty safe in all consideration: Other than my kinks, I am a man with proper taste for ladies of my age range. And for the matter, I am committed to Eliza. As a final point, Lady Beatrice School found they lack female educators with my level of expertise...
Eliza: Well, that was why I am with him for the lectures.

Chris: Finally, any future plans for you two?
Eliza: Getting married is obvious. At the meantime, I am being offered a spot to model intimate wear. I cannot tell anything more though, Matt's a bit... excited bout it.
Matt: For me, anything for our adventure together. But one thing's clear: we are not going back to Hollywood.

*BBC wishes to thank Matthew Lim and Eliza Thornberry, and for Lady Beatrice School for allowing access to the school grounds for this exclusive interview .
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