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After I pinned my Shirley Temple curl like hair into a beehive eighty's look i reached for my purple lip liner and lipstick I lined my lips in the dark purple liner making my blue eyes pop i finished my lips and fixed the leather over my blouse checking one last time for my wallet and phone.

"Are you ready!" my aunt yelled from downstairs I didn't reply i just met her at the front door.Sage was already out side in the car waiting on us. I couldn't believe that Ravone had backed out dew to the new sickness she had but when she rang i knew in her voice that she was under the weather and so close to school it was understandable hell i wanted to trade places with her.

As we pulled up to the costly Italian place i looked in to the window spotting him right away he sat there alone wearing a suit as i got out of the black dodge charger Sage got last year getting a better look at the more then middle aged man. he didn't hold any resemblance to his young nephew. i had only met the former military man once at a bar-b-que with Hayden two years ago as he told the younger kids his war stories less detailed then the ones he told the men standing around the open flame as me and Hayden snuck around his back yard when his uncle caught us i was scared.

He had the same scar on his forehead and angry grin that still sat on his face as he drank more of the tinted liquid in his glass his face changed from a uneasy angered grin to a smile as he saw my aunt walk up to the table followed by Sage and I.

"Hello everyone" he greeted standing from the table kissing her forehead and hugging her quickly his smile grew as he saw Sage.

"Hey, Mike" Sage greeted back before pulling my chair out running his hand over my shoulder briefly before sitting down next to me across from my aunt

"It's nice to see you Jailynn. Hayden didn't bring you along on his trip, How come?"the man hit the buttons before i had gotten settled i looked at my aunt and back to the man sitting next to her before opening my mouth just as a reminder of why i was here.

"He didn't ask." slipped from my mouth before i could create a better excuse the puzzled look on my aunts face followed by a snicker from Sage

"Uh...Oh. Well i suppose it has been awfully quite lately around Grace's house. cause you not there" he tried to make a joke but completely failed his smile cracked when my face didn't up turn like my aunts did

"Hey, we should order" Sage made a quick save and flagged down a waiter raising his hand

Thank you's went around the table when the menu's were placed in front of us. The night had progressed slowly with small talk and fake smiles. I jumped in to the front seat of Sage's car after waving to my aunt who was staying the night with Mike at the local strip joint / bar where she worked he bought the place and the hotel next door to it after he had a honorable discharge and sent home.

"Thanks for coming with me I didn't wanna go alone." i told Sage as he pulled out of the parking lot

"Yeah no problem what and where next?" he asked me.

"Home?" i asked more then told the brown eyed guy in the drivers seat before turning the radio up slipping a C.D in after surfing the stations i turned the volume even louder annoying Sage with the departure album from Jesse McCartney

"Yeah cause Daddy's little girl is now my baby..." i sang looking at Sage as he tried to hide the smile on his face

"You just turned eighteen a week ago and you wanna learn what you don't know"He sang along with me making us both laugh.

When we pulled in the drive as we ended our argument of what movie to watch. We walked to the door as i went to unlock it i notice the door cracked the lock wasn't busted but the it was open i knew we had locked the door before we left.

"Whats wrong?" Sage asked me i looked up to him and put a finger to my lips in a way of silence i looked through the crack i saw some one but as soon as i caught a glimpse he had noticed us and when i barged the door open with Sage following behind me he was gone with a flash of an instant out the back door through the kitchen.

"You saw him to right?" i asked Sage out of breath as i steadied my self next to the black and white counter there was an envelope laying upon it I looked up at Sage

"What. The. Fuck." sage breathed as he looked at the missing door ...missing door . as in that dude ripped it off its hinges holy shit i looked back to sage and his eyes traced over the letter in my hand's.

"Read it." he demanded. I nodded at him and turned the black envelope with my name in silver written on it sliding my finger nail through the top opening it slowly. Before pulling the letter i looked at Sage one last time his eyes ushered me to continue so i did pulling it out and opening it it took a moment for my eyes to focus on the words but when i did i almost dropped it.


Dear, Daughter of the night,

It is time for you to know. We have been watching you grow into the young women you are now.

But oblivious to the world that you should have been raised in. Allowing you out of the protection of our people, To your mother's arms you went, in to the outer world you were left.

He had no other choice, When your father was slain I had to save you, You may not remember me. But we have met, Many years ago. But now it's time for you to come in to the world you've been sheltered from.

It's time for you to come home.

Sincerely, Queen Victoria Raoul-VonHoughton & The Royal Family.


Hayden and Sage those names have been on my mind along with the damn letter, Sage stayed until the door was fixed and didn't leave until late last night. I was up almost all night i barley got any sleep because of all of it. i'm beyond stressed about going back to the hell hole of a school with bratty teen's and loud teachers already.

I applied some black eyeliner and a cat eye and put on my acid washed old ripped skinny jeans and a white v neck i over lapped it with a gray and black flannel and slipped on my ring it was a gift from my father for my birthday but he didn't make it to my birthday so my aunt gave it to my once she found out about the change she said it was a family thing passed down throughout the years her and my father were friend before my mom got knocked up.

After breakfast i walked to the hall closet and grabbed my black old torn up converse high tops and slip them on grab my all black nike string bag and shout goodnight and goodbye to my aunt Marie since she just got off work and continue to walk out the door semi prepared.

As I walked in the halls on my way to the office passing Hayden as he shoved books in to his locker ignoring me. He was never a morning person. i returned my eye to the ground until i reached the glass door.

The office was empty, I walked up to the counter and rang the little hotel like bell, I watched as the dyed red headed plump lady waddled out of the orange door.

"My goodness your about to pop" I told the pregnant school attendant

"Good morning Jai glad to see you back, When you asked to change history to another period, I was worried. You and my son are still okay?" She asked I looked down shaking my head

"No...No Grace we're...We're not okay." I stated. We hadn't been okay since school ended and we hadn't talked since mid last year when he found out.

"Oh no I'm so sorry. I'm sure he will tell me all about it when I get home and ask him. No reason for you to honey. here's your new schedule" she came around the counter hugging me and handing me the paper.

"You should be at home. Resting" I told her focusing on the last word. she laughed

"Yeah, But the first week is always the hardest" she replied before making her way back behind the cherry wood desk.

"Bye, grace" I said pushing the glass door open. Hayden's mom was always nice to me but the new marriage had taken a toll on Hayden. It had been almost a year since we were okay he didn't even show up to my seventeenth birthday. After he found out about the change on top of the stress from his mother remarrying almost two years. But still shortly after his father's death.

"Wait up Jai!" Grace yelled behind me she held her tummy walking speedily well as fast as she could towards me. She was gonna bust anytime now with Hayden's little sister.

"Yeah" I responded jogging to her so she didn't have to keep pushing her self.

"Can you show two new students there classes one has the exact same schedule as you the other a grade under she explained slowly from the lack of breath she fanned her self with her stack of papers in her hands.

"Yeah, no problem" I told her walking back with her to the office. When we walk back in to the office there was two new guys standing there one with brown hair the other black

"This is Jai...excuse me Jailynn" she announced to them. With a tight smile I nodded along with every thing grace said with out actually listening only catching the end about purple elephants in room 205 she killed me sometimes.

"Really so Ms. Ryan has some purple elephants now i thought she was gonna stick to her cats." I shot back shrugging my shoulders like Hayden would. smiling at the middle aged women. She smiled at my comeback.

"Go on, Jai show these young men there classes." She ushered me out quickly joking back with me again. With one last goodbye i walked out the glass door followed by the two dudes.

The two guys, They're obviously brothers, One had a nice amount of tattoos and one looked a bit young. The younger glimpsed at me and what caught me the most was his eyes i mean i have blue eyes so does Ravone and her eyes were even lighter then mine but his, his were like electric blue and i was so, so captivated and intrigued with them they looked unnatural.

We walked in silence until we got to the first door. "Since We start early today ill show you to the classes first" i told the oldest while walking up the stairs.

"Here is your last class English across from the library and since you have P.E right before it makes it so easy this door goes straight to the gym" I pointed to each door as i told him my finger landing on the grey stair well door but the color wasn't what caught me it was the creepy man standing behind it who moved as soon as i saw him i looked to the brothers asking them if they saw the same, But to no hope, they hadn't. I walked the few feet away from the locker hallway that continued a hundred more feet, towards the door slightly opening it to see if any one was in there but nothing. No one.

"Geometry, Spanish" i pointed out walking past the two doors and to the last two before the wall stopped with the Gym doors.

"Okay, So this door is Science this History. and these two lead to the gym and if you walk up the set of stairs it will lead to another door the work out room which is free to use as signed in nobody uses it except the jocks on Fridays other then that they condition in the outside gym next to the dance team, But if you continue up the the other half you will find the door leading back to the library area. Any Question's?" i explained checking my watch halfway through and looking up with a half smile.

"Nope, History is my first." The older one says before walking to the door "Oh by the way my names Dylan" he let the door close behind him i laughed he hadn't spoke this entire time besides nods and laughs as one of the jocks walked by us joking around with me.

"He's an idiot ignore him" The younger one stated his clipped words sounded rushed i gave him a small easy smile before holding my finger up and walking to the door.

"Hey Mr.History ill be late showing another one around... Oh and by the way his name is Dylan... Dylan Jones" i pointed to him sitting in the back with a smug smile on my face and dismissal from the fifty year old man i leaned back out the door allowing it to close.

I asked for the paper in his hands he handed it to me probably too fast.

"Don't be nervous, the teachers here are not bothersome and neither are the student's If you have a problem ask for Ms.Brookes , tell her Jailynn sent you shes the best here." i told him as we made our way back tot he rest off the school pointing to the sophomore classes he needed leading him to the first class.

"So for lunch meet me by the front door all walk you to the place where we eat. same for your brother." I told him and he gave out a laugh. I didn't know why. But once he saw my quizzed face he stopped

"Thanks Jailynn." He said before taking his note book in his other hand with an awkward wave he moved towards the door

"Your welcome, Jayden." I told him laughing and continuing my way back to history.

Later that night Ravone and I were sat at my kitchen island with my aunt she was getting ready to go it was around five thirty.

Soon we were wishing her well out the door if me and Ravone had not thought about movie night i would be in my room stuffing my face with hot fries and other junk food but instead we made our way to the couch her arms full of pillows blankets and giant stuffed animals to cuddle with and mine with every junk food chocolate covered item in the pantry with pop corn bowls and more we set up turned on teen wolf ready to binge watch it till three maybe four am. Once we were sat in front of the couch bundled up i asked her if she had the same weird feeling about Dylan and Jayden.

She had agreed and after explaining how she felt at lunch we ended up on speaker with sage planning how to get more information on them, cause something was off and uneasy about the two thankful that Sage wasn't in high school and didn't go to lunch with us after the two brother sat with us joking about supernatural life.

Maybe i was spooked because of the creepy guy who seemed to be following me and the letter even if it was a practical joke by some idiot it still made me uneasy how would someone out side of the four I've told knew i was a... Vampire.
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