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Name: Joshua Walter
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: November 2nd
House: Hufflepuff

3 personal desires:
➢ To take care of his family.
➢ To break out of the cycle of servitude his family is currently employed in.
➢ To travel.

(+) Joshua is loyal and protective. If he were an animagus, his animal form would be a German shepherd—he is unwaveringly loyal to those he loves.
(-) He gives people second chances. And third chances. And fourth chances. He wants to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but that never works out for him.

ㅤ➢ Weight: 141 lbs
ㅤ➢ Height: 5' 7"
ㅤ➢ Hair color: Black
ㅤ➢ Eye color: Hazel
ㅤ➢ Body type: Athletic
Joshua is tall, dark-haired and sometimes called handsome. The clothes he wears are comfortable but not attention seeking. His hair is ruffled and mussed in a way that works for him, but doesn't lead other people to stare. He's modest in his appearance, preferring to avoid piercings and eye-catching tattoos. His eyes are hazel. His body is made for a quick sort of activity—he likes playing as chaser or seeker on a Quidditch team, and he likes to go running when he has the time. His arms are decently built up and he likes to keep it that way, but he's not looking to be the biggest guy on the block. He's got an ego, same as everyone else, but it's not that big. He's taller than the average person, and he tries to avoid appearing 'gangly' or 'awkward'.

Joshua has a lot of friends, but never ends up leading a circle of his own. He appears when he likes and people have a good time when he's around, but he's not the first person that comes to mind when you're thinking of someone from his house. He likes to think that he's popular without being stuck up about it. He's not the loudest guy in the room, but he's comfortable with himself, and he's the type of guy who'd have a few friends. Joshua is a stable presence at any school event; he enjoys company. He enjoys a bit of popularity, but doesn't let it go to his head. However, he'd miss it if he suddenly found himself disliked. He's working on developing his magical skills as he enjoys the more intricate spells, Transfiguration and Charms specifically. He's intelligent, but he's more known for his athletic skill or being fun to hang out with. He can't decide if he wants to be an Auror, go into curse breaking or work with animals, but he also can't shake the feeling that he should do what his parents and grandparents and great-grandparents have done throughout the centuries—serve. He's pretty go-with-the-flow, but he can anger quickly if it's in defense of someone he likes. If you present him with a challenge, he won't back down.
His main traits are loyalty and protectiveness. Joshua won't let anyone hurt anyone he cares about. He never abandons people. If there's one person you can count on, it's him. He doesn't like bullies and he doesn't like to see people upset. Once he decides you're a good person, he's on your side for life. He'll give you a million second chances and he'll support you in whatever you do (so long as it's, you know, legal).

Family background:
From an early age, he learned right from wrong from his parents and he's stuck to the same path ever since. Both of them work as servants for a wealthy family and from the time he turned seven, he did the same, cleaning floors, running messages and doing small tasks suitable to children. The Walker have never been rich. They're very loyal to the family they serve and are known as trustworthy people. Though Joshua didn't have a lot growing up, he did have his family and that was enough for him. He made friends among the other child-servants and together they formed a close group of their own. When the letter came for him to go to Hogwarts, he received permission to attend the school, and when he comes home for the summer, he resumes working again. He dreams of doing more than serving for the rest of his life, but he's not sure what he wants—or how he'll tell his mum and dad, whom he loves dearly.
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