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LAWL. what was the point of posting that here?

It has no bearing on your ban. If you feel im being harsh, make a fucking PPR. But, you better present actual evidence of a clinical evaluation by a recognized medical facility or you can go fuck right off to Hellfury TS forever.

You brang in a medical condition as a reason for your outbursts in your own fucking appeal. Ive stated over and over, real or not, its not even going to be considered as part of your appeal.

But GG, you are now blocked on steam. You can kiss my ass at this point. Im done dealing with your constant childish outbursts whenever you dont get your way.


I am a pink unicorn.

Stating it doesnt make it fact. Nor is it a fucking excuse for your actions either way.


A self diagnosed medical condition is no excuse from your actions.

The ban was never meant to be perm, but you do need a time out. You cannot continue to act the way you do without us being forced to take action.

Next time you address one of my managers or a member of staff like that, the ban will be for a minimum of 6 months. No more chances.



1. your appeal stated you acted out because of a condition
2. im a pink unicorn. Stating it doesnt make it real.
3. im not retracting shit. any condition, real or self diagnosed, is in no way an excuse and will never be considered as part of an appeal.

I didnt call you a scumbag or a liar. I stated your "condition" is no excuse and not part of this appeal.

Keep acting like a fuckwit Kehaos.


That was in your appeal.

Again, self diagnosed, real, or born of chemicals in your water, It has no bearing on your appeal. Me stating it is a self diagnosis is in no way a mistake, its an opinion. take that however the fuck you want.

I will not retract that statement. Period.

I will not apologize for stating its self diagnosed. You also called yourself borderline suicidal, which is another "omg look at me" self diagnosis.

Enjoy your 2 week ban.


Kehaos: please retrack your statement i self diagnosed i have autism tyvm
KR4N1X is now Online.
KR4N1X: Awesome, your outburst wasn't related to that though.
Kehaos: u still made that statement
Kehaos: so please just say oops didnt mean that my bad
Kehaos: i understand the rest just dont say things u have no facts about
KR4N1X: As berger doesn't present as a solid consist statement, it's an uncontrollable and normally unrelated outburst. Not what happened. Using that as an excuse is fucking evil.
Kehaos: i have it so dont make it look like im lying
Kehaos: cause your being the evil one if you want me to call you out on saying u know if its BS or not
KR4N1X: Not saying shit, it wasn't related and you show no evidence of it being diagnosed or any actual symptoms.
Kehaos: cause its 100% true i have aspbergers
Kehaos: u want me to get a doctor to explain
Kehaos: its like me saying your a pedo with no evidence
KR4N1X: And I should believe that why? And it isn't even a factor in your appeal either way.
Kehaos: and your making it part of the appeal by saying anything about it
Kehaos: calling me a liar is scummy
KR4N1X: You mentioned it in your appeal.
KR4N1X: Fuckwit
Kehaos: because its a fact
Kehaos: your stating assumptions



Real, or self diagnosed. Being a fucktard persistently and using it as an excuse is retarded.

I will not apologize for doubting your ability to be truthful. I will not apologize for labeling it self diagnosed. If you feel im being harsh, make a PPR. Be warned, an invalid PPR without evidence wont end well for you.

You were given an opportunity to return to the community in 2 weeks, dont make management reconsider that by trying to play the moral highground when you fucked up and then threw out a medical condition as a reason for your lack of self control.


I didnt call you a liar. I said you are self diagnosed. Theres a difference, you probably fully believe you have a medical condition. Heck, not to be offensive, but you most definitely go full retard often enough to provide evidence of such.

Doesnt mean its real though.

I did not state you asked for special treatment, only that you provided it as an excuse for your actions. Again, 2 different things.

Now, good luck staying unbanned when you return. You are on your final warning at GC. One slip up will result in a full and perma ban from GC, a global perma ban.
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Regards; Team

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