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Raise your hand if you have ever heard the name Frane Selak ? Now raise your hand if you know why he is famous? We'll majority of people in this room will learn something new in the next 5 minutes. Meet Frane Selak, an elderly music teacher from Croatia and depending on how you look at it , he is either the worlds luckiest or the unluckiest person to ever live. His unbelievable yet true story begins on a cold winters day in 1962, traveling from Sarajevo to Dubravnik, a fault with the line caused the train to jump the tracks and plunge into the freezing river below while all the other passengers drowned in the sinking wreckage. Suffering a broken arm, Frane manages to escape and swim to shore. Little did Frane know at the time but this incident marked the beginning of a series of bizarre events that will occur over the next 40 years of his life...The following year while traveling aboard a plane bound for reyucca disaster stuck for a second time, mid flight both engines stopped working ,cabin pressure dropped and the plane began losing altitude. You might have thought that this could be the worst thing that could have happened but you'd be wrong. While the plane plummeted towards the ground a malfunctioning door blew off and poor Frane was sucked out of the aircraft. Tumbling through the air without a parachute. Frane must have thought he was a gonner, but while the plane crashed into a side of a hill, killing all 19 on board. Frane somehow managed to land on a haystack and survived with only minor injuries. Another 2 years went by before Frane's next brush with death. This time while traveling by bus. Ice on the road caused the wheels to lock up and the vehicle skidded through the safety guard and into the valley below. 4 passengers were killed but not Frane. Tired or perhaps terrified of public transport Frane began traveling mostly by car but that didn't to seem to help either in 1970 his car engine burst into flames but frane was able to jump free before it exploded. Then 3 years later in 1973 the fuel pump in his new car ruptured casing another engine fire but this time the flames were blown at him from the air vents. Needless to say he survived this too although with less hair then he began with. In 1995 he survived being hit by a husband in 1986 a careless truck driver forced him off the side of the mountain road. His car plunged 300 feet and exploded in a ball of flames, but Frane wasn't in it having somehow jumped out the window. He was found clinging to a tree some way down the cliff face. Now Frane's story may have ended there as since then he hasn't been involved in any death- difying incidents however there is one last twist to this man's incredible story in 2003 at the age of 72. Frane bought a lottery ticket. His first one in over 40 years.he won. The jackpot!! Safely securing his place as the luckiest unlucky person to ever that everyone heard his story who thinks he is the unluckiest or the luckiest person. Raise your hand if you think he is the unluckiest. Now raise your hand if you think he is the luckiest. Well some people believe on superstitions. Some people say it is unlucky to:
1-to walk under a ladder
2-seven years bad luck to break a mirror
3-unlucky to see 1 magpie lucky to see 2
4-to spill salt. If you do, you must throw it over your shoulder to counteract the bad luck
5-to open an umbrella indoors
6-to put new shoes on the table
7-to pass someone on the stairs!!!! I mean we do that every day!!
Remember that bad luck can happen to anyone! Thank you
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