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I've seen too much misunderstandings about OC, AU, FL, OOC, and even Mun!talk.

I hope it helps, feel free to correct me if I did something wrong. ( Too much grammatical errors, sorry! )

— OC : Original Character. Have you ever read a novel? Nah, Harry Potter is an original character that created by his writer; J.K Rowling. It means, we, the writer, can create any things related to our OC—such as name, personality, DoB, abilities, job, family, etc. All of OCRP using FC (face claim) to visualize their character.
[ Ex: I have an OC, his name is Han Jeongi. I claimed Kim Jongin's face to portray my character; Han Jeongi. That means I'm not RP-ing as Jongin, but I do RP an original character named Han Jeongi. I do plots to write stories about Jeongi, I even create his past/background stories. As writer of Jeongi, I should illustrate my charater really well. So I wrote some details (biography) about Han Jeongi in weebly/tumblr etc. ]

— AU : Alternate Universe. Have you ever read a fanfiction? AU is 'different' world from the real one.
[ Ex: In reality Kim Jongin is a member of EXO, but in FF I've made, Kim Jongin is an assassin. I didn't change Jongin's real identity such as name, date of birth, etc. But I DO change his job into assassin.
In RP, I RP-ing as Kim Jongin. I want to change normal Jongin (human), into AU Jongin (vampire), it's called Vampire!AU because I don't even change Jongin's real name and his face. ]

— FL : Freelance. RP with no agency.
If you're not joining any agency at this time, you're a freelancer; no matter what kind of rp you are—ICRP, OCRP, AURP, Korean RP, Anime RP, Western RP, etc. Simply, you are 'free'.
These days, some rpers misunderstood about FL and OC.
"If you want to be a fl, you should do plot, make your own name, blahblah." < This is exactly WRONG.
FL and OC is totally different, my dear. Not all OCRP are fl.
Or, "Suggest me username for fl?"
Like ... what do you mean? Are you searching for multiusername or nah?

— OOC : Out Of Character. If a character normally behaved in certain ways, they would be "in character." If they did something radically out of the ordinary, that would be "out of character."
[ Ex: My character, Han Jeongi, is very kind and a good guy. But yesterday, I tweeted:
"What a bad day, I, Han Jeongi, really hate everyone in this world." In this case, I did OOC. Since Jeongi is a good guy, he wouldn't said that tho. ] Not only in tweets, in plot too.
Some rpers said that OOC is talking about the writer's real life/activity. NO. OOC and writer's talking is very different. You're still 'playing' with your character in OOC, but in writer's talk; you're talking about the person behind your acc, NOT the character you're RPing as.

—Mun's talk / Writer's talk : Talking about your real (a person behind the acc) life; that's not related to your character.
[ Ex: I tweeted, "I'm so done with school." Since Jeongi is not a middle/highschooler, it means I did writer's talk. ] It's me (the writer of Jeongi) who've been talking.

Nah, I'm done. I'm sorry if the examples are kinda freak, since I'm not really good at explaining in English, haha.

RT'd be appreciated, please spread this to your friends too, because we're all still learning.

{ Src: google and my research. }
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