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Danny Belair

Oh shit! Yeah that doesn't work with our scheduling. Thanks for all the info on all the other places! We're going to look into them. Maybe the Saw Galley or Live on Elgin might be a good fit.

Also do you know if there's any sketch troupes in Ottawa? We're looking for an opener. An improv troupe could work too! Do u have a troupe that you perform with? Maybe you guys could do the show? Let me know!

Valseline Peretzbenz

What dates are you considering? We can def get some sketches together
There are no sketch troupes but we have been introducing sketch in our improv shows lately and are interested in developing more sketch. Would you guys be into teaching a sketch workshop when you're in town?

Danny Belair

Hey Val right now the tentative date would be Wednesday Aug 24th, we have a meeting tomorrow and we're going to lock down the tour dates. I'll ask the group about a sketch workshop too, if we have time to do it we'd be game!

Valseline Peretzbenz

Fantastic! Chris is asking for Teethmothy (our fave)
We will be in town, and very happy to help with openers, anything else you may need 😊

We have a good relationship with the owner of Live on Elgin and can put you in touch

Danny Belair

Awesome! That would be amazing! I'll get back to you after our meeting today and let you know. I looked at photos of Live on Elgin and it seems like it'd be a great fit!

We definitely want to bring Teethmothy on the road!! There's a 98% chance he'll be there we just have to figure out the logistics.

Also we'd really appreciate your help getting openers! Are there a lot of improv troupes in the city now? Do u have a troupe that could open? What's Crush Improv??

Valseline Peretzbenz

I'm in a troupe (Trevor Comedy), and there is a great pool of talent here, I'll talk to the others and figure out who would be free to do a set -- how long would you like it to be? Also, we're really interested in sketch, if you're open to it, we can definitely throw that in the mix.
Danny Belair

Danny Belair

Yeah any troupe can totally do some sketch! We're definitely open to that. Right now we might be bringing another troupe on tour with us, so we might only need one local troupe. Doing around 15 minutes.

If we don't bring this sketch troupe on the road then we'll need two local troupes doing around 10-15 minutes each. We're trying to sort out all those details as soon as possible.

We're still locking down the dates too. It'll either be August 23rd or 24th. I'll confirm all this very soon!
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Regards; Team

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