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Inductive reasoning: deductive reasoning
starts with facts and details leading to general conclusion. starts with conclusion and then explains the facts/details/
Expository text: informs/explains/describes outline the basic elements-evaluate their effectives
Literary text: narratives,essays,works of fiction (have a plot)-focus on one aspect;
Topic (story), setting, use of language, major events, point of view, structure, tone,major characters.
An interpretation should both describe the text and elaborate upon it
1. introduce the major characters 2. explain how the author portrays them 3. discuss what the authors purpose was.
Persuasive text and bias.
when the author wants to try or get the read to believe or do something:
go back to the text and find examples of the author being persuasive.
look for persuasive language and persuasive techniques. examples: (pre thanking, obviously, glittering generalities, bandwagon appeal)

When an author is not objective.---they obviously lean toward a certain perspective or side of an argument .
pay close attention to see if both sides of the authors argument are presented evenly.
Plot line: Stages of the plot line. Introduction(exposition) (sets up plot. tell what the story is about)--Rising action( all action leading up to conflict)
--Conflict(main problem)---Climax(peak of conflict)---Falling action (beginning of resolution, what comes after the conflict)---Resolution(probably find solution to conflict)

Reading Comprehension tips:
read when you're not tired/read for short intervals/read in a distraction free environment/ comprehend what you read/skim what you are about to read first/take advantage of the way a textbook is structured (take notes of bold words etc)

Textual evidence for predictions:
A prediction is an educated guess about what will come later in the text: ( can be about an event or how a character will behave)
-must be based on information in the text or knowledge about the literature in general.
Foreshadowing - when the author hints at something that will occur later in the plot
can be subtle: storm clouds= danger,something bad
can be direct: romeo and Juliet (would rather die without each other, they did)
form of fortune teller----Red Herring - when a hint or prediction by the author does not actually occur.

Textual support for Interpretation.
1. Identify authors methods. 2. Decide on one aspect of the writing. 3. evaluate and analyze that one aspect.
MAKE IT STRONGER--- *Root your interpretation from the text. 1. Quotes- what characters say. 2. Details-physical characteristics, plot.
3.Statistics/Facts relating to your topics. ( more precise)

Theme: The overall idea of a piece of literature --lesson,moral
do not confuse with plot, plot is what the characters do/the action.
about human nature/society/life in general.
there can be more than one theme
ask yourself: what is the lesson or message?
Common themes.-
mans struggles against society/nature/faith
overcoming adversity
the importance of family/friendship
sacrifices bring rewards
honesty is the best policy

Appeal to the readers emotions:
An attempt to persuade or to distract the read from the weakness of an argument.-
-pity--bandwagon approach--insults against counter argument--testimonials(someone famous for endorsement)

Authors Position-Authors stance on the issue at hand
-notice personal opinions
-notice bias
-notice emotional language
-notice what is left out

-flat-no change-small roles
-round-change-main roles
*moves the plot along

Conclusions that are stated directly.
* Always be drawing conclusions
It is always more comfortable to draw conclusion from information stated within a passage, rather than to draw them from mere implications.
*read the entire passage

Denotative and connotative meanings
Denotative-literal meaning
connotative-emotional reaction a word may invoke

Determining word meaning
Structural analysis- Prefix + root + suffix (unacceptable)
^prefix ^suffix

Identifying a logical conclusion
-helps the reader understand whether they agree with the writer or not.
-infer --- combine
what you already know <--> info in text
lots of money
Example: mark made more money that week than he had in the previous year
little money

predictions-based off
what they have read
what they already know

Purpose of an Author-why the writer wrote the paper

Stereotype-bias against group or place.
-cultures, ethnicities, and religions
-not curious

Supporting details
-reinforcing a larger point
-informative and persuasive text
-easy to spot
-factual and relevant

Text Evidence.
Supports *main point and points
-precise,descriptive and factual

Topics and Main ideas.
Topic-subject of a text/what the text is about
Main Idea-most important point being made

When a discussion doesnt have a key word, what do you do.
(which of the following would the author of the paragraph likely agree with)
-look for a keyword in the answers.
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