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FurysTenchu: we already friends you goon
FurysTenchu: inv
FurysTenchu: ill join discod in a bit
RIPsessions: kk
FurysTenchu: i quit out
FurysTenchu: inv again
FurysTenchu: nvm lol
RIPsessions: how am i being racits dude
RIPsessions: i swear im not racits man
RIPsessions: why would i do that on stream dude?
RIPsessions: you know how many asian , east indian friends I have
RIPsessions: Why would I hurt my own channel
RIPsessions: IM sorry if I laughed at something?
RIPsessions: but it was not being rascitrs
FurysTenchu: im not typing this shit out
FurysTenchu: get in here
RIPsessions: kk
FurysTenchu: join the main lobby
RIPsessions: drag me in
RIPsessions: or passwoird
RIPsessions: please
FurysTenchu: join the stream chat ill drag you in
FurysTenchu is now Online.
FurysTenchu: are you still playing?
RIPsessions: im playing solos to blwo off some steam
FurysTenchu: playing solo you say?
FurysTenchu: oh i just watched the vod again, i didnt know the jaycub kid was also in your discord to, and i see hes still on your friends list, idk man things are starting to add up
RIPsessions: Really man? still accusing me?
RIPsessions: After I explained myself clearly
FurysTenchu: i mean hes on your friendslist, playing the same game you are right now, was even in your discord saying that shit on stream. and you didnt even bat an eye
FurysTenchu: come on dude seems fishy to me
RIPsessions: What do you mean I didnt bat an eye I shut my stream down and got to the bottom of this
RIPsessions: What else do you want from me
RIPsessions: Watch the VOD
RIPsessions: i didnt do anything wrong
FurysTenchu: after i started calling him out, looked like you only stopped the stream becuase i was calling someone out
FurysTenchu: as he was yelling USA in the discord you didnt say shit
FurysTenchu: that was a good 3 mins before i said anything
RIPsessions: Causeing drama that would have been rewsolved in whisper not on my stream
RIPsessions: So i have a question, if someone is chanting usa thats being rascits?
FurysTenchu: after asking if someone is chinese yes, and i now i know for sure you are defending him because he said the same damn thing
FurysTenchu: holy shit RIP and to think i trusted you for a second
RIPsessions: You can go ahead and think what you want man, I didnt do anything wrong
FurysTenchu: it was on your channle dude, so yes you did in twichs eyes
FurysTenchu: and your defending that shit bag so you are apart
RIPsessions: As you can see im not deleting my VOD cause I didnt do anything
FurysTenchu: lol you know i have to tell the stream team about this right?
FurysTenchu: i cant let racist shit fly dude
FurysTenchu: i just cant
FurysTenchu: i have to file a report for your stream now to dude, im sorry
RIPsessions: If thats how you feel
RIPsessions: I apologized numerous times to you
RIPsessions: and you can accept an apology I dont know what else I can do
RIPsessions: I was not being rascits nor do i support racism
FurysTenchu: thats what you are doing
FurysTenchu: dont bullshit me man
FurysTenchu: im not stupid
RIPsessions: Im not sticking up for anyone
RIPsessions: Your basically harrassing me for something I didnt do
FurysTenchu: hes on your damn stream in your fucking vod saying racist shit at people and you just sat there
FurysTenchu: and your still playing H1Z1 with him come on dude
FurysTenchu: its the internet you can see everything
FurysTenchu: go ahead and counter report me see what good that does
RIPsessions: Im not counter reporting me for anything
FurysTenchu: anyways im done with this shit man, have a good night and enjoy
RIPsessions: Im not hiding here
RIPsessions: Goodnight man
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