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the other night my spirit was agitated,a little vexed,and it troubled me through the night. well the next day after releasing and confronting the issue that wasn't even an issue really, once GOD illuminated my "perception" to have a better "interpretation." the spirit of the Lord,the Holy Ghost led me to a familiar passage in the Word. Martha & Mary. "Posture" or "Position." (luke.10:38-42) Martha chose to serve, in the position as a good host.Her position as a host was a good thing to do but it took precedence over posture. it just goes to show you can be doing a right thing but all wrong.Bishop always says theirs a right way and a Godly way your will or the perfect will of GOD.So when our position; rather its how we view a thing, or our mandate, and our titles become superior to posture we open the door to agiatation,frustrationthe position soon becomes cumbersome and even causes us to do a little hating on our bro/sis like martha did.Yet, mary chose to sit at the feet of Jesus feet,her posture was synoumos to a worshiper,her posture sat her at a place called intimacy,it look like she was doing nothing but she was getting everything.My God this was real to me our posture when in worship it positions us to recieve peace,joy,power,insight, i started out like Martha but to GOD be the glory i wound up like Mary.
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