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The wolf of wall strett is a 2013 movie produced by martin scorches
Leonardo stars as ryan belfort
It tells the story of ryan belfort a young trader who just arrived in wall street. HSo he begin to work in a gigantic society but right after that the enterprise were sut down because if the black monday are the wall street stock exange lost 13%

Right after that jordan found a new job as a trader too in a small enterprise based in long beach who only trade penny stocks. Penny stocks are like stocks who cost under than a dollar.But quickly he began to make more money than his colaborateurs.
So he decided to open his own trading company with one of his friend.
He called it straton oakmont with no reason obviously it was just because the name sounds luxurious.

after a time making money illegally and growing up fast, the forces magasine made an article about him and the day after a lot gf young traders were waiting for him to employ them.

But the fbi to were interested by his society. after a long investigations ryan went to jail for 4 years. Now the real ryan is doing some speechs fore a living.

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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