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Describe your experiences at museums? How important are these places to citizens of a country?

Museums are crucial in a society, no matter for tourism purposes or educational purposes. They play a major role in shaping citizens' view towards their nation and keeping the nations' history alive. As countries develop and progress, traditions and cultures slowly dies off and soon, the nation's unique identity will fade away as well. Museums keep them around, both physically and mentally, in the hearts of the people.

Body Paragraph 1: (Experience at museums)

Since young, I have always enjoyed visiting the National Museum of Singapore. I enjoy observing the paintings of local artists and attempting to see the meanings behind the artwork. I remember looking at the huge numbers of artifacts collected throughout the years and getting a glimpse of how people in the past lived. I also remember reading the long and detailed recounts on the history of Singapore, from the lives of people when Singapore was still a quiet fishing village to Singapore's independence and progress. These gave me an insight to the history of Singapore.

Body Paragraph 2: (Point 1: Preservation of the rich culture and heritage in a country, not allowing the identity of a country to be lost as it progresses)

The importance of physical museums spark debates even till this date. Some people feel that history of a place can be found on the internet and that there is no need for a physical museum. However, I do not agree. A museum preserves the rich culture and heritage of a country. The culture and heritage of a nation is its identity. As time passes and countries progresses, the need for something or somewhere to remind citizens of what their country used to be increases. Moreover, artifacts and paintings have a much more important role to play than being kept as a collection. These items hint people what the past used to be like. More people get to study and admire them as they are kept well taken care of in the museum. Without somewhere safe to store all these treasures, they will be lost as they are passed along from one collector to another.

Body Paragraph 3: (Point 2: Allows citizens to have greater understanding and appreciation of other cultures and religions in their country. Especially important in Singapore as Singapore has people of varying racial groups and religions.)

Museums also allows citizens to have greater understanding and appreciation of other cultures and religions in their country.

Body Paragraph 4: (Point 3: Citizens will see how their country has developed through the years, learn the obstacles and difficulties faced by their forefathers, and thus appreciate the progress of the country. -> heightened sense of belonging to the country)
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